Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 810 The coaching staff is puzzled and changed.

on court

The man in the monk's robe not only does not look like the sharp-edged "legendary samurai" on court in the past, his temperament is not as clear as before.

He seems to be leisurely and used to reading the scriptures too much, and he has no obvious emotions about the game in front of him.

He is like an old monk who enters concentration, is in the process of self-cultivation, not everything in the unexpected realm.

But Byōdōin Hōō on the opposite side of the net, Tanegashima Shuji next to the court, and the coaches and players outside the court, they don't think so.

"Is this "the impermanence of all actions"?"

Coach Saito looked at the court and squinted his eyes.

The two coaching colleagues next to him also changed their breath just now.

"It's as powerful as expected."

He said slowly, there was a slight regret at the end of the sentence.

--Because I have known this "Impermanence" that is most likely to appear on the court, and because I know the power of the legendary samurai's trick, I also have a high evaluation of this trick.

--Because of this, because the "Impermanence" that appeared on the court just now was not unexpected, Coach Saito didn't feel so surprised.

"Impermanence" is indeed very powerful, but because he has too high expectations, he now feels a bit "boring" instead.

"If this is the hole card, is it too early for Nioh to use it now, head coach?"

The three of the coaching staff have cooperated with each other for so long, and they naturally have a tacit understanding. So after coach Kurobe heard the unfinished words of Coach Saito, he slightly frowned and asked Mifune head coach.

The goal clearly points to "victory", and the tactical coach naturally appreciates all the qualities and behaviors that can make a tennis player win.

Although this match was a three-set system, with a score of one win and one loss, they can now just look at the final set.

So when the three rounds are not over, the "hole card" is so directly exploded--

Is this really appropriate?

Can "Impermanence" allow Nioh to end the game while maintaining a score advantage?

Coach Kurobe still has doubts in his heart, he is not completely overwhelmed by Nioh's current advantage and strength.

"The cost of this move is not small."

Although coach Tuo Zhi didn't say it clearly, his mention of "skill consumption" is enough to show his attitude and doubts.

In any respect, Nioh Masaharu is not a blind impulsive and arrogant tennis player. Is it really worthwhile for him to use such a powerful move at this time, enough to turn the situation around at a critical moment?

[Is it dizzy?]

Coach Tuo Zhi thought so.

In his opinion, "Zhuxingwu"||chang", which can be called a hole card, can be used in the later stage, or when the two sides are in a stalemate.

This is because the "hole card" is not a "hole card" once it is used.

"Hole cards" can show the greatest effect only at critical moments!


The head coach of the U17 training camp, who was questioned by the younger generation (Kurobe) of the same profession, was drinking intently.

- What the three-ship coaches are doing now is probably the most powerful embodiment of the "non-trivial" rule system of the U17 training camp.

--The U17 training camp is related to the official. And, as we all know, drinking alcohol during work is forbidden by default even if it is not written in the rules and regulations.

Three Mifūne Nyudō's three head coaches, whether in the back mountains or in the U17 training camp, can take his wine gourd and drink from time to time, simply stepping on the so-called "rules" of the U17 training camp blatantly.

--However, Coach Kurobe and others take this as normal.

"I say--"

The head coach answered the question in a calm tone.

The calm was like a prelude to the storm, suppressing the riot.

"What were you doing more than ten years ago?!"

Three Mifūne Nyudō looked at the three "Young and Zhuang" coaches around him (Although they are 30 or 40 years old, they are the "Young and Zhuang" coaches).

【a decade ago--】

Unexpectedly, coach Mifune responded like this, and coach Kurobe was taken aback when he heard the words.

"I'm probably in advanced studies, or "internship?"

Coach Saito answered very fluently.

"Ten years ago, Kurobe probably hadn't graduated yet, right?"

Then, the mental coach smiled and looked at the youngest person in their coaching staff.

