Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 801 Greet each other, wind critics were killed

"The Nioh Phantom can'sublimate' most of the moves."

Fuji Syusuke looked at Shiraishi Kuranosuke and said.

Seigaku's genius is mild, and it seems that he wants to have a friendly dialogue with Shitenhouji's minister. However, in the next moment, he turned to look at his other roommate, Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura.

"For example, "Phantom" becomes a certain person but is able to play a tennis strength that surpasses the original owner?"

Obviously it is an interrogative sentence, and the language is warm and kind, but the other people next to him listened to Fuji Syusuke's sentence and always felt that something was wrong.

Do they think too much?

For some reason, Minister Hyotei Atobe Keigo, who was sitting next to Minister Rikkai, frowned slightly. His expression changed in an instant, and then it returned to its original state. Almost no one noticed this very slight change in his expression.

"Is that so, Seiichi?

Fuji asked his roommate to prove.

--Fuji Syusuke, really worthy of being "Seigaku's genius"!

--How many people's "minefield" exactly did he hit with these two sentences?

Yanagi Renji was listening, watching the expressions of Yukimura and Shiraishi from the corner of his eye.

However, from beginning to end, these two people smiled very naturally, and there was nothing "unnatural" for Yanagi Renji to notice.

However, Liu did not observe nothing. When he looked at Yukimura, he "coincidentally" saw Atobe's expression change at that moment.

"this problem "

Minister Rikkai thought for a while.

"The scammer's tennis is an indescribable one-"

"He is someone who can fool even demons."

Said it is the same as did not say it, because the answer is the one that the players here have known for a long time.

Rikkai has won so many Kanto tournaments in a row, and since Nioh and the others have won national tournaments since their current election, they will naturally attract many tennis journalists.

The Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, which has a star-like status in the middle school tennis world, has strict rules and regulations, but it does not allow any reporters to enter for interviews. Even for the reputation of Rikkai Grand Tennis Club 303, Minister Rikkai could not shut out all applications for interviews.

"Tennis Monthly" has a good reputation in the middle school tennis world. It is not a tabloid that is too gossip and can write everything for the sake of sales. So, on a certain day, Yukimura accepted an interview with the reporter of "Tennis Monthly".

The reporter finally got this valuable interview opportunity-the opportunity to directly and for a long time to ask questions to Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura is really precious, he has to ask a lot of questions to be satisfied.

As a result, that issue of "Tennis Monthly" became an "Interview with Rikkai 大の".

At that time there was a problem like this-

"Can Yukimura-san comment on his teammates?"

The reporter asked very expectantly.

Seiichi Yukimura took the power of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club as soon as he knew it, and then took charge of his peers and predecessors. The reporter would love to hear Yukimura's evaluation of his teammates.

He believes that not only himself, but other people also want to know the answer to this question.

--So, there are also the two answers that Yukimura said to Fuji Syusuke just now.

--That is the answer that Minister Rikkai "officially announced" long ago.

"This sentence is too perfunctory."

Ding Zi's brown-haired teenager said with dissatisfaction.

-He actually said it directly!

Although the middle school students present here basically know that Seiichi Yukimura's two sentences are "officially repeated answers", Shiraishi Kuranosuke is indeed the first person to say his "dissatisfaction" to Yukimura so bluntly. .

"Yes, it sounds familiar."

The flaxen-haired boy said with a smile.

His last few words were still digging a hole for roommate K and roommate Y, and now he joined roommate K very naturally, ready to work together to push roommate Y into the pit.

This is really a (plastic) flower-like room friendship--

In the auditorium outside the court, there is also a battlefield where you can't see the smoke, and don't need tennis and racquet--

The three junior high school tennis players named "Plant Group" but secretly referred to as "Devil King Group" cut each other's swords with a smile and a friendly appearance.

"Spiritual induction?"

The blonde high school student stood on the court, with a slight disgust that needs to be heard carefully.

--Although it was only a slight change in tone, Tanegashima Shuji, the conscientious referee on the court side, heard it.

In this regard, the No. 2 Army is very pleased.

[Nioh is really amazing, it can make this kind of change in Byodoin Temple!]

Byōdōin Hōō didn't have any opponent styles that he hated before.

In the eyes of No.1 of the First Army, he treats his opponents equally. He has no obvious shortcomings himself, and he seems to be able to deal with any opponent with ease. As long as his own hard power can overwhelm the opponent, the victory of the game naturally belongs to him.

But now this game--

"After using the trick once, there is no second time."

He looked at Nioh, the curvature of the corners of his mouth was as sharp as a blade, with murderous and bloody aura.

--Today's first game against Nioh is simply his biggest "black history" in the U17 training camp!

Byōdōin Hōō would not allow himself to "repeat the same mistakes", never. allow.


"But I just tried it."

"For seniors, it's still very useful."

Nioh said, he continued to serve.

The game is not a performance. It is impossible to use new moves in every round, which makes it too difficult for the tennis player. Use what you do best to defeat your opponents, this is what the players have to do in competitive competitions.

