Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 736 : Choose each, the captain makes an appointment

The final result is not what everyone expected-

The First Army finally won the first qualifying match.

Kite Eishirou, the middle minister of Higa who guessed the ending, was surrounded by a heavy cloud one-he thought that Sanada and Akutsu might lose the doubles game because the attitudes of Nioh and Yukimura were too obvious.

[Even Rikkai's teammates are not optimistic about you, Sanada, you are a failure!]

Kite thought this in his heart, and once again raised the threat of high school student players several levels in his heart.

Because of many considerations, after Kite Eishirou thought about it, he secretly "bet" in his heart, like everyone else, is also the two high school players in the first army.

However, in the final outcome, he only guessed half of it!

-He really didn't expect that Sanada and Akutsu would lose so powerlessly!

That's right.

After thinking about it, Kite felt that Sanada and Akutsu would probably lose in qualifying. However, after he watched the whole process of the game carefully, he was unwilling to accept this "reality".

- "Reality" is too cruel.

Sanada and Akutsu, both of them have achieved that level of "two-five-seven", and the result of doubles is still 2-0!

Tanegashima Shuji and Omagari are not the strongest high school students in this training camp. The rank of the badge number of the first army, the last ten may not be so important, but the top ten--especially NO.1, the first badge It's not easy to take!

Even the top five rankings may be a matter of concern-Oni Jujiro suddenly won the NO.5 badge, and the NO.4 badge changed the owner overseas is an example, but the NO.1 badge will definitely not be. Freely given.

The No. 2 tennis strength of the First Army has been so strong, how strong will the tennis strength of the No. 1 Byōdōin Hōō be?

Even though he is still a junior high school student, the Minister Higa has already worried about the ranking of the U17 training camp.

I have to say that Kite's thinking is the same as that of most middle school students.

After they came to this U17 training camp for high school students, they had no thoughts of being cautious. Middle school students came here enthusiastically, just to "occupy" this mysterious U17 training camp, just to use their own net racquet to "conquer the city"!

"I was only half right."

The middle minister Higa, who had a lot of thoughts in his heart, didn't plan to use "other means" here.

As the leader of Okinawa martial arts teenagers, Kite Eishirou sometimes thinks that it is a bit different from the teenagers in other regions, but there is one thing in common-

Because of tennis, teenagers from all over the country met and met and gathered here together.

This year's competition in the national three is enough to let them know their opponents and recognize themselves clearly.

--The "strike" from the team being selected by the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club was too deep. The weight of the nation's triple hegemony and the strength of the Rikkai Taisho elections are enough to make many people naturally "listen to their opinions".

For example, at times like this, Kite really didn't lie.

When they "betted" before, they didn't say their thoughts. Even if he tells a lie, other people will not catch the cheating handle, because this is a "gambling game" like a joke.

Although the chips are extremely important, it is really a joke!

However, because of this, Kite takes the current conversation very seriously.

--Being able to personally participate in this important event, I will talk about other people in the future, it is also a kind of capital to show off!

--Who can believe that the upcoming junior high school student team of U17 will choose the captain in this way?

"Unexpectedly, Sanada and the others could not win a game.

Kite said, constantly adjusting his emotions.

He really lost control of his emotions just now, because he thought of some unpleasant things.

"Ah, that's it."

Minister Hyotei snorted softly.

He condescendingly watched the players in the court conduct routine post-match etiquette and communication, and his expression was very calm, making it impossible to see his emotional changes.

"There is no need to watch the rest of the game."

Atobe said, his words directly express his position.

If the U17 national middle school student team is about to be formed, if a captain is to be selected, what are the most basic conditions?

Tennis strength is of course the most critical and indispensable selection condition.

But will the coaches let them play a dozen games for this position at the expense of themselves and get the final result?

--The coaching staff will not do such unwise things.

They are able to keep players at the level of Oni Jujiro in the U17 training camp headquarters without making an expedition, and they have already revealed their "Kaiwa".

So today's qualifying match has another meaning for the middle school group of students-to select their U17 representative team captain!

- Participating in qualifying matches means that you are ambitious and want to compete!

This meaning can only be seen by some middle school students-this is also deliberately done by the coaches. Because it is impossible for a person who cannot be seen to become a captain with a great responsibility.

And most of the middle school students who saw it were not interested in it.

Take Shitenhouji's minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

Shiraishi has recently become obsessed with exploring his own "Bible Tennis", completely ignoring "things outside". What's more, although Shitenhouji also has a persistent pursuit of victory, the tennis team of this school is different from the teams of other schools-the different school spirit makes this Middle-School "changle for peace"-noisy all day long Yes, joy is enough.

Then there is Sengoku Kiyosumi from Yamabuki Middle-School.

Sengoku is a tennis player with high emotional intelligence. His tennis is strong enough, but he is not the head of the Yamabuki Tennis Department.

The young man who was favored by luck was not dazzled by the luck that he had always had. He knows what he wants and what he can do. Take the ministerial position of Yamabuki's tennis club, for example. Sengoku Kiyosumi could easily get it if he wanted to.

But Sengoku Kiyosumi did not do this. From start to finish, he was just a regular candidate for the Yamabuki Tennis Club.

Nioh has never been the only person who doesn't want to be a leader and work hard for the team - Sengoku Kiyosumi has actually done more than half.

The reason for saying that it is "mostly done" is because Sengoku's "external weight" in Yamabuki is still too high, so that the current minister of Yamabuki Minami Kentaro has been sighing.

Minami Kentaro, who is good at doubles and well-versed in cipher tactics, is not weak in tennis. He once suffered a big loss to Seigaku's doubles. But if you want to talk about the sense of existence in the eyes of other school players, let's just talk about the year of the third year, except for the born Akuzu, Sengoku Kiyosumi is really too conspicuous.

--Not every school's tennis team is like Rikkai, and there is a group of players who have a strong presence in the eyes of his school's players.

-Although the plan is not as good as the change, Nioh really worked hard to keep a low profile. And he did it successfully, didn't he?

"The three doubles games are over. The next four singles games are up."

"There are only seven games in total, and you have to win four games."

No. 3 of the first army said very directly.

"We have lost two games, and we really can't lose anymore."

Although there is still room for "you can lose", it is just like the idea of ​​the U17 training camp staff who are doing broadcast work.

Does the army lose face???

The first two games were so miserable. Although the third game went well, just think about it negatively-if Tanegashima Shuji didn't "turn the tide", what would it be like!

What would happen if I changed Sanada to an opponent?

If we replace Sanada and Akutsu’s opponents with Kimishima and Tohno who are already lying in the infirmary

This assumption is too "beautiful", and the No. 3 Duke Watanabe of the First Army can hardly imagine it.

--Kimijima and Tohno are already miserable enough, so don't assume "a worse situation" in 2.9!

"The four of you, have you chosen the captain?"

Foreigners just speak straightforwardly and not at all.

"--Who is going to fight the boss?"

"Before I go on the court, set it down!"

No. 3 of the first army was also inspired by the game just now.

The strength of the middle school students seems to be pretty good, and the tricky ones have already been shot. The next one should only be a "trying hand" opponent, right?

Duke Watanabe thought so, and was completely relaxed about the next game.

Even, he is more concerned about the "match match" after the qualifying than the next qualifying.

His idea is very correct.

The Second Army’s order of appearance was not planned for the middle school students!

Not only him, but the players who are still watching the seats on the side of the first army, in fact, are paying more attention to the "match match" after the qualifying.

ps, send these first! There is still half a chapter, I'm almost done. .

(Physical) Persuade the other party to go for the goal.

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