Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 818 Brazenly showing off, illusion's low-key

"It must feel great!"

Perhaps it was intuitively aware that Minister Rikkai was in a good mood right now, or his personality was directly buried directly, Shitenhouji's first-year supernova took advantage of the "blank time" one second behind Yukimura's voice, and said loudly. Out of his own understanding.

--Super invincible Thunderbolt!~

"Senior monster like a monster!!"

Kintarou Tooyama opened his eyes wide, and he said to Nioh excitedly.

"Let's face off!

The depression that Echizen Ryoma left the U17 training camp brought to him has been forgotten at this moment, and has been left behind by Kintarou Tooyama without knowing the deadline.

Kintarou Tooyama now only wants to have a duel with Nioh!

- Shiraishi Kuranosuke didn't have time to stop him.

--The first grader of Shitenhouji rushed directly in front of Nioh.

If Nioh nods in the next second, then he will immediately be able to rush to court, stand in position, and prepare for the game!

"Yuan Shan Jun"

Nioh didn't know whether to thank him or not to laugh or cry for it.

Yuanshan's "seeking for a duel" temporarily avoided the "most acute problem" that everyone here is concerned about. But it was also his fight, which made Nioh suffer more eyesight.

"Our time is very tight. The next game of this court has been booked by Yukimura and Atobe.

Nioh said confidently against the sight of the players and coaches.

"So I can't fight you right now."

Considering that Shitenhouji's player is a natural type of teenager, after Nioh tactfully rejected Kintarou Tooyama, he said this straightforward rejection.

Then, after this

Nioh didn't watch Kintarou Tooyama's reaction anymore, and instead looked up at Minister Rikkai not far away.

-He just declined Toyama's invitation to the duel, and he hasn't responded to Yukimura's question yet!

Although, it is okay if he ignores Yukimura's question while answering the distant mountain. But this option seems to avoid some risks, but in fact it is digging holes for him!

During the U17 World Cup, the high school student team and the middle school student team have their respective captains. Although the middle school player has not actually decided on the captain, Nioh knows well-Seiichi Yukimura, who is in perfect condition now, will not let go of the position of "team"|captain.

Atobe's current tennis prowess is not only a little bit better than that of the national competition, but Seiichi Yukimura's tennis prowess has already surpassed him by a lot. After the U17 training camp, how could Yukimura's tennis prowess not continue to improve?

The spiritual power and technology in the five dimensions are the strengths of Seiichi Yukimura. Now, with the strengthening of strength, speed, endurance and other aspects of training, Atobe has a very small probability of defeating Yukimura in the game.

Therefore, even for the "comfort level" of the U17 World Cup trip, Nioh is not willing to "offend" his minister.

"I was pitted, Yukimura."

Nioh faced his minister, revealing his true feelings.

He dare to say that when he threw him the NO, 1 badge, Byōdōin Hōō must be in a particularly good mood!

"--Senior of the Byodoin Temple has put me in the army.

There are not a few smart people present. Even if they don't understand it for a while, they will understand everything later under the suggestion of a "wishful person".

So, Nioh simply told the story of "I was pitted by Byōdōin Hōō" openly.

"It's just "

"No. 1 badge, tennis players should all want to get it-I am no exception."

Nioh continued.

"?? "


People around me think Nioh Masaharu's words sound inconsistent.

"Senior Nioh! You have all got the No.1 badge-don't show off anymore!"

Kirihara Akaya said angrily.

"Ahhhh, senior, you are so disgusting!"

The second-year player of Rikkai University dared to speak very much, and he said what was in the hearts of many people.

"Puff, but it's not good for my illusion, isn't it?

The silver-white middle school student player said melancholy.

He gave a reason that sounded very convincing-the demand for illusion.

Although "Nioh Phantom" every time it appears, it will give the audience an illusion that the court becomes a magic stage. It is ever-changing and very exciting. But I have to say that Nioh's usual thinking throughout the game is basically the same.

Use "illusions" to make opponents "illusions".

--This is an illusion, the magic show of the fraudster!

"Allowing the opponent to notice this little badge before playing on the court adds a lot of difficulty to me."

Player Nioh said very seriously.

When he spoke, he intentionally or unintentionally faced the direction where Kirihaya was--that is, the direction where the coaches were.

"Huh, is that right?"

The tall coach Saito looked pity.

[Is this also part of the illusion?]

Coach Tuo Zhi thought blankly. He felt that his colleague in white coat and the middle school player who had the title of "fraudster" are still in the "illusion" state.

As for the Kurobe coach, there is also the head coach of the three ships--

"We believe that'illusion' cannot be hacked by being vigilant, Mr. Nioh.

Coach Kurobe kept a calm voice.

"Hey, since Byodoin Temple gave it to you, take that badge!'

Three Mifūne Nyudō three sneered, his irony was obvious.

--Isn't it just because you want to do less, that's why you complain like that?

--It's a little fox who just pretends to be a good seller!~

For the No.1 badge, "attracting hatred" is basically the badge's "additional skills" for the players. The NO.1 badge is of extraordinary significance to the players.

The tennis player who gets the No.1 badge, even if he is not the captain of the team, has a considerable right to speak. Even, in addition to the head coach who holds the decision-making power, the tennis player with the NO.1 badge is the person with the most freedom in the team!

(Okay) Just under the head coach-

The status of "under one person" is entrusted.

This status allows Nioh to spend his U17 World Cup tour in extreme comfort.

Compared with this kind of "freedom", what is the added "difficulty"?

If Nioh Masaharu wants to use his "degree of freedom" to exchange for his "unknown low-key", then he will not become a regular choice for Rikkai's major tennis club in National One.

Nioh's "low-key" in the first, second, and even early stages of the third is actually a high-profile in the middle school tennis world. However, if it is compared to the "hot and most talked about" player, he is relatively low-key.

For example, when it was National One, compared with Atobe Keigo, Seiichi Yukimura, who took the position of minister shortly after joining the Ministry.

--Compared with these two, Nioh definitely belongs to the ranks of "low-key"!

Ps, since you can't refuse, then go enjoy (show off) and accept (show off)!.

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