Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 737 : Reach an agreement, two battles

"Puff, although I don't want to be the captain, I have never thought about this kind of thing!"

"But unfortunately, I have always had confidence in Tanegashima-senpai.

Said white hair, a middle school student who had been listening carefully before.

It's okay for him not to speak, as he immediately attracted the attention of the two seniors who had returned from the victory.

"So little Nioh trusts seniors so much~"

The army returning from the big victory NO.2 said with a smile.

"Wait, are you choosing the captain?!"

Omagari, who returned to the seat of the First Army together, asked in shock.

"That's how you chose your own captain?"

Do the coaches leave it alone? Or, because the coaching staff is too optimistic about these middle school students, they directly let them "autonomous"?!

The No. 6 of the first army that successfully saved the badge can no longer complain about the “blind date and love of affection” between the No. 2 of the first army and the younger generation. He feels that the majesty of the U17 training camp coaching staff is shaky.

Especially when he looks at No.1 of the first army

Byōdōin Hōō held his arms silently, seemingly not expressing one by one, but in fact this is the default attitude!

"The two seniors are here just right, let's witness together!"

In the eyes of No. 2 of the first army, the white-haired younger generation who is cute and cute, how to look at them, is already "the true devil with horns on the head" in the eyes of No. 6 of the first army.

Omagari doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing at all!

--Even if the coaching team is open, is the head coach in the back mountain annoying?

Annoyed three Mifūne Nyudō three head coaches, Byodoin 17 Phoenix can't please it!

You four middle school students, what kind of captain is selected here--the U17 representative team hasn't formed yet, is the captain directly selected by you?

"Yes, they just made a bet on your doubles game.

"You should be the witnesses of this'gambling game'.

No. 3 of the first army is not too big to see the excitement.

He was still actively trying to play, but now he doesn't want to play fast.


Tanegashima blinked when he heard this.

"It's guessing that Ryuuji and I will play against the doubles of the Second Army, using the position of the captain of the U17 middle school team as a bargaining chip. Is this a bet?"

"Which one of you won?"

The high school students were supposed to be a little angry when their own games were used to bet.

But Tanegashima Shuji's performance was exactly the opposite-he hooked his lips instead, and then looked at the four middle school students who were sitting on the seat of the first army.

"In fact, if it's the end, we all guessed right. But in order to increase the difficulty, we guessed the score.

"From the conversation just now"

"I guessed it right-Yukimura and Atobe got it right."

The person who explained No. 2 of the First Army was Nioh.

Because Nioh Masaharu knows well, among these people here, probably no one besides him can take on the "important task" of such "explanation and introduction".

Kite is not familiar with the predecessors, Atobe and Yukimura sit steadily, but they don't speak. Doesn't he still expect Byōdōin Hōō to introduce and explain if he doesn't speak?

Nioh sat here and watched two games. He has almost understood the character of the No. 3 army-this predecessor is probably watching the excitement.

In short, in order to let this "gambling event" end smoothly, Nioh sighed in his heart and decided to join it.

Who made the two people sitting here without talking, one is the head of their own tennis department, and the other is the head of Hyotei, who played side by side in the doubles game before?

"But I had already abstained before, Senior Tanegashima."

In order to prevent being trapped by seniors, Nioh emphasized again.

"Now it's about Yukimura and Atobe."

Kite gave up-on the surface it was because he lost the bet, but in fact it was because everyone knew everything.

"Yes, senior.

"Seniors, please be a witness together-"

Minister Rikkai said openly.

"After the qualifying is over, make an appointment."

Yukimura said, looking at Minister Hyotei who was sitting on the other side of Nioh.

"I played a game with Atobe, and

"Masaharu, let's fight with the Byodoin-seniors!"

"Captain" is a competition between two people, and if someone doesn't want to participate, just forget it.

But what should be played in a tennis match is still to be played!

The atmosphere solidified directly.

Seiichi Yukimura's "bold words" directly freezes the auditorium on the side of the army.

No. 1 of the First Army has a bad reputation. Even if he is sometimes irritated by No. 2, and angry by Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya, he has never been "represented" like this.

Byōdōin Hōō blankly looked towards the four middle school students who had won the first army and then sat here.

The gaze of the leader of the army is very terrifying in many people's hearts-

Now, the smiling Minister Rikkai directly pushed his white-haired member out with words, facing the "eyes of the boss of the army".

