Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 767 Raise the spirit and make the world

"Boss, where are we going next?"

After going to the restaurant with No. 1 of the First Army, the No. 3 of the First Army asked while walking.

Duke-Watanabe had actually guessed, but he still wanted to ask Byōdōin Hōō.

"Go to the infirmary.

"Let's go this way, the road"

"Hmph, stop by on the way to see those naive middle school students!"

Byōdōin Hōō walked with a cold face, and said non-stop.

Use "benevolence and justice" to conquer the world--what a naive idea is this?

But such a naive idea, the No. 1 army had actually had it in the past. At that time, he had not played against many national team players, full of confidence and high spirits.

But when he "recognized the world", after he experienced the World Cup that year, he finally understood--

"Benevolence and justice" alone cannot conquer the world at all.

Every tennis player on the World Cup team wants to win.

And most of these tennis players have a "must win" reason!

They all have the direction and dream to work hard for, and they all have the power of enlightenment.

--No one is a simple world protagonist!

--Everyone has their own story, and they all carry the weight of their own responsibilities and dreams!

Byodoin thought, since middle school students must participate in this World Cup, let me teach them first! Instead of dragging down the team on the field, it is better to stay in the infirmary of the U17 training camp. Remnant!

Thinking of this at 280, he and Duke walked together to the rest place usually used for afternoon tea parties.

The atmosphere in this usually relaxed place is very heavy now.

Except for some of the big-hearted, there are middle school students who are thinking about going to the restaurant, except for Shitenhouji who went to the infirmary, the rest of the middle school students gathered here.


Kikumaru Eiji bit his lip and said.

"Echizen just left like this?"

Oishi Syuichirou lowered his head.


Fuji Syusuke remembered the entrustment of his hand Kunimitsu when he left.

- Seigaku's players have all been hit hard.

They are depressed, not only losing their appetite, but also immersed in their own thinking.

"Because it violated the rules of the training camp."

"This is also a lesson for us."

Oshitari Yuushi said with a wry smile.

"Cut! That's it this year, don't worry about frowning!"

"Isn't Echizen Ryoma just a Kuniichi?"

"Not this year, come again next year-there will be another time!"

Shishido Ryoh said hardly.

Speaking of which, Hyotei is more receptive to these.

In the third grade, Shishido Ryoh can actually feel the feelings of some other people, because he has also encountered similar frustrations of being "ejected from the team" (bhcj).

Due to the negligence of the opponent's intelligence in the fight against Fudomine, Hyotei lost two consecutive doubles, so that he was in a desperate situation at the singles third position. At the time, the singles third person was Anato Ryo.

At that time, he was still picking Hyotei with beautiful long hair.

But after the game, he wasn't anymore

Shishido Ryoh made a lot of effort in order to get back to the right place.

In order to obtain the understanding and trust of God coach and Atobe again, he did not hesitate to "cut the invention"-he used to value his beautiful long hair very much.

But in any case, he eventually returned to Hyotei's right selection position.

The hard work and unwillingness during the period were hidden in the flow of time and disappeared.

Therefore, Shitou will not be too immersed in these sorrows. The current unwillingness can only be turned into the driving force for his advancement-this time it will not work, but next time it will be successful!


"Yes, we haven't lost yet!"

Sanada patted the table and stood up.

"--Cheer up!"

He said loudly.

"This failure is the foundation of the next success. We can't deny our failure, but we will never accept such an outcome!"

Sanada has been sullen since losing in qualifying, but he did reflect on it after the game.

"Don't relax, and don't push the failure to time!"

He said in a deep voice.

The thoughts of Vice Minister Rikkai are similar to those of Hyotei, but there are still some differences.

"This time the U17 training camp has not passed, are you so depressed?!"

"All cheer up!"

Sanada Xianichiro said sharply, his tone even hinting at reprimand.

"That's right, it's not over yet!'

The calm Akutsu Jin also raised his head. He didn't say any "don't order me" mantra this time, nor ignored these words, but directly expressed his attitude.

Although he and Sanada are very different and incompatible, if he can communicate with someone softly, then he is also Akutsu Jin.

Moreover, since he can doubles, he and Sanada certainly have a common idea.

"Yes-not over: bundle!"

Akutsu Jin repeated it word by word, with a flame in his eyes that would destroy all obstacles in the road ahead.


A cold snort sounded like thunder in the ears of the middle school students gathered together.

"First Army NO.1!"

"Byōdōin Hōō--"

In an instant, I took Duke Watanabe and came over to see the Byōdōin Hōō, who were middle school students, and became the focus of everyone's attention.

"What are you doing?"

Sanada came up with such a sentence, let his red-haired Rikkai teammates once again confirmed the low EQ of their Rikkai Deputy Minister.

"Senior of Byodoin Temple."

Marui Bunta's expression was very natural, and he shouted "Senior" calmly.

All in all, the Rikkai Taisho, who has watched the entire qualifying process, is not as complicated as the others.

"Does senior have anything to announce?"

Marui Bunta didn't expect Sanada to ask anything meaningful, so he decided to ask in person.

Facing the No. 1 army of the first army, a group of calm redhead Rikkai players, I did not believe that Byōdōin Hōō, Duke and Watanabe really "passed" here.

-First Army NO.1 high school students will come here without a problem?

If you use Liu, from the data point of view, this possibility is correct.

However, the possibility is too small.

At least Marui Bunta didn't believe in this pathetic possibility.

"It looks like some of you are already thinking--"

In the face of middle school students who are either calm and natural or full of anger, the No. 1 army sneered and said.

""Getting the world" is not a simple matter."

As Byōdōin Hōō said, he took off his team uniform and jacket without looking at the reactions of the middle school students.

A hideous scar is on his back, almost covering the entire spine

All this was seen in the eyes of the middle school students, making them all hold their breath, and at that moment their minds were shaking and silent.

"This is "

Liu Sheng wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Pale words are not worth mentioning in front of such scars.

So, Yagyu Hiroshi only wiped his fists in the end, and then regained his former composure-at least the superficial composure.

"But you are also right about one thing--"

"it's not finished yet!"

There is murderous in the words of No.1 of the First Army.

"In this World Cup, I will definitely'get the world'!"

--There is no time. This is his last chance.

--There is no retreat.

Byōdōin Hōō left such a sentence, and then turned and left with Duke and Watanabe.

ps, update

ps, the cold-faced army NO.1 is actually in a good mood (according to the plot of this article), but he may be in a bad mood afterwards~.

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