Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 768 In the infirmary, not enterprising

In the infirmary.



Tohno yelled violently.

here we go again..

Shiraishi kept smiling, ready to let the first-year students in his tennis club go and pick up the pillows of the senior high school students.

However, perhaps the same thing has gone through too many times, and Kaji Kazena's little plastic fellowship has long been consumed.

And the shout of Tohno Atsukyo--

It’s not just Kimijima who is bored with this~ people!

Kaji Kazena, a natural scroll high school student, after listening to the angry shouts after cycling many times,-finally ran out of patience.

"Tanegashima Shuji is OK--"

Kaji Kazena said with a foul face.

He didn't say anything weirdly. Although he is a "diehard", to some extent, he is also a tennis player who "knows right from wrong".

It's just that the "right and wrong" he "disambiguated" is only "victory"!

Although the No. 2 of the first army failed to score the middle school opponent into the infirmary, it was indeed a big victory 2-0. Even if Kaji Kazena feels irritable, he can't be too aggressive in this regard.

Oni Jujiro

"Uncle Ghost is super!"

The red-haired first-year junior high school life said briskly.

Minister Shitenhouji has done his best!

Shiraishi tried very hard to limit Kintarou Tooyama's "range of activity" to Ishida Gin's bed.

Outside of this, he can do nothing about other things

Shiraishi allowed Xiaojin to say non-stop enthusiastic compliments to the No.5 high school students of the first army.

--The thoughtful Minister Shitenhouji, how can he not let his first-year students tell the truth and express their enthusiasm for Oni Jujiro-senpai?

So, because of Shiraishi Kuranosuke's empathy (crossed out), and because of Kintarou Tooyama's enthusiastic praise of Oni Jujiro, Kaji Kazena finally gave up the topic of "First Army No. 5 Qualifying".

Although it resembles a first-year student who refutes Shitenhouji, after trying many times, Kaji finally gave up his idea.

[What ecstasy did the ghost give them?!]

Kaji Kazena was so angry.

He is in a bad mood.

--So he began to turn the "topic" to the other players in the top ten of the original army.

Because Tanegashima Shuji’s doubles partner is No. 6 Omagari, so the so-called "other players" are

That is, the original No. 7 to the original No. 10, these four people.

--Four high school students who lost the qualifying game!

"I said, Junjima."

- Tohno Atsukyo can't communicate normally at all!

After Kaji Kazena lay in the infirmary with Kimishima and Tohno for a while, he confirmed this idea again.

So Kaji wanted to start "upgrade-new topic", he directly called Kimijima's name.

"You lost too badly, right?"

"Although Maori and Yuezhi also lost, they didn't lie down and enter the infirmary!"

Although Kaji Kazena feels that Ochi and Maori lose in qualifying is also very bad, but there is no difference without comparison.

Compared with Kimijima and Tohno Atsukyo who lie down in the infirmary, Tsukimitsu Ochi and Mōri Juzaburō are already considered "qualified"!

"Did you stand still and be beaten in by middle school students?

"Still came in dizzy."

"Could it be that you were stunned by your opponent?"

Kaji Kazena's tone was full of disgust.

Kimijima tried to maintain his facial expression. He took a deep breath and took a deep breath.

Feeling that he can't be as "barbaric" as Tohno, Kimijima tried hard to resist his desire to throw pillows too-he now desperately wants to use pillows or quilts to suffocate this non-stop talking Kaji Kazena!


Kimijima's doubles partner satisfied part of his ideas.

Tohno Atsukyo, with a gloomy face, instead of throwing a pillow at the door he was facing this time, he slammed the pillow directly at Kaji Kazena!


Kaji Kazena was furious.

Because he was completely unprepared when he was talking, and Tohno Atsukyo had the most basic throwing accuracy even though he was dizzy and in bad condition, so the pillow that Tohno threw over hit his face with precision.

--This is a hornet's nest.

--The outbreak of "war" is just around the corner!

"Ha, lost the game and turned into anger? Tohno!"

Speaking mockingly, Kaji Kazena picked up the pillow next to him after smashing his head.

A high school student who relapsed because of the game against Oni Jujiro, even lying in a hospital bed, still can't change his temper.

He was depressed at first, but now that Tohno Atsukyo smashed a pillow, he "found a breakthrough for emotional outburst"!


Is this the upcoming pillow fight in the infirmary?

At this moment, everyone in Shitenhouji watching the play had the same idea.

But in the next second

………For flowers…


Familiar voice, Kaji Kazena player hopes that he has "auditory hallucinations" and "visual hallucinations" at this moment. He sincerely hopes that someone is playing pranks.

Because in the infirmary, all the high school players except Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata were lying on the hospital bed and their range of motion was restricted, so Kaji Kazena hit Tohno Atsukyo directly with a pillow.

He should have felt relieved.



Oni Jujiro's voice broke Kaji's "self-evasion" attempt.

--it is true.

--It's true Byōdōin Hōō.


Kaji Kazena cursed inwardly.

First Army NO.1, what are you doing in the infirmary when you have nothing to do?

Come visit Tokugawa Kazuya who was beaten into the infirmary by him?!


Kaji Kazena stiffened, he was half lying on the hospital bed, and he was extremely quiet for a while, as if he was not the person who threw the pillow at Tohno just now.

But no matter how quiet he is, he can't change the facts just now--

Byōdōin Hōō had already seen that scene when he opened the door and entered.

Although the former No.5 high school student of the first army relapsed and was seriously injured in bed, he not only did not reflect on the defeat of the game, nor did he honestly recover his injuries - the original No.5 army is still full of action and vitality, Throwing a pillow with another high school student contestant!

"Kaji, is your injury okay?"

The first army No.3 who followed in the first army NO.1 asked with a smile.

To be honest, Duke Watanabe was shocked when he came in-

He originally thought that the atmosphere in the infirmary would be somber, after all, the players lying here were all wounded.

But when I opened the door I saw this "throwing pillow" behavior

Is it true that his colleagues are all such naive people?

The middle school students who have lost the game can cheer up and are full of fighting spirit after being hit.

If you lie here, it’s not a good idea to reflect on it, but "not to make progress"

[Ehuo, the boss is going to be angry!]

No. 3 of the army, which is not too big to watch the excitement, has already noticed one-

Byōdōin Hōō's face has changed now!

Ps, our first army No.1, I was just a little relieved because of the aggressiveness of the middle school students, and then I was irritated by these uninspiring high school students~

pps, at this time, the junior high school student visit team is walking on the way, and the next chapter enters the v soil.

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