Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 817 Nioh's restricted person setting changes little by little

When Nioh returned to the auditorium where the junior high school students gathered, he was faced with such a scene--

A group of "old friends and old opponents" in the tennis world of junior high school students stared at him, without speaking, just staring at him in silence.

The atmosphere is quiet and terrible

Holding the No.1 badge symbolizing the "highest rank" of U17 training camp in his hand, the silver-haired middle school player was a little bit apprehensive. At this time, he couldn't calm down even more.

Byōdōin Hōō--The boss of a high school student in the army really hit his "death hole" this time!

One of the reasons why Nioh Masaharu set up his cart, stayed away and rejected the position of "captain" very early was because he didn't want to frown and deal with written articles in a foreign country.

You know, even if there is no U17 World Cup to add brilliance, Melbourne, Australia is also a good place to travel and vacation. In Melbourne, if you have time, wouldn’t it be good to go for a walk and admire the scenery? Why waste great time in the meeting room?

Even if he is restricted by the coaches and not allowed to go out for too long, he can stay in the room of the accommodation comfortably to rest! Why rush to the various competition venues where there are endless voices of support?

It was Australia on a hot day, the sun was shining, and Nioh really didn't want to go out.

Looking at the competitions of U17 players from other countries, 17 is one of the good channels for others to improve, but for him, it is simply a tasteless one.

But now, his "Australia-Melbourne-A Beautiful Journey" has vanished under the school's No.1 badge thrown by Byodoin.

Well, that's right--

The second reason why Nioh Masaharu doesn't want to be the captain is that he doesn't want to be the "most eye-catching tennis player" in the team!

That is the "aura of hatred" that high school student leader Byōdōin Hōō and their upcoming U17 junior high school team captain Seiichi Yukimura should bear!

Nioh had already thought about it. As the head coach, Kurobe coach and others know his tennis strength, he himself, as a tennis player of the "general" level on the representative team, must definitely "use the blade."

Just like Byōdōin Hōō, he will not play easily-although once he plays, his opponent must be a tricky tennis player.

Nioh originally thought about things beautifully, but no matter how much he thought about it, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't predict the operation of Byōdōin Hōō.

Byōdōin Hōō: Don't want to be the captain? Well, you don't need to be the captain, just put the name No.1!

If the name Nioh Masaharu is hung in the most prominent position on the list--

[What's the difference between this and the name appearing next to "Captain"?!]

Nioh thought so.

He considers the problem from a different perspective than others.

In terms of trouble, it might be a bit lower? But it's almost the same, right? His "not a captain but ranked No. 1" tennis player will definitely be closely watched by other U17 teams!

Although it stands to reason that he is a junior high student player, because the status of a "junior high student" will let his opponent relax his vigilance a little.


He is a middle school player who got the No.1 ranking of the U17 representative team, how could it not attract the attention of other team intelligence teams and other representative team players?

Although Japan's ranking in the U17 World Cup is very low, it is not so low that there is no sense of existence.

Just the name Byōdōin Hōō is enough for the Japanese U17 team to write in the reports of many intelligence spies.

And now Byodoin has thrown away his No.1 micro-chapter, and the person who wants to welcome the intelligence spies to "passionately inquire" can become him!!

In short, Nioh Masaharu's "Passerby Fishing-Paddling and Lying to Win Plan" before the knockouts was officially declared invalid!


【but )

Nioh faced the quiet and embarrassing atmosphere, and thought about the U17 World Cup.

[If it is to follow the original "route", the only strong enemy to face in the group stage is the Swiss team. 】

Although the ranking of the Japanese U17 representative team in the World Cup is relatively low, at least in this game, the strength of this team does not match its original ranking!

[If the coach of the three ships is willing to let the intelligence spies see the trump cards of some teams, even if it is the Swiss team, we can win!]

With the tennis strength and player configuration of their representative team, the two teams of Greece and Australia are not at all concerned.

I just don't know, if we want to play the Swiss team this time, will the three Mifūne Nyudō coach deliberately let them accumulate anger and unwillingness?

Nioh has never worried about whether he can qualify for the group stage.

But now he has to think about the situation in the group stage.

Under Byōdōin Hōō's operations, he is no longer a player power that "needs to be hidden and retained"!

On the list of players, he occupies the shining No. 1 position, and in the player's profile-"Beat the original No. 1 Byōdōin Hōō" this one will definitely be recorded!

Such a situation

Puff, it's not good!

This is not a simple question of "cannot be used as a "hidden power". In his current situation, I am afraid that he can only follow the route of "showing brilliant from the beginning of the group stage and beating his opponents all the way to show his strength"!

[This is the idea of ​​the three boat coaches in front of Byodoin Temple?]

Nioh, who was limited to the "U17 World Cup Players", couldn't help but lament the cruelty of Byōdōin Hōō as the leader of the first army, and the conspiracy of the three Mifūne Nyudō head coaches.

"How does it feel to hold the NO.1 micro-chapter?"

--The first sentence of Minister Rikkai, who received the baptism of sight from all directions after Nioh got the badge, is the above.

Just like the two roommates who were called the "Plant Group" (in fact, the "Devil Group" was secretly complained about), Seiichi Yukimura didn't care about the "No. 1 badge and the affiliation of the captain's position". .

Of course, Seiichi Yukimura naturally wants to be the captain of the representative team.

Moreover, he is not without thinking about the No.1 badge-which tennis player doesn't want to be No.1?

But after all, things still depend on the situation to analyze.

[Since it is No. 1, I have to take on the corresponding responsibilities, Masaharu. 】

Thinking of this, Yukimura couldn't help but smile and lose in the eyes of Nioh.

"The greater the ability 320, the greater the responsibility"-a certain story in a western superhero comic tells such a truth. And in the East-do you need to say more about the principle of "seeking government in its place"?

As a good minister who is embraced and even admired by the entire Rikkai tennis club, Seiichi Yukimura has always been strict with himself.

Before today, he thought he had done a good job.

But now today, he only found out--

Compared to the predecessors of Byodoin, what he has done himself is far from enough!

-Senior by Byodoin deserves to be the legendary minister of Makinofuji!

[Well, I still have a lot to learn. 】

Yukimura thought with a smile.

Ps, as a result, the captain of the Japanese U17 high school student team and the captain of the middle school student team reached an ideological agreement, which laid a good foundation for their communication and cooperation during the World Cup. Congratulations! (Not really)

Pps, the trump card is played at the back. In the group stage of the U17 World Cup, some teams did not give much effort at all. If Nioh follows a hidden route, he will definitely be placed in the knockout round, and maybe he will be hidden directly to the semi-finals and even the finals!-But I can't write like that~

Therefore, he can only be exposed to the intelligence spies of the U17 representative team (the fox's group stage win plan goes bankrupt~). Correspondingly, the main premise for this is that the three ships coach does not want to let the players in the team catch fire. There is no need for tactical arrangements to show the enemy's weakness, and all that can be killed directly!

[It hasn’t been holiday yet, I still haven’t written TAT on the final paper]

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