Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 728 (Middle): Expedition memories, intelligence speculation, Maori and Tokugawa

Listening to Tokugawa's words, Maori, who had been self-hypnotized by the "ashamed" younger generation, couldn't help but feel guilty.

For the junior high school students of Rikkai University, even in the face of Nioh, Maori has a certain degree of confidence. After all, none of these juniors had ever asked him in detail about the issue of No.1 in the different dimensions of the First Army.

During the expedition, Rikkai's life as a big high, is actually thousands of miles away, still caring for the younger generation. He revealed a lot of information about fellow high school students--

Although Nioh also knows a little bit, he is not very accurate and detailed after all.

The information Maori told them was different.

The "super newcomer" of the U17 training camp, after entering the first army after a period of "observation period", he won the heart of the first army leader Byodoin Fenghuang.

--Rookie, willing to play hard, it is a kind of obedient compared to other players, and it doesn't cause trouble.

At that time, Mōri Juzaburō had only two shortcomings.

One of them was directly restrained by the Hyotei high school students-Maori was originally a bit lazy to escape training and paddling, but under the supervision of Tsukimitsu Ochi, he completely became a hard-working U17 high school student.

Another point is that Rikkai is big

No, it's mainly because of No. 2 of the first army!

When the leader of the First Army has not yet realized the "true face" of Rikkai University's junior high school students, and when the First Army No.1 has not yet learned about Nioh, Byōdōin Hōō just can't understand Tanegashima Shuji.

The reason why he is a little bit emotional about Rikkai is because the No.2 army has "inadvertently" shown off his juniors too many times in front of him!

--How can Byōdōin Hōō treat it as if it's such a provocation that seems obscure but is actually very straightforward!

You know, Tanegashima Shuji's Rikkai was not the champion of the national competition.

At that time, the tennis team that had two consecutive dominances was named "Makinofuji"!

And now the junior high school tennis team that has been dominated for three consecutive years is Rikkai, who has been shown off by Tanegashima Shuji for two consecutive years.

This makes Byōdōin Hōō really unbearable "Two Five Zero"!

When he was a junior high school student, Makinofuji was the dominant team in the Kansai region. Although he was in the limelight for a while, he always competed against teams from the Kanto region and other places in the national competition every time.

The Rikkai Grand Tennis Club is the "veteran" Kanto overlord. It is impossible for the two tennis teams to have no "connection"!

But the tennis team that won two consecutive championships was Makinofuji.

Although Rikkai was still re-elected as the champion of the Kanto Championship, how could Tanegashima Shuji, who served as the head of the tennis department of Rikkai at the time, not have some bad feelings towards Makinofuji, an "old opponent"?

Comparing Nioh's level of "isolation and helplessness" in the final of the National 3rd National Championship in the Rikkai Taisho Election of this year, we can well imagine how hated the Makinofuji tennis team led by Byodoin at that time was.

Tanegashima Shuji will certainly not be jealous of Makinofuji's legendary minister, but this does not prevent him from having some resentment. Therefore, as the No. 2 of the first army, I have repeatedly reported to the No. 1 of the first army the "good results" achieved by Rikkai juniors-this approach can only be done by the confident Tanegashima.

When Nioh's national competition for middle school students ended before, the No. 2 team was very proud of it-he showed off the "capital" of his younger generation!

Such Tanegashima Shuji once made his fellow high school students very disgusted.

Had it not been for the expedition at the beginning, Tanegashima might have caused public outrage!

But when everyone’s emotions reach a critical value, the expedition will begin.

Therefore, Maori now only verbally says "Tanegashima-senpai is too irresponsible" and "senpai doesn't care about me".

Rikkai's high life seriously thought about it--

If No. 2 of the First Army is really responsible like the senior Hyotei high school students, then his Mōri Juzaburō may become a frequent visitor to the U17 training camp infirmary!

And when Mōri Juzaburō knew how prestigious the leader of an army was on court,

[Tanegashima-senpai’s care and happiness, troubles]

[Leave it to Nioh!]

The Maori player who is very fond of seniors said that his Rikkai junior and junior Nioh can well bear the price of being cared for by the No. 2 army.

As the saying goes, "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight", and won the "preference" of the erratic predecessor of No.2, Nioh is bound to get the "focused attention" of many high school students!

--Especially the boss of the first army who has seen the first army NO.2 is not pleasing to the eye!

[Little Nioh, he can definitely shoulder the "care" of Tanegashima's predecessors. 】

Knowing how strong his junior’s tennis skills are, Mōri Juzaburō doesn’t worry about the safety of his juniors at all.

He even wanted to know who his own junior, who was very enchanting in the country, was stronger in tennis compared with the boss of the first army.

"Tokugawa, it is good for you to have confidence, but listen to me first."

Maori has definitely relaxed his mind for younger generations. Now, when I see Tokugawa who is firm and serious, I feel a little guilty.

"The tennis skills of the Byodoin predecessors may be much stronger than you expected!,

The relationship between Maori and Tokugawa is pretty good, he doesn't want Tokugawa to go to court with too much confidence.

