Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 732 : The last field, the end declaration

Bang Yi

After the black air flow is twisted, it spins rapidly.

The tennis ball is located at the "center of rotation", like an arrow piercing the enemy's heart.


Like the wind and rain on the sea, bursting quickly ~ swift!

Seeing such a ball, Kite Eishirou immediately thought of it-a storm.

It feels like a natural disaster.

I just don't know, does such a blow have the same power as a natural disaster?

Before the start of the game, it can be called a clean and tidy court, and now there are some traces of potholes in some places.

And there is dust flying in the air--

This dust was naturally swept up, sending a "sandstorm" to the doubles of the high school students over the net!


In my ears is the sound of a trembling tennis ball and the air tearing.

Omagari didn't have time to catch the ball, and he couldn't catch it-how should he catch it for the first time facing such a ball?

The audience outside the court couldn't feel that, as a player facing this ball, he could feel the power of Sanada at this time!

The speed of the ball is actually very fast, but in Omagari's feeling, time seems to pass very slowly.

He suddenly seemed to hear the muffled sound of drums, as well as the clanging sound of troops moving, armor and weapons.

No. 6 of the First Army finally confirmed that he had doubts a long time ago, but it was only a matter of slight doubt.

--The flying tennis ball, at this time, is not just the surface in his eyes

--Because Sanada's different dimension has now advanced to the level of "domain"!

In the "different dimensional realm", his thinking and his spirit seem to be in a different dimension from reality.

The field is so unreasonable. Let the players who were originally on the court suddenly feel that they are in another space-this is the "different dimension".

To be more precise, it is the power of the "field" of different dimensions.

Sanada Genichiro's different-dimensional realm is a battlefield!

Therefore, in Omagari's feeling, in the oncoming direction, it is not tennis, but a scarlet stomach "horse and thousands of horses" led by a mighty general who draws a knife and rides a horse!

"Alone" in the face of "A Thousand Armies"

[No, Tanegashima Shuji!!]

No. 6 of the First Army took a breath.


"15:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

"You guy--"

Didn't you say you are prepared?

Because it is doubles, Omagari is not alone. At this moment, he wants to curse.

However, the reply he got was not the comfort or motivational words of the doubles partner, but the "charge" from the opposite "horses and horses"!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"30:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

Sanada is really going to fight.

Neither he nor Ajujin were cherishing their physical strength, and they wanted to take the next goal wholeheartedly, and then take the next one.

As for the final outcome of the game

The victory or defeat is no longer within the consideration of the two middle school players. The two of them just want to do their best-before finishing their last bit of strength, score more points and crush the "arrogant and leisurely attitude" of the two high school opponents!

Bang! Bang!

"40:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!

Thus, the endless "charge" unfolded in the realm of different dimensions.

In the "domain", the gust of wind is whirling with sand and dust, and the soldiers are scorching and aggressive like burning flames.

In an invisible "field" that the audience can't reach outside the court, Omagari and Tanegashima Shuji are facing "a thousand horses" who will not stop charging and attacking for a moment. They are simply weak and pitiful!


"4:1, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

A small game is over.

Obviously, Tanegashima Shuji's "Destroyed Nothing" can't hold up such a "different general-domain. Charge"!

The shocking emotions and silent reaction are the portrayal of most spectators outside the court.

However, a certain Rikkai big country middle school player sitting on the side of the first army has a different reaction from others.

"Puff, it's a pity, it's going to die~"

When almost everyone was shocked, Nioh did not hesitate to pour cold water on the "shocked little flames" around him.

"With this explosive intensity, Sanada and Akutsu can't even finish this game, right?

Although he didn't expect the third set to be played completely, but in any case, even the second set may not be able to persist...

Sanada is like this, and he will continue to practice!

"Different dimensions. Domain" is something Nioh himself has. And not just him, Seiichi Yukimura has also mastered this ability.

But why don't they let go of use and only partially expand the aid?

--Only the fool Sanada completely freed up the use of the "different dimension domain"!

In the final analysis, it's like Yukimura has used "Selfless State" a long time ago but never delves into it-it doesn't suit me.

The consumption of "Different Dimensional Realm" is too great.

Nioh Masaharu is not afraid of technical difficulty, nor is he afraid of mental high pressure. The only thing that keeps him playing is naturally the "hardware conditions" such as strength, speed, and endurance.

Do it again, even if it’s a new time, even if this time he has a lot of good physical fitness on the wall before he enters middle school. Compared with some "monsters"

Forget it, this kind of thing, Nioh thinks it's better not to compare.

Use your own shortcomings to compare with others' strengths-he is not really a fool!

Sanada started practicing at the age of four, and his family had this family tradition. The kendo practiced for so many years is enough for Sanada to have the best physical fitness in the tennis club of Rikkai.

It is this kind of physical fitness that can support Sanada. At this time-when he was still in the third year of the country, he used the "different dimension field" that high school students rarely encountered in the game!

