Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 819 Nioh and Yukimura, life achievements

The coaches' words were heard by the middle school students. For these words, they have their own understandings, and some players who know some information even think of something.

"Anyway, that is the only NO.1 badge in this U17 training camp.

Seiichi Yukimura said softly.

When he said this, after saying this sentence that made many people tremble, he looked at the Hyotei Junior High School Minister who was to his side.

"Looking at this badge, Atobe, don't you have any ideas?"

Just now, during his conversation with Nioh, the Minister of Junior High School Hyotei has been in a state of silence. Although Atobe Keigo's face is not bad, but seeing him like this, it seems that he is thinking about something and wanting to be absorbed.

"He is probably looking to the future.

This time, Nioh Masaharu rushed to answer.

Nioh, who has a "strategy", can guess Atobe's current thoughts without thinking too much.

Junior high school and high school are the difficulty watersheds of the game "Life". Just like tennis, there is a big difference between junior high school students and high school students.

As for the "big subject" of "life", the difficulty has risen from "simple" to "difficult".

Atobe is actually faced with a choice at this time-when he arrives in high school, should he join the tennis club?

It's not that you won't play tennis after you go to high school, but it's about the choice of "whether you should continue to join the tennis club, or whether you should continue to participate in competitive games."

Regarding this choice, Seigaku's Oishi Syuichirou and Kawamura Takashi have their own answers.

Oishi wants to study medicine. He had planned for a long time, and he was leaving Seigaku in high school. Nioh hasn't experienced how difficult the 320 of "learning medicine" is, but he has learned about the "tragic-learning life" of his former doubles partner Yagyu Hiroshi!

Kawamura Takashi wants to inherit the family business, and his father runs a sushi restaurant. Therefore, as a son, his life plan has already been determined.

One The situation that Atobe Keigo faces is almost a "collection" of Oishi Syuichirou and Kawamura Takashi.

--The succession of securities finance requires a lot of time to learn and practice.

It's just that, contrary to Oishi and Kawamura, Atobe made up his mind during the U17 period and decided on his path to continue leading the Hyotei Tennis Club during his high school period.


It was indeed Minister Hyotei, who was thinking about his high school schedule and immersed in his own thinking world, raising his head.

"Do you think this uncle would be envious, Yukimura?"

Ignoring someone who answered "help him", Atobe snorted and said to Yukimura.

Minister Hyotei's tone was as cold as a polar ice spine, insinuating that Minister Rikkai was so concerned about the issue of the NO.1 badge because he was envy and jealous.

"Sounds envious, Atobe."

Fuji Syusuke said with a smile.

He clearly understood Minister Hyotei's meaning, but he insisted on a tortuous second understanding.

"Yes, I am envious too!"

-Once the topic goes off the track, someone will deliberately make persistent efforts to keep the topic off the track.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke echoed Fuji's words. As the minister of Shitenhouji, he inherited the long-standing "style (bhcj)" of Shitenhouji's tennis club. When this kind of fun is to be found, he abandons his personal image.

Ding Zi, a young man with brown hair and a sunny smile, has a very sincere tone.

But Nioh can't listen anymore--

"I played so hard in the game, and the Byodoin seniors showed a lot of wonderful skills. Do you guys look good?"

I never thought that the scene I would face after leaving the game was so "gossip"-although this kind of gossip curiosity was aimed at the NO.1 badge, Nioh now has a mixed feeling in his heart.

For a long time before, he really didn't want many people to focus their attention on him. But when he played this three-set match with Byōdōin Hōō, he had already prepared for this kind of mentality.

However, he was not prepared to cause the current "first controversy" that suddenly broke out in silence under certain people's fanfare!

The war intent in Yukimura's eyes is already unconcealed and can be seen by everyone. Nioh can naturally understand that his minister wants to play a game with him.

The previous year seemed to have passed very quickly, but so many things happened during this time. Seiichi Yukimura's condition between him and Yukimura is undoubtedly a critical and important factor.

Because of Yukimura's condition, Rikkai's big tennis club is under more pressure within the selection team.

Also because of Yukimura's condition and Nioh's guidance in it, those pressures turned into the driving force for their respective progress in tennis.

