Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 741 : Ideological Education, Nioh and Byodoin

The seamless light is extremely dazzling.

At the seat of the First Army, Byōdōin Hōō looked at the figure of the high school student on the court and couldn't help his mood change.

"Today's old wounds seem to be particularly itchy!"

He raised his hand and touched his forehead under the cover of the hair band. For a moment, there seemed to be various complex emotions flashing in his eyes.

After a pause, this No.1 army pulled off his hair band very simply-

"Watch it honestly, new boys!

This sentence of the leader of the first army was to the middle school students sitting here.

With his hair band torn off, he had a very obvious scar on his forehead.

Almost all the four middle school students caught off guard and saw the first army's NO.1 move. Even the high school students present were shocked by the operation of the army boss.

Duke Watanabe hesitated to say something but stopped. He came late. In fact, he didn't know the specific process of the scar left on the forehead of Byodoin Temple. He just vaguely heard about it.

Tanegashima Shuji himself has a very strong psychological endurance, and he himself often "acts flexibly", so even if he sees such a situation, his heart just jumps and his heart settles down.

But No. 6 of the First Army is really scared by their boss

His doubles partner is just a heartbeat, but his heart is beating wildly!

Omagari almost regretted that he had just won the qualifying match just now. He sat here very restless and wanted to change his seat with Maori and Yue Zhi on the other side of the field.

"You didn't think that ghost was the'good old man" before, did you?"

Byōdōin Hōō said sarcastically.

He directly and suggestively explained the origin of the scar on his forehead, leaving Yukimura, Atobe and Kite, the three ministers of junior high school students, to be stunned there.

Oni Jujiro, the gatekeeper of the original court No. 5, is now the No. 5 player Oni Jujiro of the first army--

Although the ghost's identity has changed, the impression he left on middle school students is deep-rooted.

Tennis is very strong, and the vertical heartbeat is very powerful.

Old-fashioned, looks a bit fierce, but in fact, the personality seems to be the opposite.

In short, if the impression of Onijujiro on junior high school students can be quantified, it is more than twice as high as Byōdōin Hōō's impression score for junior high school students!

--At first glance, it is simply the difference between "excellent" and "failed".

Even Yukimura and Atobe subconsciously feel that Oni Jujiro, senior, is much gentler.

This is the result of their impression before seeing the Byodoin VS Tokugawa game.

"But isn't it because seniors of Byodoin Temple are too cold?"

After finishing his qualifying match, No.2, a light-hearted army, couldn't help but complain about Byodoin in his heart, but what he didn't expect was that a certain white-haired junior who had been acquainted with him also thought so.

Moreover, the white-haired junior who is not afraid of No.1 in the first army even said this spit directly to Byōdōin Hōō!

"Although the ghost-senpai looks mature--just like our Deputy Minister Sanada of Rikkai University, it seems that he has surpassed the age limit, but the ghost-senpai is very enthusiastic on the court"|~"

Under the horrifying eyes of the first army No.3 and the first army No.6, and the first army NO.2's somewhat unexpected but encouraging eyes, Nioh spoke very smoothly and naturally in his heart. talk.

In a certain way, people's courage is not constant, nor is it just because of people's character. "Courage" this kind of thing sometimes changes with one's own confidence.

For tennis players, the biggest pillar supporting the confidence is tennis strength.

Because of the change of mentality and the confidence of his tennis strength, Nioh didn't care about the eyes of No.3 and No.6 of the First Army. His gaze facing the Byodoin Temple was very self-conscious.

To be honest, among all the people present in the first military seat, Seiichi Yukimura puts more psychological pressure on Nioh Masaharu than Byōdōin Hōō's.

--Not because of anything else, but because of "psychological factors".

After watching the doubles where Sanada and Akutsu lost so badly, Nioh has completely "realized".

At the peak of the mood, he even wanted to have a game with Yukimura!

So considering Nioh Masaharu's awkward character before and after his rebirth, he now has a natural and peaceful attitude and talks with the first army NO.1 like a joke, it doesn't seem to be an exaggeration?

"Well, you dare to speak."

No. 1 of the first army, without even watching the game, turned around and looked at Nioh and said.

"But too naive

"This is not the mental state that you should have on court!"

