Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 766 In the infirmary, constantly circulating

In the infirmary, as Nioh had imagined, Shiraishi took some of his teammates here to greet the injured Ishida Gin.

Minister Shitenhouji and his teammates have done all this is really heartwarming.

Especially when compared with other "wounded" groups.

Tokugawa Kazuya's face was cold, he was half lying on the hospital bed, his upper body leaning on the comfortable pillow, and he didn't say a word.

Everyone can tell that Tokugawa's heart is very heavy now.

--Not only because of losing to Byōdōin Hōō in qualifying, but also because of Echizen Ryoma!

Black-haired high school students had long ago thought of "want to take care of cute younger generations like their younger brothers". However, before this year's junior high school students were recruited, his "careful wish" has not been realized-until the arrival of Echizen Ryoma.

But "get it and then lose it, it's not as good as never encountered it!"

Thinking about this, Tokugawa Kazuya's face grew colder.

His senses of No.1 Army also cast a shadow.

"Can I leave now?"

The high school player in the No. 1 court, although his injury has not reached the point of being directly unconscious, but to be on the safe side, the medical staff of the U17 training camp still forbid him to get up and leave.

So Tokugawa could only lie on the hospital bed with the other three senior high school students in silence.

But he wants to leave here because one-

"What to go, Tokugawa!"

"Lie down together!"

No.5 Kaji Kazena of the original army said while lying in the infirmary.

"Byodoin’s move was very light this time, you think your injury is okay now? 17"

Kaji Kazena said with an unhappy face.

His tone was a bit aggressive, but Tokugawa Kazuya didn't care about it.

The black-haired high school student knew that Kaji didn't mean to taunt him when he said this, but because of one of the two high school players next to his bed.


Kaji Kazena spoke to Tokugawa just now, but actually did not expect Tokugawa Kazuya to reply to him.

Kaji, who has been lying down for a long time today, is just talking about expressing his bad feelings.

So he yelled to the middle school student in the grass green team uniform.


Shiraishi, the head of the good junior high school student who was asking for warmth, looked back at the senior high school student blankly.

Minister Shitenhouji was politely waiting for the words of the senior high school students, and on the other hand, he uncovered Kintarou Tooyama who was about to jump up and down.

The person Shiraishi Kuranosuke is most grateful for now is their coach Watanabe from the Shitenhouji Tennis Club.

Without the "golden bracer" given to him by coach Watanabe, his left arm would not be wrapped with a white bandage, and he would not be able to use the "bad hand" to quiet Shitenhouji's first grader.

"The one lying on your side was made by the guy at No.3, right?'

Kaji Kazena was lying in the infirmary, still very energetic.

Although he added new injuries to old injuries, his injuries did not heal for a while, but he never showed depression.

"This kind of thing can be seen at a glance!"

Kaji Kazena said immediately.

"You middle school students, don't just look at the surface when you look at people."

"Hmph, some people seem to be fine on the surface, but in fact they are not as "harmless" as you think!"

He snorted coldly and said.

Except for Kokin who didn't hear anything, the middle school students couldn't help but float their eyes in Tokugawa Kazuya's direction.

- Irie Kanata and Oni Jujiro are there.

Think about the superb skills and "acting skills" of Irie player when he challenged the No. 3 court.

When the junior high school students noticed that the senior high school student showed a gentle expression to them, they immediately focused their attention on another senior senior high school student without stopping.

Looking at the current rank No. 5 Oni Jujiro who has a bad face since the end of the qualifying, and thinking about the senior with a natural curly hairstyle, Shiraishi and others have said that they already understand this white-haired natural Why is Senior Juan so angry?

However, Shiraishi and others obviously underestimated Kaji Kazena's grievances.

Kaji can only start to say these things to them now, which makes him feel more dizzy in the heart of another half-lying high school student in the infirmary-because it means "the accident is about to happen again"!

"No.1 and No.3 both beat their opponents into the infirmary, and the ghost beat me in too.

"The No.4 I encountered on that road ran away with a middle school student--"

"Spray, is Tanegashima Shuji soft-hearted?"

Kimijima, who is still dizzy and uncomfortable, feels relieved that Kaji Kazena's current topic object is No. 2 of the first army.

Kimishima was secretly relieved, he felt like he had passed another level.

He was lying in a faint, but now he doesn't want to bother talking to Kaji Kazena.

- After waking up before, he spoke to Kaji in the plastic friendship of a high school student, but it was even more uncomfortable to be blocked by Kaji Kazena's words.

"The 2-0 victory, the No. 2 and No. 6 seniors of the first army, let us watch a very exciting game.

Shiraishi replied with a polite smile.

Minister Shitenhouji is now very accustomed to uttering such "similar to official speech" remarks. Because he and his teammates didn't want to offend a senior high school student who was angry with just a few words.

However, the development of things is always so helpless

The previous "dialogue-loop" is about to appear again.