Nioh Masaharu always remembered this. Only by knowing yourself soberly can you play a wonderful game calmly. Moreover, the excitement of the game is very important to the audience and many "outsiders", but it is secondary to the players.

The first pursuit of tennis players in the game with the theme of "competition" by default has always been the same "victory"!


"Different Dimension-World Pirate" rushed up.

The edge of the Western sword seems to be able to pierce one's skin so far away, giving people a feeling that the skin is about to be pierced, and the senses also have a feeling of being pierced.



Racquet stopped the tennis ball, and the "different dimension-platycodon" fends off the enemy where the net is.

The two different dimensions directly use the net as the dividing line, and collide at the boundary line, and consume the mental power attached to each other, trying to depress the other's will and admit defeat.

"Senior of Byodoin, the one-and-one tricks won't work for me!

"Senior should use some more creative skills."

Nioh curled his lips, and said in a complaining tone.

It was aimed at those (bhcj) world-class skills of the No.1 army. In the unfinished time of this game, the senior Byodoin on the opposite side of the net was in the mind of the Nioh player at this time. Good senior.

He knows that Byōdōin Hōō has multiple world-class moves that will make him difficult to fight, and he really wants to feel the power of these moves first-hand-although this will make him difficult to deal with in the game, it will let him gain The probability of winning the game dropped by double-digit percentage points, but he still wanted to watch the world-class moves of No. 1 in the army.

[This statement really fits Nioh's character...)

Just after listening to the "non-pluggable dialogue" of Yukimura, Fuji, and Shiraishi, Yanagi Renji looked at the game with a calm mood.

He thought, Nioh Masaharu is such a character.

For the sake of fun, I can toss a lot of things in the game. I haven't lost it before. It depends on Nioh's own tennis skills!

"It's like a lot of football skills.

Mukahi Gakuto sounded a little sour.

--Ahhhh, why are there so many such strong skills?

The U17 training camp is really not a "friendly" place for most middle school students.

"If you just change the spin a little bit, it's not impossible to have many kinds of skills."

It is said that Hyotei is a genius with a "thousand tricks". Oshitari Yuushi broke down his doubles partner in seconds.

"But even if there are a lot of powerful skills, they can't be used blindly."

Fortunately, before glaring at him, Hyotei's Oshitari player added in time.

"Especially the skills that consume a lot of money--"

"The consumption of world-class skills on players is not comparable to our usual ordinary skills."

That is a game that consumes far more than the Zero Series, especially in physical and mental power.

Oshitari Yuushi analyzed it and said that what he said made sense.

Mukahi Gakuto and other players who heard these words nodded and recognized Oshitari's analysis in their hearts.

--Of course, is it something that opponents can use if they want to see it?

First Army No.1 was consumed so much by Nioh in the first two sets, which gave Nioh a good start in the third set. The third set is actually equivalent to a "one set to decide the outcome" game. Always be careful at the beginning.

Everyone agreed with Oshitari Yuushi's analysis in their hearts.

Although they still want to watch Byōdōin Hōō's world-class moves a few more times, they just think about it.

[Think about it and know that No. 1 of the first army is impossible to listen to Nioh's words--]

Everyone thought about it, and then they stared at the game.


It's a scene that makes people feel familiar.

The ball danced wildly, like a snake's body, which made people feel chills when they looked at it.

Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!

The echoes are the same, but the overlapping sounds are small but clear outside the court.

--World-class moves Indian snake charmer!

"This is the first game!

"To be precise, it is only the second ball."

"Just now, I didn't say yes."

"Who told you that-by surprise, there is a reason why the No. 1 army can become the chief!"

"Indian snake charmer? This trick is relatively easy for Nioh to deal with, right? Among the world-class tricks of the Byodoin predecessors, this trick should be the most "suitable". "

"Why is the'Indian snake charmer"!"

"Because the cost of this trick is small?"

Not long after Oshitari Yuushi's voice fell, No. 1 Army No. 1 used reality to educate the middle school students in the audience to "don't listen and believe."

But for the "India Snake Man"

Because of the previous dialogue and Nioh's previous words and deeds, junior high school students involuntarily began to reinforce the idea of ​​"Indian Snake Charmer" as a world-class move.

"--Is he answering Nioh's'Gemini' style of play for the first goal!!"

Gemini's air group play, from a certain perspective, comes from "tennis basics-multi-ball consecutive play".

The world-class game "Indian Snake Charmer" seems to be based on "Tennis Basics-Multi-ball Combat".

So, this is

"Is this how Byodoin-senpai responded to Nioh-senpai?!!"

Kirihaya watched the game, his eyes widened, he said suddenly.

Saitō Itaru, the mental coach standing next to Rikkai's sophomore ace, blinked his eyes, and he bends the corners of his lips quietly and restrained.

As for the three boat coaches who are also standing here

The three boat coach, his old man, didn't bother to explain for Byōdōin Hōō!

Byōdōin Hōō’s wind critics were killed. This is not one or two times, and the time is not one or two days.

No. 1 of the First Army has long been "unspeakable" in the U17 training camp. He is labeled a lot and there is nothing to clarify!

p.s, why, there are reminders to change tickets again, the author makes painful voices-I don't need them!.

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