Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 742 : The Echizen brothers, the Shura field that does not show up

"Yeah, little, it seems we missed something.

No. 4 of the current army who left the seat is finally back.

Moreover, he didn't just come back alone.


Atobe looked surprisedly at the Guoshengsheng boy wearing a white hat.

"This is, are you brothers?

Yukimura said, bending her lips.

"No wonder the first time I saw it, I felt a little familiar."

He looked at the two people who came by and said suddenly.

And Nioh looked at the approaching Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma and was also a little surprised, because he didn't expect Echizen Ryoga to bring Echizen Ryoma to the side of the army.

According to his original "memory

This Echizen brother, shouldn't he play tennis with his brother in private?

How can you bring Echizen Ryoma to the seat of the first army so straightforwardly?

"Still a long way to go!"

- Seigaku's little pillar's mantra came out again.

Echizen Ryoma stared fiercely at a certain No. 4, and said angrily.

"So it's a brother, Echizen-kun of Seigaku?"

However, it was precisely because of Seigaku's first-year reaction that Nioh became more interested in both of them.

Originally, Echizen Ryoga suddenly came with Echizen Ryoma and interrupted the conversation between him and Byodoin, who was directly "getting better". He was still very unhappy!

Because of something that Tanegashima Shuji showed in the doubles game, Nioh is now "enlightened". Therefore, he, who was originally "a little willful" in the eyes of others, has now reached the point where he is called "willful and reckless".

Don’t say it’s plundering Byōdōin Hōō’s anger, stepping on the “explosion point” of No.1 of the army, and getting rid of it again. Now he “sees his mind” at first glance, and abandons all the previous “planning” and “planning”. Be cautious." He himself doesn't know or know what to say or do in the next moment.

-One but 260 is, isn't the joy in life the so-called "unknown"?

Nioh had never thought of communicating with Echizen Ryoga, because he had long known that this "free prodigal" would not stop his footsteps because of a small training camp.

Even if this "little training camp" is called "U17 training camp", it is the same.

Echizen Ryoga came here only because Echizen Ryoma was alone.

Not to mention the current time point. Presumably, this is still the No. 4 Echizen of the Japanese U17 training camp. It seems that he has agreed to the U17 representative team of the United States?

Therefore, Nioh never thought of contacting and communicating with Echizen Ryoga in the U17 training camp before "Self-Awareness".

In his original plan, the time period for him to "formally introduce himself" was the Youth World Cup!

But now he has changed his mind.

When Echizen Ryoga interrupted his "temporary plan" and let him and the first army No.1 "getting better" conversation halfway through, he immediately shifted his interest.

Just like a child with a three-minute heat, the "fraudster" immediately dropped his attention to the boss of the first army, and instead asked about the affairs between the Echizen brothers with great interest.

--This must be a very interesting story, puff~

"Well, of course we are brothers."

I don't know where I took out another orange, Echizen Ryoga answered very patiently.

"Look at the appearance of the two of us--"

No. 4 of the current army will leave without knowing when. I just want to see my younger brother. Echizen Ryoga is very satisfied with Rikkai's good eyesight.

"Except for the height difference, we are like brothers, right?'

Both Yukimura and Nioh felt that he and Echizen Ryoma were "(bhcj) brothers" at the first time. This incident caused Echizen Ryoga's mood index to rise by several percentage points!

"Is that so, little one?"

Echizen Ryoga said with a smile, and rubbed his brother's head with his hand.

He also disliked Echizen Ryoma's hat as a hindrance, and quickly took off Seigaku's first-grader's hat and smoothly smoothed the hair on the head of his brother-kun, whose hair color was very similar to him.

"Echizen Ryoga!!"

"You put your hands down--"

After being rubbed his head, and then being smoothed like a cat, Echizen Ryoma, who looked like angrily, suddenly exploded.

It's not just because of the height issue that someone mentioned-Echizen Ryoma is convinced that he will grow taller.

More because of Echizen Ryoga’s method of rubbing his head smoothly

It almost immediately reminded him of his Carrubin!

--Does this man use him as a kitten to flirt his fur?!!

Echizen Ryoma thought so, his amber eyes widened with anger.

However, what he absolutely didn't know was that his bulging appearance looked like a "proud brother Jun who is acting coquettishly with his brother" in the eyes of Nioh and others!

"It saddens me too much, little one.

No. 4 of the First Army said pretentiously.

His disguised expression is not at all distracting.

The corners of his lips have betrayed his current good mood.

"Who was the'brother' who asked me to play tennis with him?"

The handsome young boy with dark green hair looked down slightly at another younger boy with dark green hair and said.

"How long has it passed before you don't recognize me?"

