Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 821 The tacit understanding of no.1, Nioh's initiative

As an ordinary "audience", Duke Watanabe is really innocent.

He has been watching the game seriously in the audience, and he hasn't much joined the conversation with his fellow high school students. Even if his colleagues were arguing about something, he listened to those conversations with a good-natured smile.

Now, the innocent Watanabe player is standing on the court.

He held his own net racquet, emotionally facing the silver-white-haired boy on the opposite side of the net.

- How did things become like this?

Duke Watanabe couldn't help but look up at his boss, Byōdōin Hōō, in the audience.

Zai Gang オーー

"My intermission is over."

Nioh said.

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the audience seat where the high school students gathered to watch the game.

"Hey, little Nioh, you used the wrong word.

"Should not use the expression "intermission"?"

The air pressure dropped due to the arrival of Byōdōin Hōō for high school students.

Although Mōri Juzaburō has good psychological resistance and good mental resistance, he does not want to be too active at this time.

But even if he had made up his mind to be cautious and low-key for such a period of time, Maori still responded to Nioh's words in the first interval and gave the predecessors' kindly complaints.

[Very good, it seems that Maori at Rikkai has not forgotten our Shitenhouji heritage!]

Ping Shanzhi had tears in his eyes for some reason, causing Yuan Zhe and other high school students nearby to look at him too much.

"March Two Two"

"Huh? Is he provoking?!"

Unexpected, really very unexpected one-

Tohno Atsukyo, a high school student, was the first to understand what Nioh meant.

He stared, gritted his teeth, and accepted Nioh's "provocation" perfectly.

"There is nothing wrong, Senior Maori."

As Nioh said, he glanced in surprise at the senior high school student with purple shawl hair, and realized once again that "this senior does have an amazingly detailed and amazing perception on certain things."

However, the "feelings and grievances" of senior high school students is not something that his junior high school students should blend in. Nioh finally separated himself from the "captain battle" on the side of middle school students. He didn't want to join the "psychological counseling" group on the side of high school students to volunteer.

"My game, actually hasn't finished yet~"

Nioh continued to speak to Maori.

"Although the match with the Byodoin predecessors is over, but

Maori, who listened to the younger generation, suddenly had a bad feeling.

After the match between his junior Nioh and Byodoin boss is over, shouldn't he just leave the game and everything is easy? Why is there a "but"??

"Now that I got this badge, then I think--"

Nioh looked at a certain part of the auditorium where the high school students gathered.

[This direction is]

(--! !! 1

A group of high school students and junior high school students followed Nioh's gaze and looked at Byōdōin Hōō.

"Watanabe-senpai is interested in going to court with me?"

--Watanabe, who was watching his boss with the public, was caught off guard. He heard his name in the words of the middle school student.

Duke Watanabe is sitting next to Byodoin Temple.

Their two seats are next to each other.

Therefore, the place where the junior high school student who is now at the "eye-catching" focus of sight is looking at is exactly where he is. It's just that they were all misled by another person with more impact before.

"Want me to end?"

Duke Watanabe still had surprise in his eyes.

At that time, he hadn't noticed Nioh Masaharu's intention to do this, but thought it was a rash move by a junior high school student under his pride.

"After playing a full three sets with the boss, your stamina is almost exhausted by this time, right?"

Although Watanabe player dominates the game, he still speaks very well in daily life, especially in the face of capable people-after the game between Nioh and Byodoin, Duke has fully recognized him as a new player. The NO.1 player.

So now he kindly wants to tactfully reject Nioh.

With Nioh's current state, anyone can see that if you play a three-set match with him, you will definitely lose! This has nothing to do with tennis strength, it is an unlimited limit to physical strength.

But what Duke, Maori and others did not expect is

"Then have a "seven ball showdown"!"

Byōdōin Hōō spoke.

Although this high school student is already the "predecessor No.1", others dare not ignore Byōdōin Hōō's opinions in any way.

"Then ask the Byodoin seniors to be the referee!"

Nioh said happily, waving his hand to the Byodoin Temple in a "please" gesture.

Things seem to have exceeded many people's expectations one-

The current NO.1 and predecessor No.1, the two players reached a consensus in a few words.

Nioh took the ball and the head did not return to the court, and the other player in the "seven ball showdown"

The boss agreed directly, Duke. What about Watanabe?

He never followed Byōdōin Hōō because of the U17 training camp badge.

With a helpless sigh, Duke Watanabe also walked into the court with his racquet, with Byōdōin Hōō as the referee.


Slap! slap!

Nioh was playing tennis with his hands, as if he was retrieving the feel of the game, and also as if he was borrowing the sound and movements of the ball to add psychological pressure to his opponent.

Of course, Duke and Watanabe, who are standing opposite the net, will not be under pressure due to such small movements, but Nioh's sudden invitation to the game and Byodoin's unhesitating promise really puzzled him.

[The boss seems very satisfied with this matter. If I feel right, the boss is now more satisfied with Nioh-kun than at the end of the game. 】

Duke. Watanabe moved his body on the court, warming up a little for the upcoming "seven ball showdown," while thinking in his heart.


He couldn't help sighing, and wanted to borrow the mantra of his colleague Omagari.

[Spare me one-]

Is this asking him to lose the game, or is he going to win Nioh?

The boss just did the refereeing job directly, and didn't tell him what the intention of the seven-ball matchup was.