Driven by this kind of motivation, the possibility of the Rikkai team's internal players in the duel match was suppressed to a very low point. Even Kirihaya focused on improving his tennis strength.

Come to think of it, if there was no such atmosphere of "all staff working hard", Kirihara Akaya would have challenged his predecessors one by one.

Naturally, Sanada would not let go of Nioh, who had defeated him in the early days of the country.

But for both Nioh and Yukimura--just for them, the biggest impact of "Seiichi Yukimura's Condition-Expansion Film" is undoubtedly only one!

-A match between the two of them was postponed indefinitely!

After Seiichi Yukimura watched the game between Nioh and Sanada in Kunichi, he wanted to play a tennis match with Nioh.

Although Nioh respected his minister, when he saw Yukimura in the country, he had no idea.

In other words, after Nioh Masaharu came back from rebirth, he had this idea when he picked up the net racquet.

The team selected for the Seigaku Tennis Club is the "blocking stone" of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club who won consecutive Kanto championships and the nation's three consecutive hegemonies-defeating Seigaku this opponent is Nioh's "campaign and big goal" during the middle school period.

And his personal phased small goals can also be said to be "personal growth stage-middle school period-life achievement", and there are many.

So far, he has achieved many "life achievements" during the middle school period.

For example, he did "defeat Sanada and get the attention from XXXX and XXXXX" and "defeat the Maori predecessors, gain the predecessor's hobbies and XXXX's continuous attention" and so on.

For another example, he has successively achieved the achievements of "defeating Minister Hyotei, mark: series of achievements", "defeating Minister Higa" and "defeating Minister Shitenhouji".

In the U17 training camp, he also completed the achievement of the entire route of "Special Achievement's Defeat XX Seniors"-after he defeated Byōdōin Hōō, the U17 high school student was really "extraordinary for middle school students." The "Achievement Line" of "Level" has been successfully completed!

However, after reviewing these "life achievements", Nioh found that he had always "snubbed" a "life achievement" ranked at the top.

That's a one-on-one singles match with Yukimura!

This is not a "cold out" deliberately caused by Nioh, it is the result of irresistible factors (Yukimura's condition) and the addition of certain variables (such as the planning deviation caused by Tanegashima and U17).

In National One, Nioh was justified in defeating Sanada.

The game where he killed his Maori predecessor was also very happy.

But only in the face of the match against Yukimura, Nioh hopes to postpone it a bit, not to play in National One, but to put it later, at a time when Yukimura is "well prepared".

He was thinking of playing with Yukimura once before the national competition in the third year in the third year-this not only satisfied his own wishes, but also helped Yukimura rebuild and become a hot player in the national finals.

However, the changes in reality directly shattered his plan.

Nioh didn't expect his Tanegashima senior to be so powerful, and he directly got Yukimura into the U17 training camp.

After Seiichi Yukimura came out of U17 training camp, Rikkai began a series of devil training. The training atmosphere of the team infected Nioh, so that Nioh had forgotten his original plan.

All in all, due to various reasons and concerns, the duel between him and Yukimura has been "delayed" until now.

Ps, I remember that the Atobe family is a securities company, but has it changed in the anime? In short, the family business of the Atobe family (such as the gorgeous home of Atobe and the spaceship building that rose to the sky during the Hyotei Tennis Festival) seems to be of Suzuki's level. (Do you remember the high-rise buildings and Tokyo Tower that were bombed??), considering the very, very realistic and indifferent situation

, Atobe High School left Hyotei to go abroad. However, we can often see the three side-by-side background boards of Atobe, Akashi, and Suzuki in our comprehensive comics. By comparison, Akashi High School is still playing basketball as the captain, so Atobe can also play tennis in high school! The second dimension is a beautiful fantasy. I don't want to develop so indifferently.

Pps, with loving eyes, Yukimura of Kuniichi is still "infancy" compared with Kuni III, so Kuniichi chooses to play Sanada. In the latter part, he cannot play during his illness, and after he recovers, the strength improvement period will be suspended for the game. The author has always been obsessed with Seiichi Yukimura and Kunimitsu's "complete body". Be sure to finish hitting others and put them at the end!

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