Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 815 no.1 handover, tool man early warning

"Since you won--"

Even if he was not "urged" by the three boat coaches, Byōdōin Hōō would not be procrastinated in this matter for which he made up his mind.

"This is yours!"

The small and exquisite badge was thrown from the other side of the net by the pale high school student~coming over.

--The badge with the serial number "NO.1" gleams with a bright metallic color in the sun.

This is the N-0.1 badge of the U17 training camp first worn by Byōdōin Hōō.

Now, this badge, which symbolizes the highest honor of U17 training camp tennis players, falls in the hands of Nioh under everyone's attention!


It's that Nioh had some conjectures before, and he is now shocked by Byōdōin Hōō's practice of throwing badges after speaking.

"Such a style"

Tanegashima Shuji, who was still standing by the court and did not retreat, smiled suddenly.

"It really can be done by Byodoin Temple."

Tanegashima Shuji looked at Byōdōin Hōō who left after throwing the badge, and looked at the younger generation who stayed in place and was startled for a short time, and said with sigh.

"This is the No.1 badge of the First Army.

After lamenting Byōdōin Hōō's determination and Xiaojiu who left the court after throwing the badge, Tanegashima Shuji looked at Nioh with a look of admiration, with a smile in his eyes.

"Is it a pleasant surprise, little Nioh?"

The senior high school student with the No. 2 micro-chapter in his hand, asked his senior Rikkai Nioh Masaharu this way.

His expression and tone are all sincere and joyful, without any falsehood.

The younger generation got the badge of No.1-

This incident is undoubtedly worthy of surprise for his high school student No. 2 player.

However, considering the significance of this competition and the background information of Nioh and Byodoin’s competition

[This is really

"Puff, big, surprise, senior Tanegashima!"

Seeing the back of the high school student who turned around and left after throwing the badge to him, Nioh twitched his mouth. For the first time, he felt that his "acting and camouflage" skills still need to be improved.

Because he is now in such an unprepared "extreme environment", he can't make a natural smile at all!

--What a "surprise", it's simply a "shock"!

[Senior Byodoin, actually handed his badge to me directly!!]

Although Byōdōin Hōō handed the badge to him by "throwing", everyone present--

The people present heard what Byodoin said to him before!

"Boss unexpectedly"

Duke Watanabe, the No. 3 high school student in the first army, looked surprised.

His look at this time is undoubtedly his true emotions now.


Delivering a serial number badge symbolizing honor after the game is not as simple as it seems!

This contains not the simple meaning of "winning or losing", but a deeper transfer of "status"!

In the U17 training camp, so many tennis players, only one military player can have a micro badge.

Among these badges, the top ten badges have special meaning-for world-class competitions, such as the U17 World Cup.

And the badge of NO.1 represents not only the strength of the player, but also the absolute status of the tennis player in the team!

- Such an "absolute position" at the top of the team, under normal circumstances, is exclusive to the "captain"!

Because of this, Duke Watanabe was so surprised.

During the previous qualifying session, he sat aside and listened to the whole process of today's match appointment.

[Captain’s seat, isn’t the other two middle school students competing for it?]

For an instant, Duke and Watanabe almost thought that their memories were wrong.

But he recalled the conversation that day, and confirmed it several times in a row, but in the end he still didn't think his memory was wrong.

Nioh just simply made an appointment with Byodoin--

The two of them met in court No. 1 to play a three-set match, and did not bet on the position of "captain" or the badge of No.1.

But now, after the three-set game is over, Byōdōin Hōō handily gave Nioh the No.1 badge under the witness of so many people!

At such a critical point in time, how can the transfer of the NO.1 badge only mean "winning or losing"?!

[If I don't know their "agreement" that day, I must think that the boss's approach has a special purpose. 】

Duke Watanabe came back to his senses, and there was a tangled emotion between his eyebrows.

If their leader of the army is defeated in qualifying, although it will shock him, it will not make him so entangled now.

Because the rules of qualifying are like that, it is a game where the badge of the first army is bet on.

But today's game...

Under the gaze of the head coach and the three coaches of Kurobe, Saito, and Takushu, as well as the witness of other tennis players, the badge is handed over after the game is over-this approach says that there is no "special purpose" ", who would really believe it?

But Duke players can swear to France, Byōdōin Hōō is absolutely nothing like most other people think, it has a "special purpose".

At most, the leader of their army did not carry out "sufficient consideration".

Yes, that's right.

Duke Watanabe stood firmly on the side of Byōdōin Hōō, and he believed that Byōdōin Hōō just didn't think about it so much.

--There is absolutely no idea of ​​taking advantage of the trend to add a blockage to a junior high school student who has a leisurely and comfortable life in the U17 training camp!!

--Probably so, right?

Listening to the words of those high school student colleagues who didn't lower their voices because of shock, Duke wanted to say something. Watanabe, finally remained silent.

"The micro chapter of NO.1!

"No.1 of the First Army, is this going to be replaced?!"

"It's not just that, don't forget the time now!"

"His-not far from that time, Byodoin directly gave the NO.1 badge to the junior high school student. This doesn't mean

"This time the leader?"

The high school students’ player seats have been messed up.

At least, before Byōdōin Hōō came here to sit down, if the coach didn't open his mouth to force the suppression, they probably wouldn't be able to calm down.

"The previous rumors do not seem to be like this."

Some players who are well informed and whose news channels are relatively reliable are still puzzled.

"seeing is believing!

"Who knows what the Byodoin Temple is thinking?"

Byōdōin Hōō went to Zhao Infirmary to give badges to the wounded.

Before that, most of them didn't think that Byodoin would give the badge to Tokugawa Kazuya. After all, the anger between these two people is quite big, and their "hatred" can be traced back from Tokugawa's entry into the U17 training camp, and there is even the blending of Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata.

