Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 733 : Extinct, fog resurrected

Fine space vibration

Like the ripples splashed by a small stone falling into the water, it gradually dissipated like the surroundings, and slowly, it approached the concept of "nothing".

--This is the famous "Destroyed Nothing" used by Tanegashima Shuji in the U17-Military rumors.

but now

The wrist of No.2 of the First Army seems to flick inadvertently--


The indomitable Red Jiaken soldiers charged by the "different dimension-domain" were like being stopped from the video, and they had a collective meal.


Just "broken"!!



"15:0, Tanegashima, score the score!"

The offensive, which was originally like a broken bamboo, was directly contained.

The principle of "Destroyed Nothing" is simple. It is to use the reaction ability of the wrist to quickly and accurately dissipate the additional power such as the rotation of the tennis ball.

And this "killing", in other words, can be described as "rebound"!

--Just like "kick the ball", you kicked the "ball" towards me, and I quickly kicked the "ball" in your direction and kicked it back to the original position.

This is a very subtle control ability.

While building on the strong basic strength of the tennis player himself, Tanegashima Shuji's own unique reaction ability is also an indispensable part of making "Destroyed Nothing" have such a powerful effect.

"what is this?!!"

The sound of "fragmentation" only exists in the hearts of the players on the court.

For the people outside the court, all this happened in a silent moment.

They only saw the tennis stop smoothly on Tanegashima Shuji's racquet, and then flew down to the half where Sanada and A-17 Kyutsu were both.

"No, what happened suddenly!!"

"Is the ability of "Destroyed Nothing" really so powerful?"

"How can such an ability be defeated!!"

What the audience can see is the black air flow that goes with the tennis ball.

A black air current like a tornado--feeling that terrifying breath is probably the power that can roll people into the sky and make them embarrassed.

But before the tennis ball has come to racquet, when the tennis ball has crossed the "demarcation line" of the net--

No. 2 of the first army has been shot.

"Domain" is just like Nioh thinks, it's not just a person's "patent".

In the U17-army ranks, the most skilled person is probably No.1 Byōdōin Hōō of the First Army. Oni Jujiro's self-seal has been too long, and what level he has now reached. Although Tanegashima has stayed at the U17 training camp headquarters for a long time, he is also not clear about this matter.

But just talk about the "different dimensions" of Byodoin--

The current Sanada can't be compared!

What is the tennis strength of No.1 in the first army, is it not clear to Tanegashima Shuji, who is wearing the No.2 badge?

After entering high school, after being summoned to the U17 training camp, after becoming an army, Tanegashima Shuji has also made his own progress during the U17 training camp for such a long time.

He was jealous for his ability to "transmit nothing".

--So much so that up to now, "Destroyed Nothing" has become his signature move.

And it is precisely because of this that in the hearts of other people, "Destroyed Nothing" has gradually become his "card" ability.

--This idea was correct before.

Because after Tanegashima Shuji has ruled out his basic strength, his most important and most important move is "Destroyed."

Although there is no "Destroyed Nothing", he is also a strong and terrifying player in the army. But in any case, "Extinct Nothing" has long left an indelible brilliance on Tanegashima Shuji's tennis.

But now

"This is U17!

The U17 training camp has always been a competitive training base for high school students. This year's recruitment of junior high school students is the first exception.

"Senior, I'm already a senior in high school."

Tanegashima Shuji glanced at the junior high school student across from the net.

How big can the gap between high school and high school in one year be?

Not compared with others, just look at the improvement of Sanada's own tennis skills to know--

In the growth period of these young tennis players who have not yet entered the professional tennis world, a year's time is sometimes "a ditch"!

Not to mention the current time, but at the end of the semester

Tanegashima Shuji hasn't forgotten the day when he was frightened in his sophomore year. He still remembers when Tokugawa suddenly appeared in the U17 training camp headquarters with Nioh and Maori!

It was true that he was a sophomore in high school at that time, but it was only the beginning of a semester at that time!

--It's just the beginning of the grade!

Calculated like this, it has been nearly 20 months, more than a year and a half.

After such a long time, Tanegashima felt that he should have improved his tennis skills as a matter of course-otherwise he would have been driven out of the U17 training camp by the coaches to "harden himself".


If Sanada's swing is a powerful and bold swing, then Tanegashima Shuji's current swing is the finely crafted lettering on the rice.

The No. 2 of the First Army is currently swinging very fast, and just like Sanada and Akutsu, they have swung more than once.

--This is the basic skills of the First Army.

