Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 864 The training is over

When the selected "coercive homology" object was not psychologically resistant, Nioh quickly advanced his task as a "doubles practice coach".

Use practical actions to guide the players to experience the "homological atmosphere" and give them a chance to experience "doubles tacit understanding"

Except for the first test on Kite and Date, Nioh did this for the first time, and he was not familiar with this kind of operation, so it took about ten minutes.

For other doubles combinations, Nioh only needs about five minutes to allow these players to "get a proper sense of doubles experience."

However, just as Marui successfully rejected Nioh's "doubles guidance (forced homology)" at the beginning, not all temporary doubles combinations accepted Nioh's "forced homology".

"This feeling "

"They are going to resonate'?!"

One hour after the coaches announced the details of the "night training", Duke: Watanabe looked at the two players across the net in surprise.

Temporary doubles group formed by Tokugawa Kazuya and Seiichi Yukimura~ together--

This group of doubles is very likely to be fixed!

Both Tokugawa and Yukimura have strong singles strength, and they are among the forefront of the U17 representative team. Now that the two of them perform doubles, it is obvious that they can reach the level of "one plus one is greater than two".

--This can already lead most of the doubles combinations in the U17 World Cup!

"No, it's not'resonance' yet..."

"The'resonance' between me and Tokugawa-senpai needs more pressure to stimulate."

Seiichi Yukimura shook her head and said.

"But it's enough to achieve this level now-I won't increase the workload for Masaharu."

Seiichi Yukimura, the captain of the U17 junior high school team and also the head of Rikkai, said very kindly.

If he didn't say the next sentence, then follow Nioh to several courts, watching Nioh and the players "unilaterally" and then a little guessing about "forced homology" Byōdōin Hōō, you can really believe in Yukimura. This kind of statement, right?

Byodoin completed his task as a "tool man" perfectly.

The high school students walked around with Nioh throughout and witnessed Nioh's "forced homology" several times.

At the same time, Byodoin Fenghuang also saw the strong resistance of several Rikkai players to "forced homology"!

"Syusuke and Watanabe-senpai want to try Masaharu's'forced homology'?"

An hour has passed, the evening training time arranged by the coaches is almost over, and Captain Yukimura is still not giving up.

He sincerely suggested that Fuji Syusuke and Duke Watanabe two players experience "forced homology."

"Forced homology"? Well, it looks interesting~"

Fuji said with a smile.

"But Nioh has used such moves for so long and so many times, so now I should be very tired?"

The kind-hearted Seigaku genius considered from the standpoint of Rikkai's big player. He once again tactfully rejected Rikkai's "good suggestion".

"If Seiichi likes'forced homology' very much, you can book the first position tomorrow in advance~"

Fuji suggested that

Although he didn't know how bad the sequelae of "forced homology" could be, he still listened to his intuitive reaction to danger and mental speculation, and firmly rejected the idea of ​​"feeling the'homological doubles atmosphere", which was jointly proposed by the coaches. A good suggestion that the captain agreed together.

"How is Zanglin feeling now?"

When Nioh used "Forced Coherence" before, it hardly made the audience see the sequelae of "Forced Coherence". But Fuji Syusuke has been roommates with Seiichi Yukimura for so long, and he has long recognized Yukimura's black belly.

But for various reasons, his other roommate was still "successful"

"I feel okay now?"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke said uncertainly.

After Nioh "unilaterally" finished Sanada and Naka Hanoi-senpai, he rushed to him and Kimishima-senpai.

- In the doubles running-in training, the "temporary coach" appointed by the coaching staff is going to guide them doubles, how could Shiraishi just say no?

Minister Shitenhouji is not a junior high school tennis player in the Kanto region. His knowledge of Nioh Masaharu started from the annual national competition.

The information was not updated in time, and Shiraishi, who was lucky enough, embarked on the "road of no return."

Especially when he found that the two players on the opposite side of the net politely declined Nioh's "forced homology", Shiraishi's heart was cold.

[It shouldn't]

[What hasn’t happened yet, did I think too much?]

Although Yanagi Renji and Tanegashima Shuji's polite rejection of "compulsory homology" is justified and well-founded, it really makes Shiraishi doubt whether there is any hidden truth in it.

[I haven’t felt dizzy so far]

The same is true for Kimijima.

Nioh just finished his "unilateral tune" between him and Shiraishi, and his high school student colleague Tanegashima Shuji waved goodbye to Nioh impatiently.

This makes Kimijima have to suspect that "forced homology" is a big problem!

The high school player who was stunned once in qualifying, after being "unilaterally" by Nioh, seemed calm on the surface, but in fact, his heart has always been uneasy.

"Today's evening training has come to an end."

"Everyone has gained a lot--"

Irie Kanata seemed to smile as before.

