Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 738 : Path selection, realization of enlightenment, acupuncture point, no compromise

The facts once again proved the conclusion that Nioh had already had in his heart--

Sure enough, he and Sanada are extremely incompatible!

Originally, I just wanted to have an "episode" while watching the game, but ended up pitting himself into another "big event", but he didn't have enough reason to refute it!

--No, in fact, if you want to find a reason, Nioh can give a whole bunch of reasons.

But just like what Yukimura and Atobe have mentioned, and what is implied by Byōdōin Hōō's words just now, if this engagement can be carried out as desired, the benefits will be huge. !

His engagement with Byodoin Temple-"result" is not the most important thing, what is shown in the "process" is the most important!

Nioh's current tennis prowess is enough for coaches to put his name in some special places on the roster. However, although the U17 Youth World Cup has fair and just rules, it is not a "completely fair" game.

It is carried out in the form of a team competition. First, teams are also divided into group stages. After qualifying, the elimination round can be carried out, and then the final competition for the top four and the championship and runner-up. This kind of event process is not everyone's energetic and perfect situation under a one-to-one points system-in fact, this kind of "perfect fairness" is simply impossible to achieve.

Arrange troops, consume the opponent, save yourself, and achieve the greatest results with the least cost. Upright, smart and scheming, morale winning, and secretly using means, these are just a few of the hundreds of paths hidden in the HTC event.

Whether Wang is to Wang or Tian Ji is racing, as long as he can reach the end, he will have the chance to touch the championship trophy that has been held by the German team for nine consecutive years.

In the upcoming World Cup tournament, no team will feel that Germany will give up their nine consecutive championships. The completion of ten consecutive championships is an overwhelming honor. Even those who are rigorous and rigid can not help but burn their faith for the achievement of this goal.

The semi-finals, which were almost unchanged in the past years, were originally the enemies of other countries' teams.

Under such circumstances, the Japanese national team, not to mention the difficulties, must take every step carefully, because with their background, they simply cannot afford to pay for any mistakes.

--Originally, all the facts are like this.

But now, it's just like Byodoin Fenghuang agreed to the reason for this battle that he could have ignored.

The current situation has changed!

In less than three years, although the Japanese U17 training camp did not have enough high school students to compete with the top four teams, things have turned for the middle school students.

Although I knew that the U17 training camp headquarters had launched the "super junior high school player selection plan" before No.1, I also learned that the so-called "golden generation" was much better than he originally expected. But the boss of the First Army is still too unimaginative.

Byōdōin Hōō only thought, "If these middle school students can offset the opponent's middle school students, it will be the biggest good thing"-because based on previous experience and intelligence, those who were originally national U17 training camps are reserved players. "(Meaning that these people will become U17 high school students sooner or later) middle school students, if you follow the previous "convention",

I am afraid it is better than some high school students in the original Japanese national team. This is true even if high school students have the advantage of age.

Joining the World Cup competitions in which middle school students participated, the direction of "cultivating super sky" is even stronger.

This is an opportunity for those teams that intend to break the old "Big-4" pattern, but it is also a bit embarrassing news that is not so good. Because of their U17 "reserve talents"-their junior genius players, the gap is still very large in comparison.

However, under the opportunity of this awkward era

After Byōdōin Hōō got some news and watched three qualifying matches, he suddenly discovered that their Japanese U17 team may be the biggest winner under the huge changes in the rules of the World Cup!

- Middle school students from other people's homes can be used as high school students, and our middle school students can also be thrown on the court as professional players!

"After qualifying, the head coach will be here soon.

Byōdōin Hōō looked directly at the four junior high school students in three tennis uniforms sitting on a military seat.

"We are playing under the witness of the head coach and the three coaches from the training camp headquarters!

Although the boss of the U17 training camp spoke plainly, he had a decisive aura and determination.

If you can let go of your hands and feet, who wants to be cautious and suffocated?

In order to win the final victory, the Japanese national team originally expected that the group stage would not fully win-in order to hide some of the cards, it is not unacceptable to lose in the case of promotion-this was originally a weak Japanese representative. The team’s chosen "road to victory"|path".

But being acceptable is one thing, and whether you are willing to accept it is another thing!

Byodoin is not intolerable, but he doesn't want to be overly suppressed!

If if

If their "hole cards" are unexpectedly rich and heavy, can they directly win by "kingdom"?

It is not to say that all opponents are swept away-this is impossible in world-class competitions.

But if you can face all the team matches again, win

In the group stage, we started to accumulate the indomitable momentum of victory, instead of choosing the "sorrow for the soldiers" and "the courage after knowing the shame", will they succeed in achieving all of their goals?

