Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 735 : The end of doubles, collective behavior, gentle disqualification

When the essence of "anti-injury" moves can finally be fully demonstrated, the doubles game has entered the final game.

What's more, the current Sanada and Akutsu

After the two of them have gone through the "ups and downs" of the previous game, do they have room to continue to explode?



"6:4, Tanegashima, score for the big song!"

The last ball landed.

The third doubles game of the challenge match between the Second Army and the First Army was finally settled.

"Game 2-0, first team Tanegashima, Daqu wins~!"

There was a standard, unmotivated score announcement on the radio.

U17 training camp "behind the scenes"-the staff responsible for judging the qualifying scores and announcing the results, for tennis players and even coaches, are like "tool men".

At least when they are referees and when announcing the score, their tone of voice does not sound emotionally inclined.

However, at this moment, while the tone of the staff of the U17 training camp was still plain, he was about to be moved to tears.

An army that has lost two consecutive rounds (and is still in the top ten of the army), and now finally wins one round

--It's the No. 2 of the first army, Tanegashima-san!

--As always so reliable at critical moments!

The players of the first army, especially the top ten, must follow the "60% rule" in the U17 training camp, in fact, to protect this place. If you don't deliberately control your power during the game, even if you don't focus on destruction, there will always be accidents.

After all, if you meet a good opponent - a master of similar strength meets on a narrow road, and does not harm some flowers, plants, or the walls of the land, how can you have a hearty battle?

In most cases, there will always be "injuries" when you can't fully control the game.

And if you can easily control the game, master the overall situation, and play the opponent in the palm of your hand

If you can face everyone else in the U17 training camp, this player does not need to stay here.

U17's current No. 1 army can't do this, nor can Oni Jujiro.

And among middle school students

"The final big score was 2-0. Tanegashima-senpai and Daqu-senpai won a complete victory."

"I guessed it right. So, what about your results?"

Seiichi Yukimura curled her eyebrows and asked with a smile.

--Is it possible to "manipulate the game and master the overall situation" in the U17 training camp, instead of guessing, why not let someone try it for yourself?

Long ago, the minister of Rikkai University had an inquisitive psychology called "curiosity" to someone who was also a white-haired student in junior high school.

Well, in the words of his roommate Seigaku genius Fuji Syusuke, it's probably

It seems very interesting~

However, Minister Rikkai’s curiosity was not satisfied by his "cunning" staff at the end of the third general.

According to common sense, ministers should obey the minister's instructions.

However, this subconsciously believes in "respect for the strong", and even because of this belief, sometimes he does not care about "the traditions of the predecessors and is not humble to the predecessors" Rikkai is big, as long as you are strong enough, the above "common sense" No need to follow it at all!

Mōri Juzaburō, who has graduated from the junior high school of Rikkai University and advanced to high school, is a good example.

Therefore, after entering the national team and playing in the freshman trials, he participated in the main selection, and then he has been following this senior who made the "leadership" of the tennis club find no one everywhere. Nioh also "learned" this matter logically. .

Nioh Masaharu's position in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club is extremely special, not only because of his doubles strengths, but even his tennis prowess.

For the "leadership" of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, and for Seiichi Yukimura, the head of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Nioh's "outstanding" in his daily life has become a major obstacle to his "satisfaction of curiosity"!

When he was in National One, Minister Rikkai was naive and still didn't know his future troubles.

It wasn't until the second year that when Yukimura gradually got the idea of ​​"want to have a serious match with Nioh", things were completely out of the control of Minister Rikkai.

--As a minister, what is the most "disqualified" thing?

Many people may say that failing to lead the club to achieve results, failing to lead the team to victory and honor is a "disqualification."

However, for those who hold the position of minister, failing to do the most basic things is the biggest "disqualification"!

Winning and honoring is the ultimate goal, uniting people's hearts, and leading the team well is the long-term goal.

As a minister, the most basic thing is to "master" the team!

After being "hardened" by his teammates, he gradually became the "son of God" as a national junior high school tennis player in Megatron. Seiichi Yukimura discovered this only in junior high.

How does his minister seem to be different from other ministers?

There is no doubt that Minister Rikkai has a high reputation in the tennis club and is widely known outside the school. He is not only a "leader" in his position, but also a "leader" in the spirit of the community.

No matter when, Minister Yukimura has a sense of presence that cannot be ignored.

In this regard, the ministers in Yamabuki are extremely envious of recruiting.

Leading the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club to complete the "great cause" of the nation's three consecutive hegemonies, no one would think that Seiichi Yukimura is a "disqualified" minister.

But how can the "outside scenery" conceal some seemingly inadvertent furry little problems?

By the time of the third grade, especially when Yukimura returned from "U17-tour", he finally discovered "a little thing".

--Why didn't he always meet Nioh in the main draw?!

Both Kirihaya and Sanada have met Nioh Masaharu one after another, and when Marui and Kuwabara also met Nioh, Liu Sheng always took a serious attitude towards the main draw and played a lot of practice matches with Nioh.

As for Liu, Junshi Liu seems to be able to "get his wish" to meet this white-haired teammate every time he wants to perform a "data update".