"It was the evening of that day when the expedition was about to end."

Although he was very reluctant to recall what he had experienced in the indoor network court that day, Mauri had to look back on his "tragic experience" once again.

"There are more than a dozen of us! After going to court, they were all beaten by the boss!

Although they did not really do their best to resist the No.1 "tyranny" of the first army, although the angry boss of the first army "killed" at the beginning, these are not excuses and reasons!

"Among us, there is only Senior Tohno and only he has survived ten minutes!"

Maori has a lingering fear when he speaks of this.

It’s no accident that Tohno Atsukyo, a hard-headed predecessor, can last ten minutes under Byodoin’s hands. Because of these "learned people", only Tohno played this game seriously.

- Kimijima is a different player.

Less than three minutes after Kimishima played, the racquet in his hand was blown away. He himself took advantage of the situation and went to court.

And Mitsuya Akuto, who had the "database" in his hand, went to court with satisfaction after experiencing the "different dimension, pirate" for two minutes.

The two Shitenhouji are simply playing two-on-one-these two have a lot of courage and never forget Shitenhouji's "funny" style of play in such critical moments. They talked about Mancai on court, so that the leader of the army didn't want to see these two people anymore

Apart from Tohno, the only ones who can be called "hard bones" are the Iron Man and Hakamada Izo.

As for Date and Banli who are also tough guys

Shouldn't the doubles players go to court together?

These two "(because they saw the first Tohno Atsukyo who went to court was beaten so badly, so) "Know the current affairs" high school doubles players, like the Mutsu brothers and Shitenhouji, both chose "doubles".

--Anyway, it's just to let the No.1 army calm down.

I know that because of their "private collusion", the high school players who annoyed the leader of the army are very careful at this time!

For example, Omagari, which has good stamina...

He was cut to zero in seven or eight minutes!

If you go to the game normally, it is absolutely impossible to be like this.

There are more than a dozen of them. How could it not be possible to kill the No. 1 army at the end of the wheel battle?

Unfortunately, Tohno Atsukyo, the most active (.), was eliminated first.

"It's so tragic!"

Maori couldn't help closing his eyes as he said.

He seemed to be in a daze. He seemed to be able to see himself who was last on the court at the time. Although he was "squeezed out", he got a good order for court, but because of the high school players in front (except Tohno, Fusha, and Hakamada). The water was too much, he was obviously the last one to play, and he was beaten worse by the boss of the first army than Tohno!

Tohno Atsukyo was just embarrassed when he ended, he was directly beaten to exhaustion by the boss of the army!

"I have some doubts about the authenticity of the world now

Maori said with a wry smile.

"Senior Byodoin once mentioned "the world" to you, right?

"On that day, I seemed to see a'world' behind the'pirate'!"

With human power, how can it be the enemy of the power of a "world"?

Byodoin can continuously defeat almost an entire expedition team players (although most of these players are very hard-working ("counseling")), his own use of different dimensions is very critical.

"You asked me about the strength of the seniors in the Byodo-In Temple before, but I was not very clear at that time."

When the No. 5 court challenged the No. 3 court, Tokugawa Kazuya had the idea to explore Maori's No. 1 tennis strength because of his "communication" with Nioh.

"If you say something at that time, I'm afraid it will be misleading."

At that time, Maori was still in the middle of the expedition in full swing, and had not personally experienced the horror of "world pirates".

But during Maori's middle school period, there was Liu Junshi in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club-Maori understood the "horror" of intelligence. Accurate information will increase the odds of winning, on the contrary, inaccurate information may really "kill people"!

This is not empty talk.

Take the simplest example--

Those tennis players who are not well-informed and not broad-minded, and unfortunately encountered Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura who wanted to use the "five senses" to try their hands in official matches, are they okay now?

Under the name of "Son of God", there are more than one person who has given up tennis directly because of the fear of "destroying the five senses"!

Not everyone can be as unyielding as Sanada, and not everyone has the willpower of Minister Hyotei.

Those players who faced Seiichi Yukimura, who was new to junior high school and wanted to show off their skills, because they didn't know enough about Yukimura's intelligence, they were really miserable in Kunichi.

As for Nioh

Nioh Masaharu's tennis information is still a secret.

The people who made the most progress in the secret secrets were probably Rikkai Chief Minister and Rikkai Chief Liu Junshi. Perhaps, add Yagyu Hiroshi, who is silent but is getting to know Nioh more and more.

Therefore, Maori, who was asked at that time, failed to give Tokugawa an accurate answer.

And now--

"Now I can speak my judgment very seriously."

"Even if I can't beat Senior Ghost in another state, it will never be too far away, but I have been away from the U17 training camp for too long, and I don't understand Senior Ghost's current tennis strength."

"But if I use myself for comparison--"

"I have a feeling, plus Yueguangsang, the two of us can't beat the Byodoin seniors!'

"Entering the game state" and "playing the game seriously" and "playing the game as hard as possible" are completely different degrees.

