Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 729 (Bottom): General Order, Source of Enlightenment

The thick black is mixed with inky red, as if the dark clouds on the battlefield are mixed with blood.

Even the oncoming wind seemed to accompany the sword's Jin Rui.

"Different Dimension-General Order"-Sanada's move was originally intended to deal with Nioh.

In the final of the national competition Rikkai vs. Seigaku, Sanada met his hand in the singles three, and he gained a lot from that game.

After the finals of the national competition, stimulated by Nioh and Yukimura's "homology" and "resonance", Sanada simply started research from "homology" and "resonance".

Deputy Minister Rikkai is a straight-tempered and a tough guy.

It was not a doubles player, he thought, isn't "coherence" means to maximize the strength of the two people on the court to achieve the effect of "one plus one is greater than two"?

Yukimura's different-dimensional moves are all heading towards the goal of killing the "Selfless State". Can his different-dimensional moves allow him to play stronger than the "simultaneous" on singles or even on doubles?

Deputy Minister Rikkai knows doubles. He used to be a great doubles combination with Minister Rikkai.

But from the moment the country met someone, the Deputy Minister Rikkai actually had a misunderstanding about doubles.

"Forced homology" really impressed Sanada too deeply. So when Sanada officially started his next new move after the finals of the national competition, he was unstoppable and went straight to the current "general order"-while deterring the opponent, he also "commanded" his teammates-if the opponent would" Same tune", that’s even better, maybe you can double your opponents

Combination of "homology" "impact chaos.

Doubles, in fact, give players more possibilities on the court and make tennis matches more variability.

Sanada didn't pay attention to this point specifically, but he did follow this understanding.

Multi-ball consecutive play, when Nioh and Maori came back from the U17 training camp for the "first time", this training has been added to the training menu currently selected by the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club. This provided a good foundation for the "black aura" of the real 250 field, which caused the course to bend again due to multiple rapid swings.

Of course, multiple tennis balls are harder to catch than one tennis ball, and multiple bends are naturally harder to catch than one ball.

So if you are standing on the doubles court, as it is now--

"Black Dragon Triple Slash!"

Super relaxed, Sanada made three bends in his swing.

Not only his own credit, but also the foreshadowing left by Ajutsu's previous swings.

And, the singles three in the final of the national competition.

The handist Kunimitsu not only gave Sanada the idea of ​​"It's hard to know like Yin" and "Moving like thunder", but also gave Sanada a deep understanding of the use of tennis spins.

Shoujia Realm, Shoujia Phantom One is to let the opponent's tennis fly to his own domain, and the other is to let the opponent's tennis fly out.

So, can you also use this to automatically make the ball bend?

"Different Dimension. General" implemented Sanada's ideas, and now the "black aura" centered on the banner has contacted Akutsu Jin.

This is how the two doubles cooperate.

Second bending has become the norm--

Three bends, or even more, are the hard work of these two middle school students!


"2:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

These two middle school students, are their current opponents really middle school students?

No. 6 of the first army, facing such a middle school opponent, my heart is faintly chilled.

Sanada Genichiro and Akutsu Jin--what kind of "monsters" are these two middle school students!

With Omagari's "storm-beaten" state of mind, he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

Although he had prepared himself before the game in the morning (bhcj)--

First Army No.6 high school students are ready to face the mentality of different dimensions of combat power from the very beginning.

Even if Maori and Yuezhi have actually taken on the "most difficult task"-the two of them missed the opportunity of the white-haired middle school student who most feared them all to enter the qualifying match.

And Rikkai University’s Minister of Junior High School has also finished playing Kazuto Kimijima.

The above four U17 training camp high school students used their actual experience to warn the remaining players of the army of how uncomfortable middle school students are.

But among junior high school students, how many tennis players can truly reach the top ten true standards in the first army?

The bottom ten positions in the First Army are actually well occupied. But to gain an advantage in today's qualifying competition-although the first army players did not really fight the second army in this second army's challenge to the first army, the original first army bottom ten can do it There is actually no one at this level!

That is, if Mitsuya Akuto is the data tennis player who has collected enough intelligence data, it may cause trouble to the top ten players in the army.


"3:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

Pairing doubles with Tanegashima Shuji was indeed the worst thing Omagari had in the U17 training camp.

The qualifying match obviously should show their strong tennis skills as a senior in the first army, which shocked junior high school students and other senior high school students in the second army. It should have been a good time to enjoy the awe and worship of juniors.

As a result, it has now become such a "thankless" errand!

