Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 823 Juvenile ambition, absolute and strongest

Having played so many games and played tennis against various opponents, Nioh has a clearer positioning of his tennis strength. At the same time, he also has his own views on many tennis players and their moves.

Even if you get information about the opponent's tennis player, you need to understand it yourself.

Because each player's personal situation is different.

Even in the face of most of the audience's commentary one-

That is not the standard answer for judgment.

Nioh knew this well.

He has played tennis for so many years and watched so many games. He has long understood the so-called "excellent commentary".

That is--

Facing most audiences, the "commentary", which is the so-called "standard answer", is simply deceptive!

Spectators who don't know anything about tennis, or those who don't know much about tennis, can treat the game commentary as a guide. They can completely treat the commentary as "real".

But as a tennis player

Most "comments" are untrustworthy!

Even a lot of information that has been spread far and wide is untrustworthy!

For example, Duke and Watanabe are now on court.

This "king of destruction" from France.

Officially, the Watanabe player has an overwhelming advantage in strength of 323.

-First, this was said by the propaganda department and the news media, and it was also discussed by the audience watching the game during the exchange.

However, for some U17 general-level tennis players, is Duke Watanabe's power really "overwhelming"?

Nothing is absolute.

For most players in the Japanese training camp, that evaluation is not wrong.

However, this evaluation is undoubtedly a fallacy for Nioh.

In Nioh's view, many evaluations of tennis players themselves and their moves are actually "wrong".

For example, Seiichi Yukimura's "Five Senses".

There is also Tanegashima Shuji's "Extinction".

Minister Rikkai’s "Missing the Five Senses" is known as "unbreakable" in the middle school tennis world, just like Seiichi Yukimura uses the "Missing the Five Senses" and his opponent is about to end.

However, only in the middle school tennis game, especially in the national competition, more than one tennis player can crack Seiichi Yukimura's "five senses".

Even after they break the "five senses", it will be difficult to beat Yukimura.

But this proves at least one thing--

There are no absolute moves!

The same goes for Tanegashima Shuji's "Destroyed Nothing". Rumor has it that you can catch a chop technique and turn it into "Nothing".

No. 2 player in the first army, his move sounds terrible--

In fact, it was really scary in the game.

But just by looking at his ranking, you can know that the so-called "rumors" are only "rumors" after all.

If Tanegashima Shuji can really catch all the moves and turn them into "nothing" and keep all of his serve games, how could he still be No. 2 in the army?

If there is such an absolute move, then such a tennis player will definitely be the world's number one.

However, as far as it seems, only Echizen Nanjiro can afford the "absolute" evaluation and description.

--Because he is the "world number one" by everyone's default and the strongest tennis player!

- It's not that "seamless clothes" is invincible in the world, nor is it that "unparalleled in ancient and modern times" is too sharp, and it is not that "the impermanence of all things" is unsolvable.

What is invincible is not Echizen Nanjiro's "extremely seamless", but Echizen Nanjiro in the state of "extremely seamless".

Because of the strength of Echizen Nanjiro, there is the legend of Selfless State, and the vision of tennis teenagers for "seamlessness".

Nioh hadn't thought about this long ago.

But he is undoubtedly very clear about this now, and he has his own ambitions.

The triple realm of "no-self" is sought after by many tennis teenagers because of Echizen Nanjiro, and "seamless" has become a "legend" because of the legendary samurai.

Nioh Masaharu's ambition as a tennis player is actually very simple.

-He wants to make his "Nioh Phantom" a "legend" in the tennis world!

Because of the existence of the "legendary samurai" Echizen Nanjiro, he has a predecessor as an example on this legendary (bhcj) road.

The seniors have set an example to tell Nioh how the next "road" is going

Defeat all your opponents, you will become a "legend", and your moves will become a "legend"!

Bang bang bang--

"2:1, Nioh scored!"

This seven-ball matchup with Duke Watanabe was an opportunity for Nioh to broaden the horizons and liberate the minds of his fellow juniors, and it was also a challenge for him.


"2:2, Watanabe scored!"

Duke: As a tennis player with both strength and skill, Watanabe is undoubtedly Nioh's most difficult opponent type.

What's more, Nioh's current physical strength is not enough, and the level of strength can not be maintained at his peak.

"--!! "

The middle school students were dumbfounded in the audience.

On the contrary, the high school students can fully accept the fierce duel on the court at this time. After all, after watching the last game between Nioh and Byodoin, their mental endurance has been tempered.

"Why did you fight all of a sudden?"

"And it was so fierce!"

Fuji Yuta said that he did not understand the analysis of Kanyue-sen. He just wanted to know why the game started suddenly and it was so fierce at the beginning.

- The court is almost inundated with dust and smoke, and the ground has been smashed out of the pit. Is there any deep hatred between Nioh and the No. 3 senior high school student?!

"Is it really okay to fight like this?"

Otori Cyotaroh is very nervous.


His eyes were filled with confusion and helplessness.

--The tennis player present, he is probably the person who cares most about [Court No. 1].

The other players only looked at the game and the players on both sides who watched the game, but they didn't care about the court itself.

Even Tokugawa Kazuya, a high school player who has been in court No. 1 for a long time, did not leave his attention to court No. 1 itself.

They are more concerned about "Who can win Nioh or Watanabe" than the court may be scrapped in the game.


The tennis ball was hit hard.

When it hits the ground, it will leave black scars on the court floor.

Bang bang!

After all, the serve game will inevitably be broken.

The alternate scoring situation of one person, one point cannot be maintained.

Nioh, who was in a difficult state of strength and stamina, first lost points--


"3:2, Watanabe scored!"

The tennis ball hit the ground fiercely, leaving a spider-web-like crack on the court ground.

And the center of this crack is a black sunken tennis ball.

This is the result of the release of "absolute power" in the eyes of others.

Ps, many players and the descriptions of their skills are "absolute", but they are all relative, just listen to it, there is no need to take it seriously. The fluctuating ball does not mean an absolute victory, the zero form will also be beaten back, and the five senses will also be cracked. "Seamless in the sky" is strong, but it is more because Echizen Nanjiro itself is very strong. .

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