Having said this, Echizen Ryoga gritted his teeth, and the hand that had been put down fell on his brother's head again.

"Amnesia is not a reason, little bit~"

He kneaded relatively harder this time, causing Echizen Ryoma's current hairstyle to be a little messy.


The answer to Echizen Ryoga was just a cold snort.

[Who told you to leave without saying goodbye in advance, and not contact me for such a long time as soon as you left

Some of Echizen Ryoma's thoughts are something he will never say directly.

Some memories forgotten because of accidental "amnesia" are actually things that he will never completely forget.

Back in the days when we were playing tennis together in the U.S., the excuse that he let him pick up the ball that day only left him with the back of the car--

Even if you want to leave, can't you tell him in advance?

Echizen Ryoma can forgive Echizen Ryoga for many things, but he will never "forgive" it!

"Are you so grudges, petty?"

Someone who got a cold snort in reply said helplessly.

"I apologized to you before

When it comes to this matter, even Echizen Ryoga, who has always been calm and unconcerned about the past, can't pass it lightly.

Because in this matter-although it is not his fault, but he is really guilty of conscience.

The original "leave" was something he couldn't change, and the responsibility of course did not lie with him. But his "guilty conscience" is not for this reason.

Echizen Ryoga's guilty conscience is only Echizen Ryoma, because of the brotherhood between him and Ryoma when they were young.

If it's a change of person

For example, changing to the guy Ralph Reinhardt, he definitely has no guilty conscience at all.

--Even if he releases pigeons against Ralph Reinhardt, he won't be guilty!

Except for Echizen Ryoma, Echizen Ryoga will not have the kind of negative feelings that belong to "weakness" towards anyone.

"Seriously, little one."

"When we met before, you scared me!!

Although the tone is somewhat frivolous, Echizen Ryoga's words are definitely from the heart.

"I thought you really don't remember me anymore."

The prodigal son who is free will have moments of ambition.

People who are wandering are also bound by their hearts.

"Although it doesn't seem very good to say that, but I still have to say--"

"I didn't remember that it was because of amnesia. As a result, after playing tennis with my brother, I remembered the memory that I had forgotten--"

"It's great, Ryoma.

Echizen Ryoma couldn't hold back his face for a moment when the person who had always laughed so softly that made people blush.

"Do you remember my name?"

He tried to shake his face hard to make himself look more serious.

But in the eyes of other people, his brisk and joyful mood has long been concealed.

"I have grown up, Echizen Ryoga."

--So don't call me "little" anymore!

Although the age of National One is still younger than you, it is actually not that young anymore.

"Wait, I will beat you in the next qualifying match!'

Reaching out and pulling his hat on, the amber-eyed boy raised his head and said.

"Echizen Ryoga, you are still far behind!"

He directly provokes.

The sun was not very warm, but because of his amber eyes, it showed a kind of vigorous sun.

The conversation between the two brothers with similar appearances is really unbearable to interrupt.

Nioh looked at these two Echizens, but didn't interrupt them wittily.

--Because he knows that he doesn't need to speak in person to interrupt!


Qualifying will not stop due to off-court events.

"Game 2-0, First Army, Oni Jujiro wins!"

A game in which both players used the legendary "Seamless" Selfless State third level game ended.

Although it is very exciting, but the attention-at least the attention of the first army, but not as high as the attention of the previous doubles competition.

Of course, this is not because singles are unattractive.

It’s just compared to the “seamless” state that has already been seen

There will always be more interesting things happening.

"It looks like a brother, Tokugawa."

In the direction of the Second Army, Irie opened his eyes and looked at the two Echizen players and said.

--Yes, Irie Kanata has given up the option of "watching the game seriously" a long time ago.

He is now concentrating on "pre-match coaching" for Tokugawa Kazuya.

The so-called "pre-match coaching", from the perspective of Irie Kanata, is of course "psychological counseling."

Irie tried very hard to make the black-haired high school student's mood fluctuate, and he worked hard to make Tokugawa change his face.

He did this--

If you don’t know that this senior is supporting him, Tokugawa Kazuya will think that Irie Kanata is "his traitor", the "undercover" sent by the opposite side!

ps, Nioh's "active communication" has no results (the king of the net takes the initiative to talk to his opponent, and perfectly pokes the opponent's explosive point, such as Fuji, covering his face) To be a gentle author, first suppress the outbreak of the Byodo-In Temple Keep the anger until tomorrow.

pps, yes, this is the pre-booked Echizen RyogaVS Tokugawa Kazuyaの#修罗场#

Although I haven't read manga for more than half a year, I still remember how Ryoga brother looked! Handsome! So this chapter is updated for him. The abbreviation ghost and Xiaojin play, because compared with the original, I don’t think it is different

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