All this is to blame that first army NO.2--

If it wasn't for this guy who deliberately wiped the black hat of the junior high student before the game, if it wasn't for Tanegashima Shuji and Kimijima that he had revealed his intention to want a certain junior high school student to be his opponent before then, how could the game become what it is now? Intense situation!


The No.6 action of the First Army changed hands in one go, and the powerful and smooth second sword flow once again demonstrated his tennis prowess as a player of the First Army.

However, the high school student who played seriously on the court, the real regret in his heart would overwhelm U17.

Omagari thought, isn't the reason for their current situation similar to the four tragic colleagues who lost the game?

One is "self-inquired".

Maori was enthusiastic about playing against his good junior, and his good junior Nioh Masaharu also readily promised.

As a result, the genius of their army, Mōri Juzaburō, took Tsukimitsu Ochi to the stage. He was anticlimactic, with a perfect start and excellent process, and was almost autistic by the younger generation!

So is Kimijima, he is clever and wants to count Rikkai's minister. Probably because Tohno Atsukyo stayed for a long time without any motives, Junjima's triumphant negotiations became his final "grave."

Whether one of the goals has been achieved is yet to be known, so I lay down on court with Tohno-it was too miserable, worse than the gross profit I hit against the wall of losing!

Now it’s Tanegashima Shuji’s turn

As the No. 2 doubles partner of the First Army, Omagari is really heartbroken.

"Hey, the score in the second set is already 3:0--"

"That's how it goes?"

First Army No.6 said to his partner.

The odd-numbered rounds are swapped halftime, and there is a small break in the middle. Although this short period of time is short, there is still time to say a few words.

"Ryuuji, have you lost patience?"

"It's only 3:0--this is less than half, are you so impatient?"

No. 2 of the first army looked at his doubles partner in surprise.

He didn't expect that his partner, who has always been known for his patience, would be so impetuous?

"Or "

No. 2 of the first army hooked the corners of the lips.

"Are you scared, Ryuuji?"

Others say that Irie Kanata has good eyesight and can perceive people's hearts. Tanegashima Shuji himself admitted that he was very jealous of Irie's ability.

However, from a realistic point of view, No. 2 of the First Army is actually on par with Irie in this respect.

After listening to the doubles partner, he thought about it and immediately understood his partner's concerns.

-Daqu is not really afraid of middle school students, but was shocked and shocked by the previous games.

The No.6 of the first army is probably thinking, they have missed the second set of victory now, will the third set be directly beaten by the middle school students?

It is possible to gamble in the game, but there must be no luck.

The NO.6 mentality of the First Army is now too cautious, and he is afraid that he will follow in the footsteps of the previous four colleagues.

"Don't laugh, Tanegashima!"

Daqu was a little annoyed.

"Your'Destroyed Nothing"' has been restrained, right? I thought that the twice-curved tennis course was already the ultimate middle school student could do. As a result, they have even more powerful skills!

"Bend again after two bends. This was originally difficult to deal with. As a result, they still have other dimensional moves that happen to be restrained!"

No. 6 of the first army really feels a lot of pressure.

Even if they have led one set, even if the second set is not over yet, he already has psychological pressure.

The use of double knife flow, coupled with the cooperation of "death is nothing," there is no self-restriction of 60% strength and no concerns about keeping hands. Omagari and Tanegashima Shuji can actually cope with second or even third bends.

But the two middle school students over there really played restrained moves--

The tennis ball that has been blessed with the power of the different dimension has increased a lot in strength and speed. Now the further use of the different dimension-general is even worse, giving high school students a feeling of burnout.

It is already difficult for a middle school opponent who can make the ball bend at a critical moment. Now their opponents are two middle school students who can cause the most basic bend in the ball!

"This is no different from "Resonance"

Daqu said very carefully.

This is exactly what he thinks, without the slightest exaggeration.

"Resonance" allows the doubles partner to understand and use his own skills. On the opposite side of the court, Sanada's ball path bends--that can be called "Black Dragon X Heavy Cut", isn't Akutsu already able to use it?!


Tanegashima Shuji blinked.

"Don't Ryuuji think this is a bit like'homology'?"

Tanegashima said in a relaxed tone.

By now, he naturally wanted to understand the source of inspiration for the opponent's different-dimensional move called "General Order".

"Furthermore, it seems to be influenced by the Minister of Junior High School Seigaku who has left the U17 training camp, right?

Tanegashima said, and even smiled happily.

"Miewuwu" was restrained in this way, and he actually didn't have a sense of crisis at all. .

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