Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 865 Enormous, doubles new direction!

The "after-effects" of Kite and Date, like a domino, caused a series of chain reactions.

First of all, they are opposite Marui Bunta and Omagari who have not had time to get off the court.

"Senior Daqu, fortunately, our tennis skills are good on doubles."

Looking at them, Marui raised his hand sadly and patted the senior high school student Omagari on the shoulder.

After entering the U17 training camp, Marui Bunta is now 169cm tall. The senior high school student next to him is 186cm tall. The two have a height difference of 17cm.

--The gap is neither big nor small, it looks just right.

--Enough Marui Bunta raised his hand to pat the shoulder of the senior high school student, and enough to prevent Omagari from bowing his head too much at the junior high school student.

The height difference is quite good, just like the doubles that they work together, it is a good match!

Marui was very fortunate that he had chosen a good partner first.

Maybe tomorrow’s doubles training time is "three six zero", because of the "free doubles" regulations, he may change to a high school player as a partner, or he may doubles with a middle school player.

But tomorrow's things will be said tomorrow!

Let him safely spend today's evening training time!

"Is this a psychic trick?"

The senior high school student who was slapped on the shoulder was still in shock.

I just finished doubles practice with the two tennis players on the opposite side. Before I said anything to each other, I saw this happen to each other. Although Omagari thought of Nioh Masaharu’s "forced homology", he still didn’t for a while. Dare to believe it.

"It's Nioh, senior Daqu."

Marui knows what the senior high school students want to express, so he definitely gave this reply.

"If you look at it from another angle, it can also be said to be Nioh's mental power trick one-"

"His "forced homology" would become what it is today if it is not controlled very complicatedly. "

Rikkai was a great genius doing science for senior high school students, as well as the two dizzy players who did not forget to listen to his explanation with their eyes wide open.

"The control of "forced coherence" is inherently complicated."

However, there is no dizzy Omagari, but the focus is different from others.

The high school player has played many doubles matches, and he is in the doubles position in qualifying. Omagari understands the difficulty and status of "homology" in doubles, so he can also think of the difficulty of "forced homology".

Nioh was able to "unilaterally co-tune" the players on the court outside the court competition, which was beyond Omagari's expectation.

--That is definitely a more difficult operation than "forced homology" because Nioh stands outside the court game.

"He can control'homology' off the court and has done his best.

At this time, high school player Omagari finally understood Tanegashima Shuji's psychology without a teacher.

No wonder Tanegashima Shuji always praises his junior

If he had such a junior, he could also boast every day! Fancy boasting! Repeated boasting without getting tired of it!

Even if Nioh is not his direct descendant, and he is not very familiar with him, Omagari can't help but want to speak for Nioh after listening to Marui now.

Really, he just couldn't help but uttered compliments of Nioh Masaharu.

--It's like being possessed by Tanegashima Shuji!

"Nioh's development of "forced homology" is very deep. He has used this technique to "unilaterally homology" so many people, and it lasted for so long."

"In the U17 World Cup, as far as I know, there has not been a doubles player of this level."

Praise Nioh and just open your mouth, Omagari really looks like Tanegashima Shuji at this moment.

The Marui player standing next to him thought of this in his heart.

"So is he practicing with us?"

The Date man felt his head exploding.

It's so uncomfortable

Even if he is a tough guy who can't shed tears, he also wants to take a regret medicine from a fairy tale, or make a wish for a witch to turn back time.

If you give him another chance, he will have big eyes and choose the best doubles partner for himself before the evening training begins! He will never just start tonight's "free doubles" casually!

"It's worthy of being the No. 1 player of our U17 representative team!"

The straightforward Date man dare to admit that he is convinced by Nioh!

"Nioh is not only strong in the singles game, but also better than all of us in the doubles game."

"Although I knew I couldn't beat him before, but after experiencing this, at least at this moment, I really don't even have the idea of ​​being his opponent!"

The high school student Dateman took over the "relay baton" of his colleague Omagari and continued to praise Nioh vigorously.

Player Marui stood opposite him, his mouth twitching a little.

But despite this, Rikkai, a great genius with high emotional intelligence, still smiles politely when facing senior high school students at this time.

[So bluntly

Now, instead of speaking by himself, Omagari, who has praised Nioh, finally calmed down.

[Are you listening too much to Maori, Date?]

Comparing Tanegashima Shuji and Mōri Juzaburō, Omagari players think that Tanegashima Shuji's praise of Nioh is more subtle.

Maori's words are too straightforward--

This is the important reason why they avoided Maori during the expedition and did not want to hear Maori say that Rikkai is big (especially Nioh).

"Kite, let's not be together next time doubles!"

Date guys actually admire Kite Eishirou very much, although their doubles did not have a prominent tacit understanding at the beginning.

However, with the sequelae of "forced homology", he didn't want to try a second time at all!

"I have no opinion."

After enduring the initial "stimulus", the dizziness has been prolonged, the head of Higa Middle-School, who is very hard-working and not afraid of pain, has adjusted his exposed emotions a bit.

Although, he now looks completely forbearing.

--Marui looked at Kite like this and was worried that his little friend Nioh Masaharu would be sacked by Kite after the Melbourne game.

"It's just Senior Date, if your next partner still doesn't meet Nioh's requirements, what should you do?"

Kite Eishirou in the third year of this year did not recognize the big Rikkai players until this year's national competition.

However, during the time of the national competition, Nioh has rarely played "intelligent doubles games".

Kite had no idea that "forced homology" was such a terrible move before today.

This move is terrible, if it is used in singles matches

[Should be similar to the effect of Yukimura's use of mental power in qualifying!]

[Rikkai big player, are doubles all developing in this direction?]

Kite was calm and calm on the surface, but his inner thoughts had gradually strayed away.

2.9 [Damn it, is this the direction of the emerging doubles players?]

[--We don’t even know in Higa!!]

Kite Eishirou at this time didn't know that the "dizziness" between him and Date was just the beginning.

The ambitions of the Higa Middle Minister, at this time only felt that their Higa Middle Tennis Club was squeezed out by the tennis clubs of other schools.

Otherwise, how could they not know the new development direction of doubles in the middle and middle school tennis industry?!

Ps, the closer you are, the easier it is to say blunt words to praise-Maori predecessors are all in the same tune with Nioh, so his praise of Nioh is very straightforward, which makes people feel completely inaudible at first glance. (So ​​in the end, only Otsuchi heard the latter stage, and even the data tennis player Mitsuya Akuto couldn't listen to it and chose to give up the intelligence collection).

Senior Tanegashima, as a senior, still knows about "human relations", so his praise of Rikkai Da (the focus is on Nioh in the later period) is relatively subtle, at least let Omagari players listen to it. .

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