Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 856 Contrast gap, zero coordination

Otsuchi did this kind of action to Atobe, which is actually the pot of a certain Rikkai high school student~

As early as in the U17 training camp, Maori privately "prompted" Hyotei's high school student minister--

"Yueguangsang, don't be so indifferent to the younger generation."

Mōri Juzaburō used to worry about the problem of getting along between his Moonlight seniors and Hyotei junior high school students. This Rikkai senior high school player always feels that Yue Zhi is very difficult in this regard, so he said this to Yue Zhi over and over again.

"You must be kind!"

"--Can't stand aside and say nothing or do nothing!"

Maori imparted his "predecessor experience" to Yuezhi.

So there is this "episode" between Yuezhi and Atobe

Maori thinks that he is too cold, the more wise he is, in order to show that he is not so cold, he very naturally took a racquet and kindly patted Atobe--

I was stunned by Oshitari on the opposite side of the net!

And it also made Oshitari Yuushi's current doubles partner Irie Kanata stunned.

"The relationship between Otsuchi and Atobe is really good~"

The orange-brown curly high school student sighed.

"Just now in the doubles practice, I also cooperated very well!"

Irie Kanata was probably talking nonsense with his eyes closed.

Because Tsukimitsu Ochi and Atobe Keigo have just doubles, although they cooperate, their partners are not very tacit.

If it is really "cooperation in place", then Irie and Oshitari will not have the opportunity to play back and forth with these two.

But "Three Five Zero", Oshitari Yuushi's concern is not this one.

The Oshitari player looked at the senior high school student who was smiling gently, and he involuntarily took a step back.

"Huh, Oshitari-san, you?"

Irie showed a look of surprise.

If he hadn't praised Yuezhi and Atobe's "cooperation" just now, while weighing the racquet in his hand and looking at Oshitari's thoughtful appearance, the Hyotei genius would really believe that this senior is not acting!

[Why should I stand in court? Why should I be here?]

[. I should be standing by the court!]

Oshitari tried his best to maintain his expression, not allowing his bitterness to become too obvious.

"Senior Irie, let's continue training!"

--Focus on doubles practice, don't "connect feelings" with me!

Oshitari player said that he doesn't need senior high school students to use that kind of action to show kindness!


[Senior Irie, please compare your height with that of Otsuchi-sen!]

[Otsuchi-senpai took Atobe, and it was completely smooth. Because of the height difference, I took that position, Irie-senpai, are you less than one meter tall, right?]

In order to relieve her scared little heart, Oshitari Yuushi frantically complained in her heart.

Fortunately, he has a face that can be stretched at a critical moment, and he didn't let the Irie player who focused on the other side of the net notice what he was thinking.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he will be patted by racquet, and then he will be embarrassed

Bang! Bang!

In the nearby court, there was also the sound of a tennis ball being hit by a racquet.

Atobe and Oshitari both found high school student partners and started "doubles training". The other junior high student team players are not idle either.

The function of "Destroyed Nothing" is to turn the opponent's ball skills into "Nothing"? The predecessor introduced "Destroyed Nothing" like this to the outside world, isn't it?"

Yanagi Renji did not forget to inquire about the information he was interested in during the doubles training.

He is very interested in Tanegashima Shuji's "Destroyed Nothing", not only because of the powerful effect of "Destroyed Nothing", but also because the move of "Destroyed Nothing" seems to be somewhat similar to Yukimura's moves.

--Similar on the surface, different in essence.


Tanegashima Shuji did not have any necessary requirements for the training partner of "free doubles", so he gladly accepted the doubles invitation from Liu just now.

"This is not what I introduced to the outside world."

"Obviously you people are talking to yourself. I don't know since when, "Nothing is Extinct" became such a magical move. "

The high school student did not answer Yanagi Renji's question directly.

But to be honest, Tanegashima Shuji is also very curious one-

"Speaking of, I have neither participated in the expedition nor in the individual competition. How did you collect this information?

"After I entered high school, tennis intelligence should be limited to the u17 training camp.

Tanegashima Shuji doesn't think that the reason why Liu knows these things was revealed by Nioh.

After starting the doubles training with Yanagi Renji, he keenly felt the younger Liu's understanding of himself.

This understanding is not given by superficial information.

Yanagi Renji definitely has an extremely powerful intelligence gathering ability!


"The U17 team expedition game is not something that ordinary middle school students like us can see."

Liu said calmly, and at the same time, raised his hand and waved.

"But we have all seen qualifying matches"

"That game, although I can't understand too much, but it's enough for now."

Thanks to Sanada's contribution, Liu got some data and intelligence from seniors.

Thanks also to the other Rikkai teammates besides Sanada, especially Nioh, for training Yanagi Renji's data speed collection ability.

Bang! Bang!

The tennis ball spins through the air for a half circle, then bounces after it hits the ground.


Shiraishi caught the tennis ball steadily.


Ding Zi's brown-haired junior high school student smiled brightly.

"Although I am holding a racquet in my hand, I always feel like I have entered a tea party by mistake!"

Shiraishi complained.

Their doubles practice, compared with other groups, is really harmonious.

"Over there, Atobe and Oshitari played quite intensely."

While running and patting, Shiraishi still has the energy to look at the court next to him from the corner of his eye.

Because he was still in his doubles practice, and because of the distance, he did not see the scene of the two ministers of Hyotei "love each other" (Atobe:??!!!).