"Since you already have this kind of thought, don't have other careful thoughts!"

"Take out your enlightenment!"

Byōdōin Hōō's method of boosting morale has always been extraordinary.

In Nioh's memory, the high school leader's method of motivating morale during the World Cup draw was actually very "gentle"--compared to his previous practice.

However, judging from the current situation, the No. 1 army is still "relatively moderate", right?


The talking Byodoin Temple looked at Nioh.

The head of the army fell directly on Nioh Masaharu alone.

This "weight of sight" makes fraudsters a little uncomfortable.

"I will personally give you despair!"

The final "test" is here--this is probably to test my acting skills, right? Nioh thought.

"Enlightenment" is not something that can be easily stimulated and then manifested.

I have to admit that I lost the game against Byōdōin Hōō!

[Puff, I'm going to let you down, senior. 】

Nioh didn't evade the gaze of No.1 of the first army, he thought casually in his heart,

[I can't compare to Tokugawa-kun than the "enlightenment" who bet on my life~]

[But better than tennis-]

"Senior wants to take a trip to the abyss of defeat?"

In the shock and gasp of No.3 of the First Army, Nioh looked at the blonde leader of the First Army and hooked his mouth.

--Although the compatibility is very poor, some parts of Sanada are also worth learning from fraudsters.

For example, like now, "the abyss of defeat" is enough to show "enlightenment", right?

"You really dare to think--"

Nioh's "enlightenment" has been successfully conveyed to Byōdōin Hōō.

After listening to such a reply, the expression of No.1 of the First Army finally changed.

"Do you think you have the confidence to defeat Maori, kid!"

On the side of the current army No. 5 Oni Jujiro listened to Byodoin Fenghuang's words with a subtle expression.

--The Rikkai big country middle school student does have confidence, but it's not because of gross profit. It seems that part of the reason is because of me and Irie?

--Byodoin, you haven't thoroughly investigated what Nioh did when he first entered our U17 training camp headquarters, right?

As a high school student who threw Byōdōin Hōō into the back mountain in the "elimination match" when he first met, Oni Jujiro is still in the camp of "opposing the No. 1 army" from some perspectives. But even so, he couldn't help but develop a sincere emotion called "sympathy" for Byōdōin Hōō.

- Nioh Masaharu's tennis skills are not simple, and his skills and different dimensions are also extraordinary!

At the beginning, he and Tanegashima could be pitted consecutively, but now that one more army NO.1 should be able to succeed, right?

Tanegashima Shuji's "Extinction" has improved so much, what is "Nioh Phantom" now like?

Thinking about this, Oni Jujiro's resentment towards Byōdōin Hōō due to Tokugawa's affairs is much less.

He is refreshed now.

"Huh? Didn't the Byodoin seniors still remember my name?"

Nioh was able to be "relatively well-behaved" when facing Maori and Tanegashima because of the "emotional basis-the bond bonus of the predecessors".

Although the current No.1 Byōdōin Hōō can be regarded as his senior U17 high school student, but he is not familiar with the No.1 army at all!

Therefore, in the face of "the predecessors who are not familiar with at all"-at least not yet familiar with them, Nioh decided to be more "presumptuous". Because judging from the character displayed by the senior of Byodoin, this senior of the army seems to appreciate the more direct type?

So there is no need to pretend to hide anything, just go back directly while maintaining basic politeness!

Maybe, the boss of the first army appreciates this kind of junior high school student~

Nioh thought so, and he felt more at ease.

"I thought I won the game and sat here and defeated the Maori predecessors. Isn't it enough?"

The fraudster at Rikkai didn't believe that No.1 of the First Army had not checked certain things and did not ask the U17 training camp coach for information.

[Senior Maori won’t say it directly, but he must have revealed a lot of "interesting experiences between me and him before." There was no intention to cover it up. The coaches would definitely be able to find out if they wanted to check.

[So seniors at Byodoin must already know what I did. 】

[This is the most important reason for agreeing to play a game with me, otherwise, even if you are looking for a middle school student match, you should go to Yukimura. 】

The leader of an army who is focused on actual results doesn't care how his teammates play or win. Because of his previous experience, he doesn't care about the process, only the result. And the coaching staff was able to tell him the results of some secret games they secretly found.

"Is this level not enough?"

Nioh thought a lot in his own mind, but under the gaze of other people, he just asked this sentence back then.

"Humph, you know what I want to say."

No.1 of the First Army snorted coldly.

The boss of the first army certainly remembers the name of this Rikkai middle school student.

