Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 855 Ochi, Atobe, Irie, Oshitari

Things are developing exactly as Irie player expected.

Although Ochi looked cold, he couldn't have softened his heart in the face of an outstanding junior like Atobe.

So these two players form a doubles combination in the training of "free doubles", which can also be expected.

"It's going to happen, Oshitari-kun.

Irie Kanata said, his ending with a long smile.

"Come up and don't be discouraged."

"We won't necessarily lose!"

The high school student players seem to have the responsibility of the seniors.

He used a mature-sounding tone to comfort Oshitari~ Yuushi with a dull expression.

"Oshitari, let this uncle see your progress!"

Even Atobe said so...

[Why even Atobe said that?!]

Oshitari Yuushi hopes that he is dreaming.

He would rather be in a practice match with Seiichi Yukimura than he would be in a "dream".

However, after all, it is the one that cannot be escaped-


Tsukimitsu Ochi, Atobe Keigo, Irie Kanata, Oshitari Yuushi, these four players are not people who know nothing about doubles.

Although the four of them may be better at singles, they used to play doubles only "for a reason," but experience and talent can't be faked.

--Facts have proved that a doubles match between the Kanto Youth Selection in the National 3rd National League against the US West Coast Youth Selection Team is not the true doubles level of Atobe and Sanada!

- Atobe Keigo and Shinichiro Sanada dragged each other back at the beginning of the doubles. It was completely their fault that they "have not had time to get into the state, have a bad acquaintance, not run well, and have the wrong rhythm"!

Now this practice of "free doubles", the cooperation between Atobe and his immediate predecessors, although it can not be said that it is very tacit, but it has also reached the standard of qualification!


The four representatives of the team are well aware of the purpose of training tonight.

They are just to improve the running-in of doubles, and just try their best to find a suitable doubles partner 12345 (or even more people.

They don't have to regard such "doubles practice" as a formal competition!

Bang! Bang!

Both Yuezhi and Atobe tacitly did not use such ball skills as Mach serve and Tang Huaise serve.

The two of them simply waved racquet to serve, and did not use any skills that "will interfere with training".

--This is "doubles training", this is also "run-in training".

- "Break-in" with doubles is the most important thing.

Atobe Keigo agreed to train with Irie Kanata, a senior high school student, and it was not a hothead.

Hyotei's junior high school student is very calm. He played singles games with Irie and knows that this senior high school student has a daunting court insight.

Irie Kanata's eyesight is what he needs in "doubles training"!

So Atobe is happy to be the opponent and partner of this senior's "doubles training".

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Finally there is a normal way to open "doubles training"--

Coach Saito watched from the court and heaved a sigh of relief.

The doubles of Nioh, Maori, Kirihaya, and Tohno just now are not "doubles training" at all!

In that doubles, although Kirihara Akaya and Tohno Atsukyo could "know their shame and be brave", they did not seem to have any visible "help" in essence!

Perhaps such a failure experience is good for the long-term development of Kirihaya and Tohno's doubles. But the U17 World Cup game is about to begin. All of them have no time to waste, and no bargaining chip to hope "a miracle will happen."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Find the opponent’s "dead corner" and cooperate with your partner to maximize your tennis strength.

Disrupt the opponent's game rhythm and create opportunities by yourself without a chance to score--

Although the time difference tactics are old, they are not outdated!

[The doubles combination of Tsukimitsu Ochi and Atobe Keigo is a tacit understanding, you can consider it!]

[However, it is still not enough. It is not the'most preferred' of the U17 team!]

The three-ship instructor in the monitoring room silently recorded this group.

He actually expected the doubles combination of Yue Zhi and Atobe after watching the video record of the qualifying match.

Tsukimitsu Ochi's mental assassination is a big killer on doubles, as long as he is equipped with a doubles partner with sufficient resistance to pressure, it can cause great "lethality" to the opponent.

Before the qualifying, Atobe Keigo could not bear the "spiritual assassination". In fact, until now, Atobe still cannot bear the full-strength "spiritual assassination" of Tsukimitsu Ochi.

Atobe can only resist pressure, and cannot be calm under the coercion of "mental assassination".

--The doubles partner who can play tennis without being affected by Tsukimitsu Ochi's full-strength "spiritual assassination" is not Atobe, but Maori.

And the "most preferred" of Mōri Juzaburō is Nioh Masaharu.

[Spray, the'most preferred' of all the players on the representative team is that kid!]

So Nioh doesn't have to participate in "free doubles" at all, he just serves as a "comparison group".

In a three-set doubles game, even if one set is missed, the other two sets can be won. Give Nioh any doubles partner, as long as he is not allowed to face a professional doubles combination, the three boat coaches have 100% confidence in Nioh.

As for professional doubles opponents

[Maori is not the strongest high school student player, but he is also the first rank. 】

Mōri Juzaburō was praised by Byōdōin Hōō for a lifetime - Tokugawa Kazuya didn't have this treatment at the beginning.

Therefore, the coach of the three boats believes that if the current Maori meets the generals of other teams on singles, the outcome is hard to say. But if you encounter professional doubles from certain teams in a doubles game,

[Nioh and Maori, if their plans are not disrupted during the World Cup knockouts, they can go straight to the tricky doubles opponents!]

