Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 800 Real and illusory, infinite possibilities

Multi-ball consecutive play is as simple as eating and drinking for a military player.

Byōdōin Hōō, as the No. 1 tennis player of the first army, knew what kind of ball it was when he served Nioh.

--Because of this, he also received the ball simply.

--Like Nioh's seemingly plain serve, there is no ripple.

But is there really no "waves" in this?

Byōdōin Hōō's world-class skills "Indian snake charmer", after discarding its "world-class skills" aura, can also be simply referred to as "multi-ball combo" applied development play.

The mysterious ball path that wanders in the air like a poisonous snake, with bone-eroding aggressive mental power, superimposed on the basis of "multi-ball hits", it becomes a world-class game skill in the hands of Byōdōin Hōō.

"Multi-ball consecutive play" is the "basic tennis" that U17 training camp requires players to master, yes, but tennis players can never forget one point--

Their proud skills and their proud tennis prowess are all built on the "foundation"!

Basic tennis seems humble and can easily be ignored. However, in the well-protected middle school tennis world, which does not know how vast the "tennis world" is, there is still the reputation of "Bible Tennis".

Shitenhouji's Shiraishi Kuranosuke is the best example.

Other tennis players can still be refuted because of their proud skills and abilities, but Shitenhouji's minister is really "going black" on the road of "basic tennis"-other tennis players are playing hard and having a solid foundation. After that, he developed and learned many different kinds of skills according to his own style and intentions, and Shiraishi Kuranosuke has been playing silently.

In the eyes of the audience, "simple" tennis.

Of course, Minister Shitenhouji also knows how to use the ball skills, he also has his own iconic move "round table smash", and other general-purpose ball skills, Shiraishi Kuranosuke has always come.

Only in the eyes of the audience outside the court, the audience can only see the proud skills of the tennis players, that is, the individual iconic skills of the tennis players.

Those general-purpose skills that are very practical and cannot be called a loud name are generally "non-existent" in the eyes of the audience.

--Because they have subconsciously acquiesced that the swing movements of those tennis players are "ordinary normal tennis movements".

- In their cognition, only those moves that are powerful and seem extraordinary are also considered "ball skills."

Nioh's current "Gemini" style of play, this "ball skill" that can produce multiple air masses, looks like the above situation in the eyes of most "audiences" outside the court.

The tennis players in the U17 training camp were originally tennis players who were not necessarily able to be picked out of a hundred miles from the outside world. Now the "spectators" in the No. 1 court are the players who are also outstanding in U17 except for the coaches.

They are used to seeing all kinds of strange ball skills.

In the first two sets, Nioh and Byodoin’s different dimensions and skills made them unconsciously increase their expectations for the third set.

Therefore, the serve at the beginning of the third set was so plain and plain, it really made them feel puzzled and incomprehensible.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Nioh didn't know the doubts of people outside the court.

He didn't know that after watching the first two games, there are still so many players outside the court who are spectators who have such an idea.

--But if he knew this, he wouldn't be amused by it.

Because Nioh Masaharu himself used to be such a person.

Almost all of them have such stubborn thinking. It wasn't until one day that I felt the winter wind that was cold into my bones, and I understood a life principle-Xia Chong can't talk about it.

The openness of the horizon cannot determine a person's future, but it can basically limit a person's imagination.

This is what the fairy tale fable tells-

No matter how rich the imagination of the peasants were, they only wondered with envy whether the emperor had a golden pole and a golden hoe.

So even if many people recognize the "movement" of Nioh serve, they just think of "multi-ball hitting", and then with a face of doubt, the imagination ends here.

Byōdōin Hōō's "Indian snake charmer", they have just seen such a vivid example, but because of their own "dare to think" they ignore it.