Maori didn't know and had never seen an army boss trying his best, but he had seen "Another Dimension-Pirate King"

Two years in middle school, and a few months in high school - Mōri Juzaburō's own mental talent is not bad, and he has received Nioh's high-level oppressive mental "grinding". After entering the U17 training camp, he has the mental power of Tsukimitsu Ochi Accompany court.

He may not see other things, but if it's about "detecting the hidden breath"

Who can be better at this than Mōri Juzaburō, who has been partnering with Nioh Masaharu for two full years?

"If it's little Nioh, he probably can.

Maori said.

Nioh hides too many things, especially mental power. It's impossible for the gross profit that has been truly tuned to Nioh to be aware of this.

Although out of consideration for his younger generations, Maori didn't explain this to anyone-he didn't even tell Yukimura and Otsuchi, but the benefits of being truly "coordinated" with Nioh have always existed for Maori himself.

After Yukimura and Nioh "resonate" and "homology", the different dimension directly enters a new realm.

Since Nioh's first national period, Maori has been playing tennis with this white-haired junior almost all the time. The predecessors with brown-red little curly hairs have witnessed the growth of the younger generations with their own eyes. At the end of the two, they showed their tennis to each other without reservation.

Because of this, Maori is very clear that "if it weren't for the plan for Nioh, his and Otsuchi's odds of winning against Nioh and Atobe would actually be zero"!

In qualifying, Maori set a "trap" specifically for Nioh.

But it was this kind of targeting, a plan specifically targeting the only possible "loopholes" of the younger generations, and finally ended in failure-with "targeted planning" even so, wouldn't it be a complete failure at the beginning?

"My doubles match with Yue Guangsang, in fact, did not show the tennis level of the young Nioh.

Maori thinking this way, he felt from the bottom of his heart that he was "cheating" in the previous game.

Because the rest of the army, even Yukimura, will not have the "conditions" he has!

Intelligence is very important.

The real two-way coherence with Nioh, the understanding of the growth period of doubles in two years-these are "priceless treasures".

Liu Sheng who doubles with Nioh in the third year of the country will not have such good conditions as the gross profit, because there will always be only one "Nioh Masaharu in the first time of the country"!

"--if so?!"

After hearing Maori's words, Tsukimitsu Ochi only slightly nodded, and Tokugawa was just stunned. The person who reacted most violently was Irie Kanata.

"In this case, Tokugawa, do you still want to play?"

Irie pursed her lips, then said.

He originally wanted to dissuade Tokugawa, because according to what Maori said, coupled with his own powerlessness facing Nioh on court - Irie knows very well that Tokugawa is definitely not able to beat Nioh!

However, this orange-brown curly high school student thought before he spoke, Tokugawa Kazuya himself also played against Nioh!

Tokugawa must be very clear about the tennis prowess of the "doubles player" Rikkai.

If Maori's intelligence is accurate, how can Sai Techuan win the last qualifying game?

However, knowing that he is losing, I still have to take a blow. Irie, who is actually very soft-hearted, really doesn't want to see this.

"But this is also an uncertain speculation.

Tokugawa and 2.9, who have already decided to fight No.1 against the First Army, seem to be more calm and self-sufficient than Irie.

"Byodoin Temple"

It's just that the two punches that the black-haired high school student made tightly on his side have exposed his emotions.

"I really can't beat Nioh.

Tokugawa calmed his mind and continued.

"Heh, can he definitely beat Nioh?"

Tokugawa has never felt that the No. 1 tennis team is weak. After returning from the back mountain that year, he already had the mind to accept failure and the vision to see higher and farther than before.

"Maori, you and Nioh are too familiar. Although you can target him in the game because of this, you will overlook some things."

Father, like son.

Black-haired high school students don’t think Maori is completely right.

Anyone with vision can see how hard Nioh Masaharu was targeted in the previous doubles qualifying match. Moreover, many people can also see that Nioh is under pressure in the doubles game and is waiting for Atobe's breakthrough!

I have known Nioh's Tokugawa Kazuya more than a year ago. When I watched the game, compared to others, I had more questions in my heart--

[Is Nioh really trying his best in qualifying?]

Tokugawa himself has a "black hole" technique that can greatly improve his strength in a short time.

Sometimes, "very powerful" is not the peak strength of a tennis player at all!

PS, Oops, I can't stop writing about Mori-senpai!! The pertinence and importance of intelligence When reading the manga, the representative character Inui Sadaharu has already shown us well. The Saint Rudolph Tennis Club is also an example (although watching the moon did not really get information from Fuji Syusuke)

Pps, but Nioh didn't tell Maori some information in time (such as Gujin Wushuang, etc.), and Masaharu was not guilty from the beginning~ because he didn't plan to use these in doubles qualifying!

[Stop it, you guys!! I just want to save the manuscripts until the month of the devil's exam, and now I don’t save the manuscripts for a few days, it will be a terrible change of the month! And the author is worried about the exam, even if the account is registered, it is probably khakaka. Typing on the keyboard


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