This is Sanada's "road", Nioh thought.

It's indeed something that guy can do

[I just don’t know what the seniors of Byodoin will feel when seeing these?]

Nioh believes that the leader of the first army should appreciate the tennis prowess that Sanada can achieve as a middle school student. But considering the boss's dedication to the outcome of the game, this is really hard to say!

Maybe, after Tokugawa Kazuya, Sanada was "fancy" by No.1.

--This is also the most important reason why Nioh thought and thought, and finally decided to go with the flow and not let his teammates contact the U17 training camp (especially the people in the first army) in advance.

Although he said it was "all over again", Nioh really didn't dare to say that he knew these seniors in the army!

Except for a few familiar seniors, other high school students have only the impression memory left by "observing and guessing by themselves, then guessing" in the minds of junior high school students - and this is also true of Nioh.

His feelings were even passed to Minister Rikkai who knew. Seiichi Yukimura also paid attention to this problem-which caused the "Happy Tennis Time" which was practiced frantically by the Tennis Club of Rikkai National High School after the national competition.

But after "hardening", the teammates have the most basic "basic guarantee" tennis strength.

So now, even if Sanada really arouses the interest of a certain senior (Nioh: Tanegashima, please feel free!), Sanada can resist it by himself!

Before entering U17, Rikkai's big tennis team had some confidence. After the return of the Houshan black coat group, in Nioh's view, U17 Rikkai's current strength can already compete with the "U17 predecessors-evil forces"!

[Playing tennis, do you still have to compare kendo with this guy?]

……For flowers……

But looking at Sanada's "Domain", Nioh still feels a little depressed.

Because Sanada's "different dimensional domain" is not a highly related "phantom" object. If he wants to phantom this kind of realm in his own "different dimension realm", it will consume too much!

It's better to let him directly use other moves he developed!

"I'm still watching Tanegashima-senpai play the game seriously!"

So, under the gaze of the three surrounding middle school students, Nioh suddenly fell into a depression. Then, when it drops to a certain low, it rises suddenly.

ーCompared to Sanada, who has a bad personality, the person he should pay more attention to is the number 2 of the army who has good affinity with him!

--It's a pity that the previous two senior high school students, Kimishima and Tohno, were recruited too quickly, and there was no time to "trigger" Rikkai's more moves to let him "watch and appreciate".

"Ehuo, you really cannot be underestimated."

Tanegashima Shuji, who came out of the "field" and returned to the reality of the senses, praised the court.

These juniors from Rikkai University, Nioh Masaharu's tennis prowess needless to say, Nioh has already touched the "field" level at the beginning of the second year.

But after excluding Nioh, Tanegashima Shuji's most promising person is Seiichi Yukimura.

Because of the skill of "killing the five senses", Minister Rikkai was born to be "a bit ahead" than others. As long as you develop along the stretch, and then continuously improve your physical fitness, Yukimura can naturally come into contact with the "field".

However, the third junior high school student who came into contact with the "field" was Sanada.

--Although exposure to this burden prematurely is not necessarily a good thing for the players.

This seems to be reasonable.

"Are you ready, Ryuuji?"

No. 2 of the First Army said with a slight smile.

He stood on the court not to give points to juniors, but to represent the U17-military team to give junior high school students "a lesson"!

The "Different Dimension-Domain" is really strong. Although this kind of outbreak is short in time, it is strong, and can even break his "Destroyed Nothing".

But after all

[If Ryuuji singles are on the field, they can only drag and consume Sanada's stamina until Sanada can't hold on to this state and win with stamina. 】

Tanegashima Shuji was called by Oni Jujiro as "the only high school player I have not beaten in the U17 training camp"-this is naturally because the current No. 2 army can resist Oni Jujiro's different dimensions.

At that time, although everyone's tennis strength has not reached the current level, it is enough to explain one thing!

- Tanegashima Shuji already has experience in dealing with "different dimensions"!

"Although I really want to play a few more games with you-I was already ready to play in the third set."

"But you two can't hold on to the third set, right?"

No. 2 of the First Army said, he really felt sorry.

If it is someone else, he might think that "the fight will end early and end early." But facing the "long-imagined" Sanada, he is still interested in playing more time.

But the younger generation tried too hard

"Let's hurry up and end the game in the second set!"

Tanegashima's racquet waved in his hand, similar to before but not the same.

Ps, how do you say it? The burden of "different dimensions" is similar to the pressure of the "zone" in the black basket on the athlete's body? Or converted into a fantasy net article or in a game, it is overdraft? Blue consumption? Negative state BUFF? In short, it is now. Can't be used much. Referred to Tokugawa VS Byodoin's qualifying match, that pirate skeleton! The comics are all out of court-dry

It's just plainly called "domain" (so the name "different dimension" is awesome) "domain" is not my own term, but the "domain" that appears in this article is only applicable to this article, don't treat it as the original. Setting! Different dimensions have added private settings (otherwise I can't write down) soil,

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