Tactical coach Kurobe Yukio, now thirty-seven years old, most likely stayed on campus more than ten years ago. Because it is usually calculated by going to university at the age of 18, graduating from an undergraduate at the age of 22, and then studying at the doctoral degree

More than ten years ago, the Kurobe coach had a high probability that he had not graduated yet!

As for the 43-year-old coach Saito, although he is six years older than the Kurobe coach, six years is not too long for him at that age.

-He is now able to stand here as a "mental coach", and he has really put in a lot of "pre-work (time and energy)" to learn.

"Tuo Zhi is only one year older than me, so he should be at a similar stage."

Coach Saito said softly, against the head coach's obviously unpleasant eyes, he can really keep smiling at this time.


The head coach of U17 snorted coldly. He felt that the "young and strong" (especially the mental coach) in the training camp was so thick-skinned that his elderly were speechless.

I wanted to let them reflect on themselves, but I didn't expect that coach Saito would use "facts" to implicitly return it. Coach Mifune's mood that had improved because of watching the game has become a little worse.

"Impermanence" is a legendary skill, but this skill is not the same as what you think of as "hole cards". "

Although the mood is getting worse, in general he is still the three boat coach with a "good" mood index. He is still in the mood to answer their doubts for Kurobe.

"The real advantage of this trick is not its power."

At this point, the coach of the three ships thinks that he has been very dedicated.

In professional tennis, until Echizen Nanjiro retired, so many professional players still had a lot of people who didn’t realize the "speciality" of the trick of "Impermanence"-because Echizen Nanjiro's tennis is too strong, basically it is Overwhelming competition, there is no chance for him to show this special trick.

But in the current game

The phantom became "Echizen Nanjiro" and also used the "different dimension, legend-samurai" phantom Nioh Masaharu, he is now using ". "Impermanence" has the advantage of being so big that everyone is stunned. .

--When he only used the "Alternative Dimension-Warrior" phantom, although he could also use "Impermanence", this is obviously not the "real "Impermanence" of Nioh himself!

In Nioh's view, the "real "impermanence"" mastered by Echizen Nanjiro is not a move that can only be used once or twice in the game.

"Impermanence" should be a move that can be used by tennis players for a long time in a game!

This is because the so-called "birth" and "death" are not instantaneous changes at all.

Regardless of the length of time between these two concepts, the gap between the two concepts of "birth" and "death" is the lifetime of a life!

The process during this period must not be described by "one" or "two".

Therefore, in Nioh's cognition and experience, the technique of "Impermanence" must be able to be used in plural levels.

--It is precisely because of this that the trick of "Impermanence" is so difficult for him.

On the day of the national finals, he can use "Phantom" to slightly simplify and use a weakened version of "Gu Jin Wushuang". But in the face of the trick of "Impermanence", he was stuck for a long time.

Because the so-called "various behaviors are impermanent", there are all kinds of changes!

Echizen Nanjiro's "Impermanence" is just his summary and thorough understanding of his (good) tennis skills.

Everyone's tennis and tennis technical characteristics are different. This is doomed. If Nioh wants to use "Impermanence", he must first forget the "Impermanence" of the legendary samurai!

Only in this way can he truly realize and master the essence of this trick, and then use the phantom to show the power of "changes in all directions".

--Yes, although the trick "Impermanence" is a legendary tennis trick, the power of this trick is not constant.

According to the tennis player's own choice and own needs, the consumption of moves can be large or small, and its changes are very flexible and very convenient.

If the player himself is patient while his physical and mental strength are in a good state, then this trick can be used almost forever throughout the whole situation!

Ps, if you don’t understand why you want to forget, then let’s compare the learning method of Nine Swords of Solitude! Although this is the case, this is really not Nine Swords of Solitude! It's just that the learning method is similar, and there are still tricks for "all actions are impermanent". Similar to the universal formula, this universal formula that puts all the skills in, and then comes with the function of inequality (just

Like the spice inequality), in short, mixing together is the incredible sublimation of tennis skills.

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