The purple-haired high school student who covered his face with a quilt on another hospital bed was still dizzy and uncomfortable, but after hearing Shiraishi's answer, he pulled off the quilt and sat up.

"A soft-hearted hand! A soft-hearted hand!"

Tohno Atsukyo shouted.

Now the person who wanted to cover his face and bury himself in a quilt to isolate his voice became Kimijima.

Kimishima felt an urge to vomit when hearing Tohno's yelling.

"He is the heart! Compassion! Hand! Soft! Ah!"

Tohno doesn't care what Junjima thinks, he believes that Tanegashima Shuji is "soft-hearted", so he is very angry about it.

Had it not been for the medical staff for not allowing him to get out of bed and forbidding him to walk out of the door of the infirmary, Tohno Atsukyo would have woken up with a racquet to hit someone.

-Although he still has an old injury on his knee, he can still walk.

However, no matter how he resisted it, none of the staff in the infirmary allowed him to get out of bed. In addition, Tohno is still in dizziness and uncomfortable time. All Tohno can do now is to lie on the hospital bed and cover his face with a quilt. Sulking.

But even with his face, Tohno behind the quilt can hear other people's voices.

So when he heard something from Kaji Kazena, he immediately became so angry that he would sit up and argue loudly with the other party.


The pillow fell to the ground.

Without racquet and tennis, Tohno, who was too angry, hit the door with a pillow.

Minister Shitenhouji, who kept smiling, saw this scene, and he felt that he was about to laugh.

--It's not that he has no sympathy and empathy.


"Xiaojin, go and help Senior pick up the pillow."

Trying to restrain his smile, Shiraishi said to the first-year students around him.

This is the first time this is, this Tohno Atsukyo-senpai who came out of the quilt and yelled loudly and threw the pillow!

It's like a loop--

Kaji Kazena-senpai started a topic, Tokugawa Kazuya and Onijujiro two seniors did not respond, Irie Kanata-sen was watching the show with a smile, Kimijima-senpai even persuaded at first, but then he shut himself up without interrupting.

At the end of each time, innocent pillows hit the more innocent door.

Shiraishi skillfully asked his first-year students to pick up pillows for Tohno. He thought, fortunately, no one came to visit. Since Chitose left with Tachibana, don't come again, otherwise he might be hit by the pillow.

"Senior, when can we go in such an infinite loop?

Shitenhouji's second-year student Hikaru Zaizen whispered to Oshitari Ken also.

When he first came, he cared for Senior Ishida. But after that, it was the gossip feeling in my heart.

But after such a "cycle" so many times, he couldn't stand it anymore!

I forgive him for being only a second-year student, and he is not as strong as the third-year seniors who can hold back a smile.

--Although he is in the infirmary, although his senior Ishida was injured, he was worried and sad, but he really wants to laugh now!

The "angry point" of that senior Tohno was really good.

Every time a topic was opened, the senior couldn't help but screamed out of the quilt.

And the Kimishima-senpai who doesn't say a word for 280 now

Obviously, his face has changed with anger, but he is still bending the corners of his stiff mouth in a very standardized way--this senior high school student, you are exposed!

He was so angry, but he still wanted to maintain his image.

I heard that Kimijima-sen is a star player, so should he praise this senior high school student for his "professionalism"? Or is this senior so angry that his expression is about to freeze?

Hikaru Zaizen complained in his heart.

In order to avoid becoming the target of throwing pillow Tohno-senpai, he decided to keep silent with his Shitenhouji-senpai.

As for "speaking and dialogue" things-these things are Shiraishi's responsibility!

"It depends on Shiraishi, Caiqian.

"You have to trust us Minister Shitenhouji!"

Oshitari Ken also answered the junior in a low voice.

The voices he and Hikaru Zaizen talked were low and low, in order to prevent others from hearing them and noticing them.

[Senior Shiraishi, we all believe in you!]

Looking at the two seniors, Koharu and Yuji, who were silent but with bright eyes, Hikaru Zaizen had no choice but to think so.

--Although from the current situation, the time for their Shitenhouji player to walk out of the infirmary door is far away, they all believe in Shiraishi Kuranosuke!

The minister of Shitenhouji will definitely take them out of this infirmary safely-endless loop!

Ps, Junjima: My heart is tired, my doubles partner is so stupid, and my high school student colleagues are so stupid, why are they so stupid! People are throwing it out!

Shiraishi: Why did it become like this? Hahahaha

Xiaojin: I don't know the situation, but it is very good.jpg

Tokugawa: Indifferent face, I don't want to communicate with you, where is Ryoma now, is he home?

Irie: I just watched silently and didn't speak (I was about to laugh crazy inside, so my colleagues are so funny, it's really not easy for Byodoin to lead these people in the game, Shiraishi-kun is also a genius!)

Ishida Gin: I'm just a "tool man", lying here as a background to cover my teammates

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