Byōdōin Hōō's words sound very rude.

However, Duke Watanabe, who has been following the No. 1 army for a long time, took a very low breath.

--If the tone and wording of this sentence were spoken by someone else, then of course it would be "very rude".

But the person who said this sentence is the No. 1 Byōdōin Hōō!

When did the boss of the First Army ever be so "gentle"?!

[Yes, if it is a tennis player who can contend with that guy, the boss's tone can't be exaggerated. 】

First Army No.3 thought so.

Although Byodoin feels a little upset because he thinks of some unpleasant past events, he will not get angry for no reason or directly hit someone with a tennis ball.

As long as you can keep up with the rhythm of the No. 1 army moving towards the predetermined goal, it is not impossible to make a moderate joke-isn't that the way Tanegashima Shuji?

Always stepping on a certain edge, but always at ease.

No. 2 of the First Army has gotten the "pulse" of Byodoin Fenghuang.

Now, Nioh, who has no fog on the road ahead, also understands Byodoin’s ideas and baseline very clearly.

So he is really fearless.

Because if you say "tennis strength" to an extreme point, it is roughly equal to "status or right to speak".

- After Rikkai finished the three-game winning streak, he still worked so hard to practice tennis. Even the habitual singles players also conducted a considerable amount of doubles training. Isn't it because they have the confidence to speak like this and can be heard by others?

"Puff, is this the experience and lessons that seniors learned after losing?

Nioh said, narrowing his eyes slightly.


Now the person who smokes the air-conditioner is not just the No. 3 of the first army.

Nioh Masaharu, he perfectly stepped on Byōdōin Hōō's "hot spot"!

And it definitely did it deliberately!

If you don’t die, you won’t die. If you can’t help it, then you must remember that there is a limit to die! But now, even the No. 2 Tanegashima Shuji of the first army can’t figure out what Nioh Masaharu thinks.

In their impression, although Nioh's court scores are very beautiful and his personality is a bit more casual, he is generally willing." "Low-key".

"The fraudster on the court", the usual protective color is very strong.

But is it because of the "temporary breath" that it is diametrically opposed to Byodoin Temple?


[Is it because of Tokugawa, or because of what Yukimura did just now?]

Tanegashima thought silently. He thought and thought, but only thought of these two possible reasons.

But if it's because of Tokugawa's feelings that it is uneasy, why has it been so abruptly displayed until now?

If it’s because Yukimura took advantage of the trend to make Nioh and Byodoin decide a match

That's even more impossible!

Not so angry!

No. 2 of the first army, thinking hard, he rejected the only two possibilities that he thought of.

"Huh, lesson?"

Byodoin's mocking face has changed after listening to Nioh's hot questions.

His expression is cold, but the corners of his mouth are hooked up-which makes his look even more terrifying.

[How can I understand it with a smooth journey!]

Unstoppable memories rushed to the heart of Yijun No.1.

Those regretful, bitter emotions, and the great waves that have been surging in my heart

【--too naive!】

"That's right."

His current tone is rather plain.

However, this tone sounds to other people, but it is much more terrifying than the previous tone.

Because what is hidden in this is the painful fire that is caused by Byodoin's anti-phoenix and is compulsive, just like torturing itself!

"There are definitely more people in this world better than you than you think!"

No.1 of the First Army said almost tolerantly.

Ps, finally wrote "to dispel the confused and foggy state" Masaharu. Emm suddenly opened the golden rope and tore off the jade lock. It was probably the enlightened mood of "I knew I was me today"!

Pps, I don’t know much about the “experience” during the qualifying, so it’s okay. I was very confused when I saw the behavior of the ghost and Irie asking Tokugawa to play in Byodoin. At first glance, I thought that No.1 was the background person. Suppose that is understandable, but see the back-since he is so powerful and so strong, why don't you try to defeat the all-out Oni Jujirou first, how can you be confident about yourself?

It's too strong. It doesn't make sense to think about it now, but it's just to pave the way for Ryoma to have a reason to leave the team, right?

(!!! I haven't watched the new net king Masaharu for half a year, doubles! I rekindle the desire to read comics, I have been a pigeon for a long time without the motivation to open the comics. Happy, so there is one more tonight. Well, not yet Have a holiday.)

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