As for the accident that the three-ship coach thought--

[If you encounter the worst situation, for example, two top professional singles make up doubles, then let Byodoin and Nioh try together!]

This is the worst case.

But this situation is almost impossible, because if that happens

[Three wins in five games, the big deal is to give up a doubles! That kid Nioh is our singles NO.1!]

Let Nioh Masaharu go to doubles, San Mifūne Nyudō San is actually very distressed.

It’s not that he doesn’t value the doubles game, it’s just that

That's the top combat power of their U17 representative team! General-level combat power! NO.1 player!

According to common sense, it is to be placed on the singles one in the finals, or placed on the singles three to play against the opponent's generals.

How can you keep your own NO.1 in the doubles position?

This time is also a coincidence, because Nioh's development is like "forced coherence" on doubles until now, so the three boat coaches have to be extremely entangled and headaches on the list of game previews.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Although he didn't use his ACE serve stunts, Tsukimitsu Ochi didn't get too stuck in this doubles practice.

He used "a little bit of mental power" with a cold face.

This is how a "mental assassin" game is played, how can it be possible to use no mental power at all?

Because of the previous "qualifying doubles experience", Yue Zhi knew that Atobe would not affect his performance because of his "a little bit of mental power", so he played and used it directly.

--Not to the level of "mental assassination", but it is also enough to make the middle school player on the opposite side of the net chill!


The tennis ball fell.

Oshitari Yuushi feels like he is not playing sports in a subtropical climate, but blowing cold wind in the cold Arctic Circle.

He was chilling all over, but his mind was dizzy with heat.

………Look for flowers…

Proud to be calm, and gradually leave him

Bang! Bang!

Tsukimitsu Ochi observed the changes in the expressions and movements of the two opponents opposite the net during the practice of "free doubles".

The rhythm of middle school students becomes rigid

This was in his expectation.

And high school student-Irie Kanata finally took it seriously.

The observant high school student contestant still has a gentle smile on his face. But the racquet in his hand can always slap the bounced tennis ball, and from time to time he can get cold and hit the tennis ball to the "defensive blind spot" between him and Atobe.


This doubles exercise is not one-sided.

Seriously, Irie Kanata, like Tsukimitsu Ochi, obviously didn't use the tennis prowess to go all out. But after the high school students got serious, it was enough to support the doubles practice to continue.

Bang! Bang!

What Irie said to Oshitari before the doubles practice started was not exactly acting.

He said before that they don't necessarily lose--

This sentence is true.

Although Hyotei's past performances are not the best among the U17 representative middle school students, he stands out among other middle school students and can be selected for the U17 representative team.

He naturally has reasons to impress the coaches.

Oshitari Yuushi has been hot-headed in previous games, but he is clearly a player who can learn his lesson. He is very slow in the game and not easy to break out, which can be regarded as a "weakness" for singles players.


But look at it from another angle--

If it is a doubles player who cooperates with high school students, wouldn't it be rare and safe?!

Even though he was unfortunately hot-headed during the game, he was reminded by a high school student as a doubles partner.

Thinking about it this way, Oshitari will at least not be dragged down in the not-so-high-level U17 World Cup doubles competition!

-Irie player in doubles with Oshitari player. Now he has realized the benefits of his current doubles partner.

[Under the influence of Yue Zhi's mental power, but did not directly give up the game, and is still working hard to cooperate with the seniors-the basic stress resistance is very good! The coaches selected him for the U17 representative team because of this.

In addition to doubles, Irie also thought about observing Oshitari. It can be seen that he did not devote himself to doubles practice.

"It's time to change sides, Oshitari-kun~"

The player Irie, who was in a good mood, said briskly after switching half-time.

As his voice fell, the junior high school player resisted his desire to sigh, he raised his hand and pushed his glasses, and followed the senior high school student to the other side.

As for the episode after the end of the "side change"--

"Indulge in my grandfather's gorgeous doubles!"

The doubles just now, because of the profit and cooperation of the seniors around him, and because the two opponents "unexpectedly did not lose the chain", Atobe was obviously in a good mood.

So he snapped his fingers and said before both sides started to "get into the state".


The head of Hyotei's junior high school student went into a stiff body.

"Good fight, go on.

The head of Hyotei's high school student spoke up, speaking lightly and indistinctly.

Although, only from his sentence to analyze

Yuezhi is encouraging Atobe!

But if you cooperate with the other party's movements to take a look-

"I must be dreaming.

Oshitari Yuushi's voice was filled with confusion.

-He read it wrong, right? He must have read it wrong!

Senior Yi Yue Zhi used racquet to pat Atobe's

One should be me dreaming, I have seen this scene! Isn't this what Atobe did to Hiyoshi during "mental training"?!

I must be under too much mental pressure, so I imagined a "certain scene in the depths of my memory" and brought in Atobe and Otsuchi-senpai!

Ps, this is Hyotei's "inheritance"! Oshitari, you are not the minister, so you don't understand! Soil.

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