Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 811 The slogan that finally came, win in one fell swoop!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The inexplicable regret and doubt in the hearts of the three coaches did not last long.

--Not because of the unclear words of the older and well-informed head coach San Mifūne Nyudō, but because the court in front of them is increasingly moving towards a tennis match in the direction of "the overall situation is settled." .

"3:0, Nioh is ahead!"

Nioh Masaharu VS Byōdōin Hōō, in this final game, the end of the third round seems to be too fast!

Even though they knew that "Impermanence" is an extraordinary tennis move that should have brought reversal and overwhelming changes to the game on court, their experience and instinct as a coach made them aware of the "wrongness". ".


The fingers under Coach Kurobe's cuff shrank as his inner mood changed, and he slightly wiped his fist.

[This round--Is it too smooth to lose in this round of Byodoin?]

Although there was no major change in expression on the face, the sudden breath of "Three One Three" still exposed the inner thoughts of the tactical coach.

Perhaps it is because of the few words that the coach of the three ships said before, the game that seems to be no problem on the surface, so that coach Kurobe is now very uneasy watching.

Without the words that Mifūne Nyudō three head coach just said, the current mood of the tactical coach would not be so confused, so that although he looks at the game as serious as ever, he has actually fallen into a "doubt". In a storm of emotions.


Although he and his two coaching colleagues think so, but at this time, when this kind of "his own senior seems to be about to win very smoothly", a second-year junior high school student will not have the slightest "knowledge". "The mood converges.

You know, before the game started, a white-haired tennis player who was about to play had something to say to his friends.

"That thing" that has been unilaterally stated, and has objections not to be rebutted--

"Ah ah ah - Nioh senior fuel oil ah !!!"

Before the start of the game, because of a certain "grasp", the Nioh Masaharu player who was about to go to the court to play a game with a slightly heavy mood, half-truth followed the words of those "spectators" (some people's gloating, some People were talking about the choice of cheering slogans), and proposed something like "I'm going to play the game, and you guys cheer me off the court and call" this

Such "uncountable agreement."

Obviously, after the start of the match between him and the first army boss Byodoin against Phoenix, his junior high school buddies put aside the so-called "Come on calling and shouting slogans for support".


"Wow-Changsheng Rikkai is big!"

A kelp-led second-year junior hasn't forgotten this thing~

The green eyes of the lake were shining with excitement, and Rikkai's second-year ace has already devoted himself to his "big business" of calling his senior Nioh loudly and calling for cheer.

"Win in one fell swoop, Senior Nioh!"

The third round ended so smoothly, which made Kirihara Akaya nervous for so long. He finally shouted out loudly like a flood.

The loudness of the voice and the full momentum made all the people present and those standing watching the game feel the excitement and excitement of this second-year player.

So one-

In the auditorium--

Seiichi Yukimura, who was watching the game, was shocked by Kirihaya's shout.

He withdrew from thinking and left, showing a meaningful smile in reality.

Then, Rikkai's minister looked at his deputy minister with such a smile.

"Hey, Xuanichiro?"

As Sanada listened, his heart shuddered--

Whenever Yukimura yells to herself like this, nothing "good" seems to happen.

It's just that he had put his energy into watching the game before. At this time, he didn't understand why his good partner would call him as a reminder.

After hearing the "reminder" from Minister Rikkai, Deputy Minister Rikkai was undoubtedly unmoved, but at a loss.

"Oh~ I want to do that~~"

Someone reacted immediately, with a soft tone, but could not conceal the curiosity and a slight smile.

"So has the slogan been decided?"

Someone continued to say in amazement.

The young man with short brown hair and Ding Zi blinked his eyes, and gave more hints to Vice Minister Rikkai, who had not yet figured out the situation.

But this "tip" is too short and vague.

--Before he could figure it out, things quickly moved in a direction where Sanada Genichiro had no right to decide.

"Akaya has already called out.

Said this in a very familiar voice, First Vice Minister Rikkai.

Junshi Liu directly put aside the options of "hint reminder, reminder again, and continue to ask". He followed the words of the first three and pushed the first deputy minister Rikkai to a certain storm.

"There is no dead end, and there is also the'Chang Sheng Rikkai big. Although these two sentences are shouted the most times, there is no precedent as a slogan for personal support.

Rikkai has never personally customized a support slogan.

"It's better to just like Akaya, shout "Win in one fell swoop".

Yanagi Renji's next light and flirty words made Sanada Xuanichiro lose his last chance-resistance and a chance to refute.

"In that case"

Yanagi raised his hand and pushed his glasses, the top student's gaze fell on Sanada, whose body and mind were stiff at the same time.

"Then, in accordance with Nioh's "request" before going on the field--"

Marui Bunta tried to hold back his smile. While looking at Sanada, he made a lot of effort to make his expression look more serious.

Vice Minister Rikkai clenched his fists.

Kuwabara had no doubt that if Kirihaya was standing next to Sanada now, he would definitely get a punch!

Sanada now obviously remembered the words Nioh left before he came on the field--

Let him take the lead in shouting support slogans.


[Sanada is probably holding his breath now, right?]

Kuanhara thought so, with a little sympathy in his heart, but he didn't have any idea to help the deputy minister to get out of the siege.


"--Changsheng Rikkai is big!"

Taking a deep breath, the voice louder than their second-year juniors has been called out.

Vice Minister Rikkai’s vital capacity is still very commendable--

Just next to "Changsheng Rikkai"--

"Nioh! Win in one fell swoop!!"

At the moment when Liu Tiaoming "Yukimura beckoned him to do something", Sanada was undoubtedly stuck in his chest.

However, Rikkai Deputy Minister is a man who does what he says!

Sanada Genichiro, he will never break his promise!

Now that he has agreed to Nioh before the game (actually not~), Sanada will not let his teammates down!

So one-

"Nioh! Win in one fell swoop--"

Just as Kuwabara thought, Sanada followed Liu's prompts and Kirihaya's example without delay, and shouted out the so-called "support slogan."

As a result, the auditorium where the junior high school students were sitting also changed from the silence of watching the game, turning 2.9 into a hot sound that rang to boiling.

Their voices caught the attention of high school students and coaches, and caused other people to talk in their hearts.

【Success in one fell swoop

The head coach of the three ships was calm, but he was in a good mood.

[I want to win with one effort, this time maybe that's it

The three boat coach thought so.

The scheming U17 head coach, listening to the sound of "4:0, Nioh scored" in his ear, has already acquiesced in the end of the game in his heart.

In fact, the three Mifūne Nyudō three head coaches are now looking forward to the next game--

He is more willing to take a look at an unknown tennis match than a game where the hole cards have been opened and the ending has been seen through.

ps, after the emergence of "Impermanence", it has been suppressed. Next, the ending is the next YukimuraVS Atobe. I mentioned it before: 1. No medical problems, 2. I prefer Yukimura to be the captain. .

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