The infinite possibilities of tennis are obviously not realized by these people

Perhaps, only when the boss of an army uses tennis to block the bullet holes and the choking of the gang boss, they can realize the "infinite possibilities of tennis."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The hidden air mass can hardly be caught by the naked eye, which is the difficulty of catching the ball in the "Gemini" play. Because the player who catches the ball generally does not know if there will be an air mass that rushes toward his wrist when he wants to catch the ball.

But the above difficulties are also limited to the "general situation".

Although air masses are truly "air masses", since they can hit the opponent's wrist like a tennis ball, it is a side story.

--When these air masses rush towards the target, they also have their own course like tennis.

--The air masses have a different path from the real tennis.

Hey! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the case of extremely fast speed, the air with resistance was cut through.

The third set is already the last set. Regardless of whether there is any other intention or layout before, it is time to "let go" at this time--

"Heartflower" has become silvery white, and there seems to be a little silvery starlight shining like nothing.

Nioh's different dimensions are beautiful "different dimensions".

No matter how critical viewers and critics are, they can't deny the attraction of "different dimensions, lisianthus" on court.

Even Atobe Keigo, who has a high level of gorgeousness, must admit the gorgeousness of the "bellflower" at this time.

--It is "induction" and "hint".

The quality and quantity have surpassed all U17 players' mental power to reach the summit. This is a question that Byōdōin Hōō doesn't know. Nioh Masaharu will reveal the answer today.

Things that are considered "air masses"

That is not the "air mass" that everyone knows and knows about!

The impression that "Nioh Phantom" gave people was "imitation" at first, and then "mystery", but the significance of this move to Nioh was "fine-tuned absorption" and "adaptation" in addition to showing off skills.

He can hit the ball at a speed not weaker than that of Tsukimitsu Ochi when his height is far lower than that of a Hyotei high school student. The tennis player of "Mach serve" naturally has his own "personalized method."


"15:0, Nioh scored!"

The air mass was not missed, but the tennis ball was missed.

The difference between a real tennis ball and a real air mass may not be that big at all, is it?

outside court--

"The skills that can create "illusions" are not only my'dreams'."

Seiichi Yukimura bends the corners of her lips and draws a smile that makes him very soft.

"Yukimura is right."

Shiraishi Kuranosuke nodded in favor.

It's a pity that in the face of such a "gentle" Minister Rikkai, the only person who dared to answer is the Minister Shitenhouji next to him.

"I remember that Fuji had a football skill a long time ago."

"It's called invisible serve, I remembered the name correctly, right?"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke stroked his chin and thought.

His actions and attitudes similar to "thinkers" made many middle school students look at him in awe.

--Because everyone is training together in the U17 training camp, some things are no longer a secret that few people know.

Seigaku genius Fuji Syusuke and Rikkai fraud master Nioh Masaharu's "relationship" The Kanto tournament and the national tournament, these are things that are widely (good) known in the tennis world of junior high school students.

The "relationship" between Nioh and Fuji should have been this "invisible serve" at the earliest.

It is said that at that time, Rikkai sophomore ace Kirihara Akaya "deliberately" sat in the station, just to go to the youth Gakuen tennis club to find hand Kunimitsu to challenge. Kirihara Akaya wanted to challenge Minister Seigaku with racquet, and even used the entire Seigaku Tennis Club (? Fog?) to threaten (? Haze?).

However, the second-year student of Rikkai University did not succeed in the end-not because of the insistence of Minister Seigaku, nor because of other Seigaku players, but because of the famous name of the next generation but pointed out that he would challenge the genius Nioh of Seigaku!

"Yes, that's the name."

Fuji Syusuke curled his lips and said with a squint.

"But there is a difference~ Pi"

"Compared with what Nioh is using now, my trick is too simple."

The genius Seigaku said, his expression was still so gentle, completely unaffected by certain memories-if he hadn't opened his ice-blue eyes and looked at Shiraishi.

ps, don’t urge to update, I haven’t finished it yet! Really haven’t finished it! Now I can only post half of it

I will finish writing the rest tomorrow, don't stay up late and wait for updates, good night everyone.

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