Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 822 Warning: Court No. 1 is about to be scrapped!

Duke-Watanabe is angry, but not to the point of anger.

He could roughly guess that Nioh was deliberately irritating him, but after all, his mood could not be completely controlled by reason.


Nioh serve.

He was very active just now, and he was very provocative against Duke and Watanabe.

But in fact, he has settled down and decided to treat this seven-ball matchup with 100% seriousness.

After all, he is not "full state" now!

Bang! Bang!

The sound of tennis breaking through the air is like the horn of war.

Since the beginning of Nioh serve, court No. 1 ushered in another "war".

However, compared to the previous luck, this time the "war", the No. 1 court may be inevitable!

Bang bang bang--

"1:0, Nioh scored!"

Contrary to what the "audiences" think, although the atmosphere on the court is quiet, it is limited to Duke. Between Watanabe and Nioh Masaharu.

Holding the NO.1 badge that Nioh threw to him for safekeeping, Byōdōin Hōō is in a good mood now.

If he had won the game against Nioh before, his mood would not be better than it is now.

Nioh's actions have proved one thing to him--

He read this kid right!

17 Byōdōin Hōō handed the NO.1 badge to Nioh Masaharu not only because of his recognition of Nioh's tennis prowess, but also because he lost that game. Among them, more reasons are actually influenced by Byōdōin Hōō's private thoughts, because he is satisfied with Nioh's disposition.

During the game, he communicated with Nioh as a tennis player, fully recognized Nioh's tennis prowess, and refreshed his impression of the middle school player.

In short, after he played that game, he felt that Nioh was very pleasing to the eye, so he gave the NO.1 micro-chapter to Nioh!

Bang bang bang--

Accompanied by the huge sound.

"1:1, Watanabe scored!"

The dust and smoke spread out on the court, like an expanding enchantment, gradually covering the entire scope of the court.

And these dust and smoke that can block the line of sight to a certain extent, their source is naturally--


--From the huge force between the tennis ball and the ground!

Under the gaze of the "spectators", Nioh and Byodoin played a fierce three-set match on the ground of the No. 1 court that was not damaged. At this time, a gap visible to the naked eye was already cracked.

" How is this going?"

Shinji Itake opened his mouth several times to speak, but tried to make a sound only then.

"That senior high school student was probably offended!"

With cold sweat on his forehead, Akira Kamio said with a trembling voice.

For Duke. Watanabe, the senior high school students, Akira Kamio and Itake Shinji, have always been very jealous and in awe after the qualifying.

Both of them are middle school players in the Fudomine Tennis Club, and they are certainly no strangers to their tennis teammate Ishida Tetsu.

Ishida Iron's wave ball was once what they thought was a stunt, which can reverse the situation and determine the victory at a critical moment. When Fudomine and Seigaku faced off, Ishida Tetsu's power and his swing ball directly forced Fuji Syusuke and Kawamura Takashi to abstain.

Ishida Gin of Shitenhouji is the older brother of Ishida Tie, who has a far greater power than Ishida Tie.

But it is such a tennis player who has a huge advantage in strength in the eyes of Akira Kamio and Itake Shinji, facing the No. 3 Duke Watanabe of the first army, he has almost no strength to fight back!

The 108 wave of the ball was completely lost to a high school player's Duke home run.

It is difficult for Akira Kamio to use words to describe the shock of seeing the scene at that time--

Violent aesthetics are always so straightforward, hitting the heart and soul, and shattering the inner defense of the viewer.

"It's strength, such a powerful force."

Shinji Itake once again forgot his habit of breaking up thoughts.

As Tiansuo-at least he is a tennis player called a genius by his teammates, Shinji Itake has always had his own pride.

But when the "genius" faces an absolute and irresistible force, he will inevitably be troubled--

In the face of this overwhelming power, the so-called "天オ" also seems extremely small.

And, when this "overwhelming power" was beaten back by another person with racquet--

[Can tennis skills do this step?]

Shinji Itake was lost in confusion.

Although he can't understand the level of Nioh Masaharu's tennis prowess in the third grade, he thinks he can still recognize the single five-dimensional value of Nioh's "strength".

Nioh Masaharu's five-dimensional value of "strength" is also among the best among middle school students, but it is not the first level among high school students.

Even when facing high school students, Nioh's "power" is undoubtedly a drag!

But now, facing the "overwhelming power" of Duke Watanabe, Nioh held the racquet to resist it.

"Cracking the court floor--"

"This shows that the strength of the two of them hitting the ball at this time-no, it should be said that the'power' that is given to tennis-is very large."

At the beginning of the month, the analysis seemed to be calmly started.

The manager of St. Rudolph's tennis club had no intention of remaining silent at this time. He couldn't wait to say something to ease the shock in his heart.

"They can control this'power'."

At the beginning of the month, he clenched his lower lip.

At this time, he couldn't care about whether his demeanor was "appropriate and elegant" in the eyes of others.

At the beginning of the month, he only wanted to scream, he wanted to shout out his discovery--

[These two people--they did it on purpose!]

[Deliberately not completely control the power, deliberately beat the ground of Court No. 1 like this!]

Guanyue used the utmost sensibility he had at present to restrain his urge to shout out.

But the shock he felt in his heart could not be resolved, and it became more intense as the game progressed.

[Nioh did this]

Destroying court No. 1 during the game--is this really allowed?

Was it allowed by the coaches of the training camp when they didn't know it?

This is a place 320 where you can be retired if you don't agree with each other.

【Byōdōin Hōō, the attitude of this predecessor is approval. 】

--Otherwise, he won't stand on the side of the court to serve as the "referee" position.

As for the coaches

[Complete, complete default??!]

If this is the case, it would be even more terrifying than "we talked about it before and proceed now."

Knowing that this seven-ball matchup can be avoided, knowing that Nioh did it on purpose and knowing this, the coaches still chose to remain silent.

They let Nioh's "willfulness" go, and let any court destroy it during the game--

Their approach can only be for greater goals!

At the beginning of Guanyue, he felt the faint smell of rust in his mouth. In the extreme shock, he unknowingly bit his lower lip.

Ps, super loud: destruction--this is the heritage of the No.1 player in the U17 training camp!

--It is the role model of Byodoin-seniors whom we all respect! Tanegashima-senpai, are you right!! What do you think of the coaches!!!

The coaches' thinking is different from the "self-righteousness" of watching the moon. In U17, I don’t know how many things were damaged. From tennis, racquet to court and water tower, no one lost money (crossed out). The U17 training camp, which aims to obtain international honors and train outstanding tennis players, does not care about those.

ps, the emperor in the comment area, are you a single Rikkai? Why do I always only have a guarantee.

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