Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 820 Yangchun Baixue, Appreciation Level

"Especially the latter part, don't you guys not take it seriously, right?"

Nioh said with a headache.

Could it be that the match between him and Byodoin Feng brought too much shock to his teammates, so that everyone had "indigestion" for a while? It was too shocking, so instead of taking the game into mind?

"Why do you say that, Nioh.

Shiraishi opened his eyes wide, expressing his innocence and seriousness.

"We take it seriously from start to finish!"

"But afterwards, it became clear that "the situation is settled." "

As Minister Shitenhouji said, he couldn't help but sigh.

Even with estimates, he did not expect that the match between Nioh Masaharu and Byōdōin Hōō would end so smoothly. Especially in the last game, in his opinion, Nioh completely pressed Byōdōin Hōō~ to play!

"Puff, Shiraishi, do you think so-?"

Nioh looked at Shiraishi Kuranosuke's expression thoughtfully.

He seemed to understand why everyone focused on the NO.1 badge instead of discussing the game that just ended.

【So this is ah

"I got it-"

Looking at Yukimura, and at Atobe who was looking at him with a sneer, Nioh decisively admitted his mistake.

"It was my fault".

He admitted his "mistakes" very candidly.

This is his "fault" because

He still habitually thinks things too simple.

The match against Byodoin, in the eyes of most other junior high school students, ended too smoothly.

Although both Seiichi Yukimura and Atobe Keigo can see the thrills and subtleties of it, among the players present, there are people with observation and vision such as Yukimura and Atobe. How many people can there be?

The high school students know the horror of Byōdōin Hōō, and naturally they will not neglect every minute of the game. And here for the junior players--

Although they have gone through qualifying, the first army high school students at that time all had six levels of strength, not to mention that most of them were sitting in the audience. How can they truly experience the horror of Byōdōin Hōō, a high school student with tennis skills?

--It is impossible to recognize by imagination alone, as well as self-guessing and understanding.

The legendary warrior of Phantom, while shocking the audience, also made them unable to predict the situation on the court.

After all, he took things for granted.

I thought everyone would be able to understand it, but I didn’t expect my last game to be too much in the eyes of these middle school teammates. Yangchun Baixue?"?

Nioh ended the game very smoothly. While shocking the middle school students, he let them relax their vigilance in the end.

--Because they didn't understand the next game at all.

"Ah, what's wrong with you?"

Atobe frowned.

He has always been proud of his own eyesight, but he found that he couldn't see through Nioh Masaharu at all.

Whenever he thought he had seen through Nioh, the "fraudster" would always do things that surprised him.

Even if Nioh was in the same tune with him during the doubles in qualifying before, he could not grasp Nioh Masaharu's thinking and thoughts.

Nioh, like free wind and thin mist, is unpredictable.

"No, I'm right."

After knowing where his "mistake" was, Nioh naturally denied what he said just now in the face of Atobe.

It's not his fault--

In fact, isn't this a question of the "appreciation level" of the "audience"?

The coaches did not pay so much attention to the "NO.1 micro chapter" at the beginning. Their attention was all attracted by the dialogue and discussion on the middle school students. Prior to this, the coaches had a tolerant smile on the badge Nioh was holding.

Even after they are attracted, the focus of these coaches with very good "appreciation level" is different from that of most middle school students.

They pay more attention to the "illusion" Nioh mentioned in the dialogue and displayed in the game, rather than entangled in the micro-chapter.

"Senior Nioh, that's not what you just said!'

Standing in front of Nioh, the red-haired first-year boy who couldn't understand the conversation between the seniors in the senior year, shouted out his doubts.

At this time, some intuition players instinctively noticed the undercurrent in the dialogue between Nioh and others.

Many self-proclaimed clever people, such as Oshitari Yuushi, have sincerely remained silent during the conversation between the big guys.

Only the innocent, innocent and innocent first graders of Shitenhouji--

Kintarou Tooyama opened his eyes wide. He looked like his minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke, very innocent and serious.

But unlike Shiraishi Kuranosuke, this first-year player is really innocent and serious, unlike his predecessor.

"Because I just forgot one thing."

Faced with Kintaro's incomprehension and doubt, Nioh was very calm, because he knew the consequences of what happened next.

............ Flowers......

As he said, he raised his right hand and touched Kintaro's head, then looked at Yukimura and Atobe.

"Can you two wait a few minutes before playing the game?"

He waved the racquet he held with his left hand and said to Yukimura and Atobe.

[Nioh-san, this is going to--]

Not far away, Yagyu Hiroshi looked at Nioh Masaharu in surprise for a while.

Yagyu has always been standing in the audience seat closest to the playing field-that is, the place separated from the court by only the railings.

Nioh Masaharu is actually very easy to understand, because once his goal is determined, almost nothing will change. But on the contrary, Nioh Masaharu's ideas became very fast.

Even if the relationship is so good that Nioh can cos with each other to deceive the green-eyed juniors of Lake, Yanagi does not think he can grasp Nioh's changes in thinking.


It's just that, now standing on the "audience seat" closest to the court--

In contact with what Nioh said before, there were other people's reactions. He thought, he might be able to guess what Nioh wanted to do.

Although, even though he was so sure that he guessed it, Yagyu Hiroshi felt that his guess was too absurd at this time.

"what are you going to do?"

Atobe looked up and was startled.

"Masaharu you"

The fighting spirit in Yukimura's eyes faded.

He seemed to have thought of something, and his gaze at Nioh was the same as that of Yanagyu, full of hesitation.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I still had one thing to do.

"But fortunately, it is not too late to continue now."

--It's not too late to "continue" now, it's obviously just right!

The silver-white-haired teenager licked his lips toward the direction of the coaching staff, and the beauty mole on the corner of his mouth made his smile look cold and sarcasm.

Ps, it seems that something bad is about to happen-【Court No. 1】 of U17 training camp. Danger!

You know (hint), think about the innocent water tower that was killed by a [NO.1] player with a tennis ball at the end of the qualifying match (Exclamation from a three-dimensional reader: As expected of U17! The training camp is too rich!! )

Before, Yukimura had acting elements, but he also really wanted to play against Nioh. Atobe is thinking about the'future'. The witty Liu Jun saw through and said nothing. But (unfortunately), Shiraishi and Fuji chose the opposite of Liu, and they contributed to the situation. The coaches think of small problems and don't care much. So it became what it is now, Nioh integrated various

In consideration of this, he decided to "break the situation with violence" under the role of the predecessors of Byodoin Temple!

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