Eight people are being selected and divided into four groups to compete.

It stands to reason that each of them will be right when they meet Nioh in the main draw.

But Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura has never "caught on a narrow road" with his "cunning and treacherous" member in the main contest!

If it was before, Minister Rikkai would probably laugh, thinking it was a problem of probability.

However, when he came back from U17 training camp

What seems to be wrong?

Wait, this doesn't seem to be a problem of probability but a fixed option!

Once the Minister Rikkai has noticed something wrong, once he thinks deeply and pursues it carefully, he can find the truth very quickly.

--Go directly to Yanagi Renji.

In the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, if there is any question, the probability of asking Liu to get the answer directly is at least 50%.

--By the way, the remaining 30% probability is provided to fraudsters who have always been "unfathomable".

--The remaining 20% ​​will be deuceed by several Rikkai Taisho. After all, they also have to have hidden strength~

After facing the "inquiry" from the minister, Liu was very calm.

He was very cooperative and informed Minister Rikkai of everything he knew.

In fact, they are one-right, this is not Nioh's own operation, it is a "collective action."

The reason why Yukimura didn’t know was probably because he was known by everyone by default.

The positive selection is divided into four groups. In order to ensure the integrity of the Rikkai Taisho selection team, each group will only be divided into two positive selections.

In other words, only one person can play against Nioh at a time!

However, the first choice to play against Nioh is not the odd one.

Even if you remove the Yanagi who is going to play with Nioh doubles in practice matches as hard as the main draw, the number of people who want to meet Nioh in each main draw is not the only one.

At least, Sanada and Kirihaya both want to get this opportunity--

According to the attitude of Deputy Minister Rikkai towards Minister Seigaku, Nioh, who was able to sweep Sanada in Kuni I, is undoubtedly "attractive" to Sanada.

………Please ask for flowers……

The reason for Kirihara Akaya is the same as above.

Although Marui and Kuwabara do not want to lose, if they can meet a "good opponent" like Nioh Masaharu, they will not refuse.

Yanagi Renji is even more concerned about this opportunity to dig deep into his teammates' tennis strength.

--So, they just hit it off.

Although Yukimura is a minister who holds great power and is supported and supported by all the players, it is easy to overlook something when he is ignorant and unprepared to guide Liu naturally and without malicious intent.

The roster for the team competition is generally a choice of three people -

This "choice of three" is actually a list of Yanagi Renji alone more often!

So as long as Junshi Liu wants to meet someone in the main race, he can always "get everything he wants."

Therefore, the chances of Rikkai and Rikkai's sophomore ace meet Nioh in the main draw are very high.

So until now, Yukimura has not been able to achieve his wish!

After knowing the truth that had never been concealed at the time, Yukimura was a little angry at first. But the gentle Minister Rikkai thought about it later, it seems that other people can't be blamed for this matter.

Want to play a game that will help you-this kind of idea should have been promoted!

The person involved in the incident, Nioh, had a thought of "doing not want to play a serious match with Seiichi Yukimura", but Yukimura was sure that if he arranged it hard by himself, this member of his might complain, but in the end he would not refuse. .

But even if the truth is this, Seiichi Yukimura knows his own solution to this distress. But in fact, he finally gave up the "simplest solution" completely.

Minister Rikkai is very cold in the game, and will never pity his opponent, let alone treat the enemy tenderly.

However, to most of his Rikkai members, the "Children of God" has always maintained a compassionate attitude.

As he joked himself, treat every member as a "lover". While training in strict accordance with strict regulations, Seiichi Yukimura has been expressing his gentleness in his own way.

For example, facing Nioh's deliberate actions, Liu's pushing the boat along the river, and the "collective action" involving other people.

If it is someone else who has a strong desire for control, it is probably going to be blown up!

Yukimura also has a strong desire to control, but he is really gentle one-

He let go and put down all the previous ones, and did not insist on having a full-fire singles game with Nioh.

Minister Rikkai was very flexible and changed the method--

He chose "doubles" as a vehicle to achieve his goals.

So, after the national finals, Minister Rikkai took his white-haired members and left the team to "consult" the legendary samurai tennis.

--Successfully perfected one's own different dimension, and successfully made other teammates grievances and grievances. The only downside is that he still has not succeeded in satisfying his curiosity.

But anyway, tenderness and indulgence--

These are all limited!

Ps, writing "disqualification", pronounced "connivance". To be honest, from the main text to the small volume, as long as it involves (or even just mentions) Rikkai, Minister Yukimura's sense of existence is at the level of automatic full marks. Nioh did that in the early stage, and Yukimura "indulges" many things in the back, and his teammates silently provided assists. I really like Rikkai the more I write.

pps, the No. 1 match in the qualifying match belongs to Tokugawa, but I don't want to grab it. But Nioh is really going to fight Byodoin, because the team must "unify the mind" without disagreement. Rikkai had the right to speak before he came to U17, so he must fight. But playing a game also requires premises and fuse, I think you should be able to guess. No

Wrong, Masaharu will be thrown directly by his minister to make contributions to the great cause of reunification!

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