The matter between these two is a "front" that even Tanegashima Shuji, who ranks second only to Byōdōin Hōō, is unwilling to "touch the thunder"!

"Is that right?"

There are many high school students who are puzzled, and among them, there is the "frank and outspoken" player Irie Kanata.

"Kimijima, you should know the purpose of Byodoin's doing this, right?"

Irie Kanata's two sentences drew the attention of the high school students to Kimijima.

Junjima who is just a "poster"-really doesn't know anything. Ikuto:

"Hmph, if you lose, you lose. What's the point?"

--Tohno Atsukyo is the only one who can say this in the high school student contestant stand.

After several protests, a certain high school student finally got permission to go out of the infirmary to watch the game.

When Tohno Atsukyo came to the No. 1 court, he had a cold face. Rarely did not speak. He remained silent during the game, but occasionally hummed coldly to show his sense of existence.

He sits far away from Kimijima--

He didn't sit in this way deliberately. It was arranged by other high school students who still have something like "conscience."

The high school students proceed from their own interests. They don't want to be interrupted by watching the game, let alone wasting time by sending certain two colleagues to the infirmary.

- Fortunately, Tohno Atsukyo rarely spoke while watching the game this time, he didn't even look at Kimijima.

Tohno looked like he was mad, so he just broke up with his former partner Kimijima, and didn't even give him a look.

But Irie Kanata, who is good at observing opponents and figuring out people's hearts, doesn't think so.

After receiving some "pre-plot information" from a certain white-haired high school student, he can understand Tohno's current thinking-Kimijima can't run out of the U17 training camp, and it is not that he will never see this again. Asshole, didn't stare at him.

[By the Byodoin Temple and the junior high school kid, I’m watching now, when will I wait until next time?

The order of putting them on the execution rack should also be in order.

...For flowers...

Unfortunately, in Tohno Atsukyo's mind, Kimijima is not the top one.

Therefore, Tohno Atsukyo chose to watch the game instead of smashing with Kimijima live as most thought.


After Irie Kanata finished speaking, unexpectedly, the first person to ask Kimijima was Tohno Atsukyo.

Many people are worried about the "partner relationship" between him and Kimijima, but he doesn't seem to take that matter to heart.

"You know what secrets you haven't told before, right?"

Irie Kanata only provided a "guess", but Tohno Atsukyo really believed what Irie said.

He firmly believes that this is Kimijima's desire to "make trouble."

- It is difficult for people like Tohno Atsukyo who recognize something to change their minds again.

However, it is also because of his straightforward to fierce temperament. Although Tohno does not seem very popular, he has a high degree of "trust" among the high school students.

--Compared to Kimijima, who is known for his "negotiation", Tohno Atsukyo has always been labeled "honest".

If one of these two lies lies, it must be Junjima!

If after confirmation, the person who told the lie was Tohno, then it must have been set by Kimijima! It was Junjima who cheated with Tohno!

Raising his hand and pushing his glasses, he concealed his inner chaos. Although Kimijima has the ability to negotiate, he now resists speaking out from the bottom of his heart.

Especially now, when facing Tohno Atsukyo.

If it wasn't for reason to have the upper hand, he even wanted to get up and leave!

"I give the badge of No.1 to Nioh Masaharu--"

The high school students who left the field without looking back after handing over the No.1 badge went to the place where the high school students gathered when they watched the game.

"Do you have an opinion?"

Byōdōin Hōō, one sentence made the high school student's contestant stand cold.

- Kimijima has never thanked Byōdōin Hōō so much for coming.

Even if he knows that what he fell into the situation just now was directly caused by the Byodoin Temple, he is now really relieved by the Byodoin Temple's words.

As for Tohno's question--

[Find time and find some opponents for Tohno to practice criminal law. Both middle school and high school students can negotiate. ]

The other party spoke first, and the steps were already in the air.

Although with Tohno Atsukyo's emotional intelligence, he certainly didn't think so much. But for Kimijima, this is enough.

Kimijima never expected Tohno to be able to say something warm and forgiving in a soft voice--

He decided to start from the beginning and take his time, starting from his special "negotiations", and slowly recovering the relationship between himself and Tohno.

All in all, in a nutshell, it is one-

Find a few "tools" to be Tohno's opponents in practice matches, and keep Tohno in the "severe competition, practice match prohibited period" with the feel of the "punishment law", and let Tohno find inspiration for the improvement of the "punishment law" moves.

If Tohno is happy, everything will be easier

Because of Tanegashima Shuji's "satisfaction" and "rational analysis", who suddenly had a "sense of responsibility" for the team and colleagues, and the excitement of losing the game during qualifying, high school students who are good at negotiation and negotiation yesterday Just figured out certain things.

In addition, he is absolutely rational and has recovered his enthusiasm when he first played with Tohno Atsukyo doubles.

Ps, NO.1 is the captain by default, and this is the special purpose. But Byodoin gave Nioh his No.1 badge, so the high school students exploded. When the head coach came out, the high school students had ideas in their hearts about a certain game, so they suspected that something was set when they didn't know it, and Kimijima concealed certain information (

However, it is not). The next chapter of junior high school is going to explode~

ps, Kimishima really made an effort to ease the relationship with Tohno. During the original World Cup, he asked Tanegashima for help, but apart from this, he did nothing. Well, he found a tool man so that Tohno could practice the "punishment law".

pps, as I said before, Masaharu is not the captain and he doesn't do any work except for the game. However, due to this operation of Byodoin, his name will appear at the top of the list submitted by Japan. In other words, the first name that other national teams see is Nioh Masaharu~ (On the surface, it is so simple, believe me) soil.

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