- The training of multi-ball consecutive playing is just for this kind of play.

And Tanegashima Shuji, based on his perfect multi-ball combo, has a little more room than others.

His "self-play" is also a little more sophisticated.

While swinging the camera, the dynamic vision has no time to capture the fast "fine-tuning"-jitter, shock, so as to form a "big net of carelessness".

--The "world of heaven and earth" that is difficult to escape from "thousands of troops and horses"!

Bang bang bang!

"2:4, Tanegashima, score the big song!"

When the opponents of the two middle school students' offensive fighting spirit were the most intense, they shot cold water and scored counterattacks. This kind of "badness" of the seniors is not something ordinary middle school students can afford.

The people on court now are Sanada and Akutsu-both of them have strong willpower.

And their behavior of "indomitable willpower" reflected on the court is to continue to fight!

The soreness of the arms, the gradual weakness of the legs, and the mental dullness

Sweating like rain is a true portrayal of middle school students.

Suddenly from the "offensive" being "poured cold water" by the opponent of the high school student, Sanada awakened, and Sanada could no longer quickly enter the state of being single-minded and single-minded to attack.

He could feel the slightly salty taste in his throat.

--Beyond the "domain, battlefield", it is really the bloody smell that exists on the real court.

--It is a warning and reaction to the body's self-protection due to excessive exercise.

But even if this is the case, continue to fight!

Only after being beaten back in a round, should we just surrender?

The hole cards were played back-maybe just because "not enough"!


Sanada roared.

He shouted like this, and his voice was loud, his throat was undoubtedly uncomfortable.

But at this point, is it still necessary to "endure the humiliation"?

--If he wants to continue to be patient, he doesn't have to use the "domain" that is so burdensome just now!

"I see, Sanada!!""

At this time, Akutsu Jin also put the sentence "Don't order me" completely behind his head.

-Let's talk about anything that is unsatisfactory after the end, the most important thing now is to kill the high school students!

Knowing that the gap is huge will only give Akutsu Jin a more vigorous fighting spirit.

Although the hands and feet become heavy and the nerves in the body are clamoring for rest, how can you stop running at this time?!

--Injured beasts are often the most ferocious, because the smell of blood will stimulate their wildness!


The situation on the court really looked like the rhythm of "Fighting to the Dead".

Some of the spectators outside the field could not help but began to hold their breath. When they talked and discussed at this time, either they lowered their voices unconsciously, or their voices diminished and then simply disappeared.


With the flags not falling, the drums of fighting continued, and the tennis ball flew out of the air.

This is a different game from the previous two doubles.

Nioh, AtobeVS Maori, Otsuchi-253 played fiercely and fiercely, but no matter the ups and downs, the tone of the friendly atmosphere was set from the beginning.

Yukimura, KiteVS Kimijima, Tohno--Although they also had murderous intent, they gave people a sense of inadequacy due to the "dramatic end" of the game.

If you want to sell game tickets or burn a CD-ROM, you will be able to find out the people outside the venue smoothly through the on-site questionnaire survey. In the hearts of the audience, what touches the heartstrings the most is the current doubles game!


People who talked like they were troubled by this had an extremely relaxed expression.

Bang! Monument!

Because the other party also used the "domain", Tanegashima Shuji was relaxed on the surface but he didn't dare to be careless in his heart.

He had "communicated" with his doubles partner before, and he had already reminded something.

"Doubles match"--

This kind of thing he and Daqu can occupy the top ten doubles of the first army, and naturally they can do it!


But just like the middle school student opposite, the center of doubles is actually biased towards Sanada.

As for high school students, the person leading the court is No. 2 in the first army!

"Destroyed Nothing" is a move suitable for singles, but it is not impossible to use in doubles. As long as it cooperates well, "Huawu" is also a doubles weapon.

not to mention


After Tanegashima Shuji's racquet waved--

"Didn't you hear what Senpai said just now?

At that moment, all the different-dimensional phantoms behind Sanada were shaking, as if they had been attacked with great intensity, and they did not fall down.

--Senior, I am already a senior in high school.

This is the last reminder of No. 2 of the First Army to the younger generation.

It is also a reminder that he deliberately bothered--

"now "

"It's no longer the original "Destroyed Nothing" anymore. "

Tanegashima Shuji said.

As his words fell, the broadcast sound also began to broadcast the voice of the judgement--

"3:4, Tanegashima, score the score!"

Ps, I am super excited this afternoon, so the author who opened word will add more to you!.

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