Shiraishi Kuranosuke only watched the part behind the "scene"--

That is Atobe with a cold face and the more wiser with a cold look, fighting against Oshitari with a stern face and Irie with a gentle smile! Although it was doubles practice, the four players played more and more fiercely.

And the two sets of doubles on their side

"Our side is getting better."

"Get serious, Shiraishi-kun!"

Kimijima and Shiraishi Kuranosuke's doubles cooperation did not have any special highlights, but also relative, their doubles cooperation did not appear too conspicuous loopholes.

Shiraishi's "Bible Tennis" gave him a balanced play.

Kimijima is also a very patient tennis player--

The way he looks to Tohno is entirely because of the "torture" of time!

So, the overall evaluation--

[Reactive no work!]

The three ships coach in the monitoring room patted his forehead depressedly.

"Does it have to use the game to make them progress?"

Although this U17 World Cup match, with their current lineup, they can use the group stage to "train", but the ambition of San Mifūne Nyudō San is not just to get to the semi-finals!

If you have to use the main race to improve the players, what about the semi-finals and finals?

The arrangement of the knockout matches does not wait for anyone. After a game, "temporary reduction of players" is not a good thing for the entire team.

[Kimijima and Shiraishi Kuranosuke, write it down first!]

[If you encounter a suitable opponent, it's okay to let them play!]

What's more, the "doubles running-in training" of their U17 representative team is not over yet. All players have the opportunity to make their doubles even better!

Of course, except for Nioh.

The wise Mikaru head coach has decided to take Nioh Masaharu as the doubles benchmark player of the U17 representative team. He encourages all other doubles players to challenge Nioh.

As for whether Nioh will be exhausted by a lot of challenges, there is also the question of whether the gross profit can support it.

[If Maori gets tired, let Seiichi Yukimura come on!]

What is the captain for?

For the head coach, the captain is to help his elderly solve problems!

[High school students over there]

[Tanegashima Shuji is a laid-back bastard?]

Nioh's doubles partner has many options, and the three boats coach has prepared it for him

[And Byodoin--]

"These little bastards! Relying on their strong singles, they practiced doubles as singles?!!"

The three-ship coach should not be too strict with Tanegashima and others.

The head coach looked at the combination of Kirihaya and Tohno and felt dissatisfied. He saw the combination of Ochi and Atobe and thought it was not the best choice. "No work and no deeds", after seeing Tanegashima and Liu's combination, I was still dissatisfied with Tanegashima Shuji's "Leisure"

The three boat coach is too strict, and his expectations for the doubles level of the representative team players are too high.

Nioh Masaharu's doubles level is "beads and jade in front". Looking at other doubles, Mifūne Nyudō San always feels "not enough".

The head coach of the U17 representative team forgot--

In this world, there are really strong singles tennis players who don't know how to doubles if their partner is wrong!!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At another court, smoke was everywhere.

Moreover, the court ground is also facing an unprecedented crisis.

"Come again!

A certain red-haired high school student yelled fiercely.

"Super Invincible Universe Thunderbolt's Big Trick-Big Windmill Strike!"

"Uncle Ghost takes the move!!"

The red-haired junior high school student turned somersault in the air.


Expand one-

"Light hit the ball--!"

Akutsu Jin "holds" the ball, then hit the blonde high school student on the opposite side of the net.


"This sport can be a strange one in ten years'?"

Byōdōin Hōō caught the challenge of the ball, although he did not put his mind on the doubles at all.

As the captain of the high school student's representative team, he is also one of the generals of the U17 representative team. If he plays doubles, it must be the team's "life and death" or the finals.

What's more, this doubles practice really makes Byōdōin Hōō unable to boost their energy.

[Ghost, do you think so too?]

Byodoin didn't think it was aware of things, but Oni Jujirokai didn't see it.

This "free doubles" exercise--

He and Oni Jujiro each took a junior high student player.

He formed doubles with Kintarou Tooyama, while Gui partnered with Akutsu Jin2.9.

--Yes, he lived with the red-haired country, the ghost and the white-haired boy with fierce eyes.

--That's it, there is no accidental exchange of doubles partners.

Just like Tanegashima Shuji participates in the "doubles running-in training" with a laid-back attitude, Byōdōin Hōō has a completely "indifferent" attitude towards his junior high school partner.

So their doubles, he and ghost doubles, are all dominated by middle school students.

Kintarou Tooyama really wants to play with Jujiro Oni again. He thinks this "Uncle Oni" is very good in tennis. It just so happens that Akutsu Jin is also very interested in challenging Byōdōin Hōō.

Therefore, the Yamabuki Middle-School players and Shitenhouji, who had no intersection, quickly reached a consensus throughout their lives.

One Kintarou Tooyama goes to Byōdōin Hōō partner, Akutsu Jin goes to Oni Jujiro partner!

--Such a "wonderful" doubles combination is established.

The high school contestants looked at them with subtle expressions, but the two middle school students didn't care about the other people's expressions and reactions, and they went to the court excitedly.

Then, they turned doubles into "respective singles".

Kintarou Tooyama attacked Oni Jujiro with various moves, and Akutsu Jin insisted on attacking Byōdōin Hōō.

--There is no "doubles coordination" at all.

The three-ship coach looked at this screen in the monitoring room, and his face was completely black.

ps, Oshitari: I should stand by the court, not in the court!

Byodoin: What a coincidence, I also want to stand on the sidelines

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