A junior high school student who can do that kind of thing-

Hmph, he didn't know it before. Now that he knows, how can he not get to the court to try his level?!

"Don't pretend to be a fool, Ren: Wang-Ya-Zhi!"

He said every word.

In his opinion, those words of Nioh are just a pretense to ask knowingly!

If Yukimura did not propose a "fight", the leader of the first army would also find a chance to fight Nioh on his own-if this is the case, Byodoin would definitely teach the junior high school students what is "jue (absolute) enlightenment" (hope) "!

However, judging from the previous "gambling games" and "active engagements", the white-haired Rikkai boy has not "deliberately avoided" as he thought at the beginning.

Whether he played a game against Tokugawa in the qualifying match, he also understood Tokugawa Kazuya's "weak thoughts".

"Satisfaction after winning the gross profit?"

Byōdōin Hōō sneered.

"It's been almost a year and a half-"

"Do you grow at this point?

How can the opponent who can make the No.1 of the First Army agree to the "play-off" is not an opponent of the same level, or even a greater "surprise"?

Comparing the idea of ​​No. 5 of the First Army with the facts, it is obvious that there is an error.

After all, Oni Jujiro hadn't had a peaceful exchange with Byodoin for a long time. Neither he nor Irie had an expedition with the first army, so naturally they didn't know what the army on the expedition with Mori knew.

Mōri Juzaburō will not tell his colleagues in high school students the specific information he knows about his juniors, but this does not prevent him from showing off his juniors' "achievements"!

And the coaching staff

The coaching staff of the U17 training camp is rare and very reliable. They informed the first army of the results of certain games they knew.

Thus, there is the current situation.

"Senior already knows so much?"

After being relentlessly dismantled by No.1 of the First Army, Nioh's complexion is still very calm and natural.

"I thought that after so long, everyone had forgotten these things~"

He didn't show any embarrassment.

After all, it had been predicted.

Byōdōin Hōō is not the kind of tennis player who has power but no brains--

The former legendary minister of Makinofuji Tennis Club.

Now the U17's first army No.1.

The leader of the upcoming U17 team.

If he despises Byōdōin Hōō who possesses these identities because of his self-confidence, he doesn't need to sit here at all, and just choose to hide behind his Tanegashima senior and accept asylum!

* Will satisfy the predecessors. "

In the face of the forceful army NO.1, Nioh's answer is still very calm.

No matter he faces any opponent, his expression on the surface may be different, but he has always been calm in his heart.

It's not just the self-confidence born of strong tennis strength, but also the obsession and arrogance in the soul that many people can't realize. A proud man will never bow to his knees in the face of such a powerful opponent.

The reason why the Rikkai elections are gathered together is never because their ministers are strong enough to overwhelm everyone, but because they have the same goal-like-minded people.

"Although, the result of the match (the king's) can't make the seniors achieve their wishes."

Nioh's words are very straightforward.

--The tip of the needle is to the wheat mang.

This time there is no "maybe, probably, maybe", only the result of "must win"!

Although they will soon become a teammate on the representative team, before that, the winner must be divided!

--The so-called teammates are just "companion on the road."

- The khaki flag of victory and honor followed by Rikkai big players, their relationship with anyone else will not be "attached"!


The time for exchanges in the direction of the seat of the first army, and the time after Tanegashima and Daqu came back here are not short.

In the direction of the Second Army, many people have already looked to this side. But now, the players in the first army seats have no extra energy or feel that there is no need to pay attention to the movements there.

The minister in Higa, Kite, looked at Nioh, his eyes were surprised.

Even though he had very little contact with Nioh, he knew that Nioh Masaharu never liked to be the "focus figure" in the eyes of everyone in the past.

Even Atobe, who knows Nioh better, frowned.

He didn't expect Rikkai's fraudster to have such a "sharp" show under court.

Such a sentence-to bluntly declare the result of war under the gaze of so many people, this is a very straightforward provocation!

Yukimura was the only middle school student with a satisfied smile.

Among the bystanders of high school students, only Tanegashima Shuji smiled.

--Only tennis players from Rikkai's background will understand the "traditional" criminals they are still circulating.

Rikkai never cared about the eyes of others.

Either "lonely cold" or "arrogant", they are all labels that others arbitrarily put on Rikkai.

Of course, there are tennis players who don't like trouble in the Rikkai big tennis club, but there are no timid and cowering tennis players in the Rikkai big tennis club!

--It's just hard words, who doesn't know it?

What's more, this is not empty talk!

The "awareness" of Rikkai's big player does not have all these elements of motivation, decisiveness, and counterattack. They only have the consciousness of "constant victory and undefeated"!.

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