"It's great, let's go back and rest soon!"

But his two sentences have already made those who know him aware of something wrong.

When there is a chance to watch the excitement, Irie Kanata will take the initiative to give up such a good opportunity?


--This is not the character of Senior Irie as I know.

- Irie Kanata doesn't seem to be acting?!

Atobe is very sensitive to find something wrong.

However, he only discovered this violation now, it was too late

As Irie Kanata said, the evening training has come to an end.

The representatives of the team present, excluding Nioh and Byodoin, 26 people, formed a combination of 13 sets of practice doubles--

Kite and Date, Ishida and Hakamada, Sanada and Naka Hanoi, Shiraishi and Junjima, Oshitari and Irie, Atobe and Ochi, Akutsu and Oni, and even Kintarou Tooyama and Maori!

They were all "forced to homology" by Nioh!

As for Kirihaya and Tohno, the competent Nioh coach and the good captain of the U17 high school student representative team by Byodoin came on the court in person.

Although Nioh did not enter into the "simultaneity" with Byodoin, in the face of this TOP-level doubles combination composed of singles players, Kirihaya and Tohno could not wait to be beaten too miserably, so they could not wait (wrongfully) accepted from The "good faith" compulsory homology" of the opposing player.

In summary one-

The combination of eighteen people and nine doubles exercises were all "forced homology" by Nioh!

Coach Nioh treats doubles very seriously. He is "hard-hearted", and even his former good partner Maori senior has not let go!

Except for the four doubles practice combinations of Marui and Otari, Yanagi and Tanegashima, Yukimura and Tokugawa, Fuji and Watanabe, no other players were spared.

………Please ask for flowers……

Although in addition to these four doubles combinations, there are some players who know or perceive the information that Nioh's "forced homology" will have side effects, but for various reasons

They still experienced a "homological atmosphere".

for example.

Sanada and Nakawa, both inside and outside Dao, "actively" accepted "compulsory homology" because of Nioh's radical approach.

Kirihaya and Tohno were faced with a situation where they "have to accept the'compulsory coherence'" because they did not want to be beaten to death on court.

And Irie Kanata, who knows a lot of information about Nioh--

Because of personal hobbies, want to let the young junior high school students feel the "beautiful (crossed out) cruel world of drama" in advance?

In order to pit his middle school student doubles partner Oshitari Yuushi, and the opposite Atobe Keigo, as well as high school students like Tsukimitsu Ochi, Irie Kanata really sacrificed a lot!

Although Maori has also been "forced to be in sync" by Nioh, he is quite resistant as a doubles player who can truly be in sync with Nioh Masaharu! The reason why he does not resist is because if Nioh did not treat him as an opponent." Treat with malicious intent, so the side effects of "compulsory homology" on Mōri Juzaburō are basically zero.


Therefore, the Maori player happily accepted the "homology" of his dear junior, Nioh.

--Anyway, at the end, he won't be dizzy.

--It is too difficult to improve tacit understanding, Shitenhouji's first-year students really need Nioh's "forced homology" to adapt to doubles!

Only Oni Jujiro was the only one who wanted to speak but stopped.

But unfortunately, he hesitated for a while and still didn't express his thoughts.

So, when the evening training was about to end, when Irie Kanata player first suggested that "(in order to avoid dizziness and loss of image here) everyone hurry back and have a good rest" after -


"My head is dizzy!!"

Kite Eishirou and Dateo, as the "test items", the sequelae of their "compulsory homology" finally broke out!

"Hey, is it so fast?"

In order to pit someone else, Irie player who can pit himself together, at this time, it seems that he has relieved the heavy burden in his heart.

After waiting for so long, the time for everyone to "end up together" is finally coming!

[I don’t know how Nioh controls the time]

[Mun Oshitari and I were first Atobe, Oshitari, and they were "forced to homology" by Nioh in one step, so will the two of us experience the feeling of dizziness first?]

At this time, Irie player is still thinking about this kind of problem.

Obviously, Irie Kanata, who only wanted to pit his junior high school player and fellow high school student, did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

- Nioh Masaharu's "forced homology" varies from person to person, will it make him escape?


Since everyone is going to be dizzy, they must be dizzy to "the same degree"!

That's fair!

--Since Irie Kanata chose to "kill the same", then Nioh will give him this ending!

Ps, Maori: Little Nioh is going to "force coherence" with others, and I am a little worried about Yueguangsang. However, Yueguangsang will not be so stupid, right? Well, I don’t have to worry about it.

However. After more than thirty minutes.

Maori:??? Moonlight Sang!! How did you accept the "forced homology" of little Nioh?!

In the follow-up, (I will faint with everyone soon) Oshitari: I reported it, it was all Irie-senior's fault! Soil.

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