Duke Watanabe thought.

He has his own measurement in his heart.

If we continue to abide by the "60% strength criterion", the winner of the seven-ball matchup will naturally be Nioh Masaharu.

But if you let him go

Having played three full games against Byodoin Temple, does Nioh Masaharu still have the strength to face his "king of destruction" with full firepower?

"Senior Watanabe."

Nioh started the final step of "pre-match preparations".

He originally thought that Byōdōin Hōō would help him with this "preparatory work", but he did not expect that this senior was so satisfied with him, and would continue to stand next to "watching the show."

"Senior, stop sighing."

--It's obviously he who should sigh!

Nioh originally wanted to learn like his Maori predecessors, but because of Byōdōin Hōō's previous practice, because of the NO.1 emblem.

In the end, he still couldn't escape?

Badges are honors and represent the status of players. The NO.1 badge is the most special one. This badge not only represents the highest honor of U17 training camp players, but also gives tennis players some corresponding responsibilities and pressures by the way.

[I’m taking the route of Tanegashima-senpai?]

.. Be a good teammate who is'good at listening' and'happy to talk'??]

Nioh thought of this, he almost shivered.

Senior Tanegashima's route didn't suit him at all. In the face of the NO.1 badge, although he does not want to do "extracurricular work", he should "self-support" and change his route.

--Of course, changing the route does not mean that he is going to fight for the captain's seat.

The responsibility of the "captain" will soon be successfully given to his Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura. He believes that Yukimura will be a good captain with no dead ends!

How suitable the position of "captain" is for Yukimura. With Yukimura's desire for control, the position of him and the captain of the U17 middle school team is simply a "match made in heaven"!

Tucao a few words about your own minister to relieve mental fatigue, so that you can face the "seven ball showdown" with a better posture--

Very subjective and initiative to become more proactive, Nioh's mood is actually not very bad

He didn't realize it himself.

After he got the No. 1 badge, his own attitude has undergone some subtle changes. Later, even though he was vaguely squeezed by certain players, his mental state became more relaxed in this kind of "verbal confrontation"!

This kind of "relaxed mental state" has been jumping towards a more active peak when he proposed the "seven ball showdown" invitation to high school students.

After Byōdōin Hōō understood his ideas, and directly agreed to it, it almost reached the peak!

So at that time, Nioh asked this senior to "be a referee" without hesitation--

Regardless of whether it is based on the player's credibility or based on his personal familiarity with high school students, the person Nioh invited to be the referee should be Tanegashima Shuji.

However, Nioh chose Byōdōin Hōō without any consideration--

In the eyes of others, this is undoubtedly a test on the brink of tolerance of Byodoin’s anti-Phoenix, and it can even be said to be a "horizontal jump".

But now Nioh doesn't think so much.

He just did what he wanted, completely disregarding the shock of his Maori predecessors and the surprise of Tanegashima predecessors.

"I'm willing to use this badge as a bargaining chip to compete with seniors~"

"This is probably the easiest way to get the NO.1 badge since the establishment of U17-it only requires a'seven ball showdown." "

"Senior Watanabe only needs to defeat me to get this badge."

Nioh's sentence is almost like a continuously connected explosive fuse.

Just waiting for the last explosion.


A badge gleaming in the sun drew arcs in the air.

"This badge will be handed over to the seniors of Byodoin Temple for safekeeping!"

That's right, Nioh invited Byōdōin Hōō to come as a referee, and the most important reason is this.

He wanted this senior high school student to "help" keep this NO.1 badge.

"Hey, Maori."

In the high school audience, the Date man spoke with difficulty.

"Your junior is serious?"

Sitting here, he can feel the suffocation of the atmosphere on the court.

"Little Nioh seems to be deliberately angering Watanabe-san."

Maori's tone also sounded more subtle, because he found that he didn't seem to "know" this white-haired junior who was very familiar before.


Yue Zhi, who was sitting next to Maori, could feel the stiffness of his junior and doubles partner at that moment.

Who in 2.9 would have thought that Nioh Masaharu could still be so lively on court?"?

Tsukimitsu Ochi thought so, and became silent again.

It turns out that Maori's character and performance are really not "lively". Ochi thought so, and apologized slightly for his previous "misunderstanding" of Maori.

"And it's not just that, have you all seen it? I'm not mistaken, am I?"

"Byodoin Temple accepted the badge directly!"

Irie Kanata is very acting. He spoke very fast, and at the end of his speech, his voice rose, almost screaming.

Is this thrown back?"

Tanegashima Shuji joined the discussion.

Then because of his words, the "high school students discussion group" went cold.

The most playful Irie Kanata can't naturally answer his question that destroys the atmosphere.

Irie Kanata put away his horrified expression, his expression faded and his face sank.

And the other high school students one-

Even Irie can't play anymore, are the other high school students still interested in talking?

They all looked like a shipwreck, and couldn't speak, otherwise the next second would be a dead breath without oxygen.

Ps, whisper: Well, let's change our simple view. This is actually Nioh's stamp collection for U17 training camp competition. The list of the high school student team: 1 Byodoin 2 Tanegashima 4 is currently the Tokugawa 5 ghosts, the top five are missing our destruction king NO.3 Watanabe player! (So does it ruin the atmosphere?)

Pps, double update, please praise and praise me qwq!.

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