Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 814 Bad premonition, satisfaction of Byodoin

The expressions of most outsiders are quite rich.

However, there is another person whose expression and posture are beyond Nioh's expectations--

Three Mifūne Nyudō three, the head coach's "uninterested" look, was simply telling him the fact that "his old man is already waiting for the next game and is impatient"!


Three Mifūne Nyudō's head coach III looked at the two players who had not retired from the court, and looked impatient.

Just like the two tennis players in the court are not the real "aces" of their U17 training camp-you know, players like Nioh Masaharu and Byōdōin Hōō are not the "treasure" for coaches. "It must also be a natural person with a high status in the coach's heart.

But in this U17 training camp in Japan, in the eyes of the head coach San Mifūne Nyudō San, who takes an unusual path, the "status" of Nioh and Byodoin at this moment is obvious.

When the head coach looked at the two people in the court, the disgust in his eyes was not disguised! People who didn't know thought that Nioh and Byodoin had offended the Mifune coach~

--Although the two of them did make Mifune head coach feel the feeling of shortness or myocardial infarction more than once~

"You two will leave the field as soon as you finish playing!"

The head coach simply does not give the two players a chance to talk in front of the net.

"Puff, I haven't talked to the seniors of Byodoin Temple yet, coach Mifune!"


Nioh, who had won the game on the court, looked at the head coach in the stands off the court with a bit of unhappy tone in his tone.

This game just ended, before he and Byodoin Fenghuang had anything to say, the coach of the three ships began to urge.

Nioh thinks that in this game, he finally won the No. 1 high school student. From the opening to the end of the game, the process has always been perfect, but the "end" after the end of the game

The compulsory ending did not let him say a few words with the seniors of the Byodoin Temple, which was a bit of a disappointment.

If the head coach Mifune hadn't urged him, he could have had a good conversation with the senior high school student opposite the net!

The happy mood reduced the physical fatigue a lot, Nioh was thinking about it, he turned his head and looked at the senior high school student across the net.

--The messy blonde high school student has cold eyes and a cold expression.

--It seems that there is nothing to say to him.

This is so on the surface, but Nioh keenly captured the "unusual" in Byōdōin Hōō's cold attitude.

--If Byōdōin Hōō has nothing to say to him, then why does he walk to the net and stand?

Although the completion of the game is indeed a routine etiquette for both players to perform after the game in front of the net, if Byōdōin Hōō does not want to ignore him

If that's the case, when the coach of the three ships urged, he should turn around and leave.

The No. 1 high school student does not have the good temper of waiting to be driven away!

Nioh thought so, somewhat puzzled.

And, intuitively, he suddenly felt bad.

"Huh, I'll give you one more minute."

The words of the three boats instructor exacerbated the "unknown shadow" that Nioh perceives.

--How can the head coach who is used to "dominant and blessing" have such a considerate character for no reason?

[Speaking of it]

Dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and Nioh's pleasure in winning the game quickly lost.

[Three ships coach, why did the head coach say that sentence?!]

Knowing that Yukimura and Atobe are next, Nioh didn't plan to talk too much with Byōdōin Hōō in court.

If he talks too much, let alone Yukimura and Atobe will be dissatisfied, his own "life safety" can't be guaranteed!

After all, he can beat the Byodoin predecessors on the court, does not mean that he can "beat" the Byodoin predecessors after leaving the net racquet and the rules of the tennis game!

In terms of force value, Nioh is happy to give them the opportunity to compete in Rikkai's Vice Minister Sanada and senior Tokugawa from U17 training camp.


Why did the three boat coaches urge?

Although the head coach is not willing to wait, he doesn't stop giving them a few words.


Thinking of some unexpected possibility, when Nioh looked at the senior high school student opposite the net, he took time to smooth out the real smile on the corner of his lips and replaced it with a stiff smirk.

[No, it won’t be what I thought!!]


Nioh is quite confident about his own "psychological status" with the three boat coaches.

Although he does not seem to be the type of tennis player that coaches usually like, in fact, no matter what kind of coach, he will inevitably put tennis strength as the biggest weight on his own balance.

So, next

[If it's what I think, "That thing, it will indeed set off a'storm'!]

From an objective point of view, the "storm" can be detrimental to the navigation of the fleet.

Although looking at it from another angle, "Storm" can also boost the voyage of the fleet, allowing the fleet to sharpen itself and head to the farthest place.

"It seems you are not a naive kid.

Byōdōin Hōō's complexion was a bit pale. This three-set game was very costly to Nioh, as well as to him.

After losing the game, he should have looked lost and unwilling, but now he looked at Nioh, and his eyes were full of fireworks that could extinguish everything.

He looked at Nioh, his eyes were frightening, and he couldn't help but want to avoid madness.

--This three-set match cannot allow him to see through Nioh Masaharu, but it is enough to make him "feel" Nioh's tennis.

This is enough-

From tennis, Byōdōin Hōō can know Nioh Masaharu's character and his persistence.

--Unimaginable, it is the tennis that surprises this U17 high school student No.1!

[There are "traces" in the video of the summer competition. 】

[In the previous doubles game with Yuezhi and Maori, although he deliberately stopped the loss in time, the last move

Such "cruel" mental power moves can't be practiced by ordinary tennis.

[This time the game is also, one by one, and the final is to crush the end of the game!]

Can such an old scheme and ruthless layout be able to be done by a naive kid?!

Byōdōin Hōō has played tennis for so many years, and he has seen many "geniuses" and "rookies".

Those "super newcomers"-those "innocent kids", the most vulnerable place is their "innocence"!

--Because it is too "naive", even if you have a score advantage in the early stage of the game, it is easy to be overturned by your opponent in the later stage!

Under Byōdōin Hōō's "detection", Nioh is not like this.

Nioh Masaharu seems to have completely gotten rid of the naive thoughts he is used to at his age. Although the whole person is frivolous on the surface, in fact, it is very calm and abnormal.

And in the game, once you make up your mind, you will suppress your opponent to the end, and don't give your opponent any hope of a comeback!

[It couldn't be more appropriate. 】

Byōdōin Hōō reached a conclusion in his heart.

ps, yes, our high school student No.1 had an idea after this game. Then he will act

Instructor Three Boats made a subtle opening, symbolically stopped it, and then let go of all the next hhhh.

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