--" Yukimura!

Faced with the sight of the army's No. 1 deterrent, Nioh felt that he was finally overwhelmed!

Although Nioh had thoughts about fighting with the U17 boss when he didn't enter this training camp, he just had an idea!

As long as Tokugawa Kazuya thinks about how miserable it is to be "valued" by the first army boss, Nioh doesn't want to play against the first army No.1 at all. Because he only wanted to spend the time in the U17 training camp in peace and stability, and then win the World Cup championship smoothly-desperately, don't even think about it!

--Let him fight for Rikkai's three in a row, Nioh is naturally willing.

Although I didn't see the situation of Tokugawa Kazuya in the qualifying game with my own eyes, I still remember what it was like to hear it. Nioh thought he didn't have the consciousness of playing against Byodoin Temple and fighting for his life.

"Huh? What's the matter, Masaharu?"

Minister Rikkai looked at his staff very suspiciously.

"Didn't we say that-if the guess is the same, we will play the game?"

Yukimura, your acting skills pretending to be puzzled are really terrible!

Facing such ministers, the fraudster of Rikkai got stuck in his heart.

-He should have guarded long ago!

A long period of unrestrained, free and wanton, let oneself relax the vigilance that should have been.

Although Seiichi Yukimura is a gentle and good minister, he is also a "son of god" who is full of evil tastes and revenges every other year.

"When will the Byodo-in Temple seniors have time--"

"Our middle school students can compete anytime, right, Atobe?"

The smiling Minister Rikkai confirmed to Minister Hyotei.

Seiichi Yukimura is pretty sure, Atobe Keigo must have had the idea of ​​playing a game with him. In the year of the third country, the youth Gakuen became a dark horse and suddenly emerged. It is not Rikkai Da who directly suffers the most impact, but Hyotei.

Echizen Ryoma had a match with "Son of God" in the final of the national competition as expected. Does Minister Hyotei just want to watch the game from the audience?

Although before that, Atobe had experienced the "destruction of the five senses" and "dreams". But Seiichi Yukimura believes that Atobe definitely wants to experience his "Alien-Alaya" again!

"My uncle can play anytime!"

I didn't expect Minister Rikkai to have this idea. Atobe, who just wanted to play a game with Seiichi Yukimura, naturally cooperated.

Minister Hyotei also wants to see the [true facts] of a certain white-haired Rikkai Taisho election.

"Oh, even if you think about it."

The No. 3 army who watched the excitement on the side suddenly realized it.

"You two middle school students are competing for the position of captain of the middle school team. The boss is originally a military commander, and he is still a high school student--"

"So 257 called the boss to participate in the gambling game, right from the beginning you wanted to make an appointment?"

No. 3 of the first army said, smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Duke Watanabe looked like he had seen everything, making Oni Jujiro, who had been standing in the aisle watching the game with his arms folded, couldn't help but look sideways.

--This colleague from France himself said so, did he deliberately want Byodoin to agree to the game against Nioh?

But Oni Jujiro thought about it carefully. In today's first doubles, Maori and Otsuchi really couldn't measure the strength of Nioh Masaharu baseline.

Thinking about it this way, Byodoin played a game with Nioh, the coaches couldn't find a reason to oppose it!

Oni Jujiro used to stay in Court No. 5 for a long time. His purpose was to train juniors for the U17 training camp. Tokugawa was just a representative of his and Irie "cultivating juniors"-although this "representative" seemed to be It has covered the entire training range of both of them.

But it's not all his and Irie's fault!

If the two new high school students can pull out a team like Rikkai, Oni Jujiro would have automatically gone out to participate in the expedition!

"I also give you a day of preparation time."

Just like today's qualifying match, the leader of the first army gave middle school students a day to prepare.

"Nioh Masaharu"

No. 1 of the first army is murderous.

"Tomorrow, don't let me down!"

What is the ability of the white-haired junior high school student from Rikkai? This is directly related to Byōdōin Hōō's next attitude.

No. 1 of the first army, no matter what kind of careful thinking these middle school students have.

In the face of strong tennis strength, everything is just vain. But if they are really capable, maybe they will talk to those coaches together!

ps, OK, it's done. Don't urge it, let's wait for a good holiday~~The next step is the fast-paced qualifying singles outline flow (if Rikkai is not big, then I will write less competition content).

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