Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 866 After-sales service, the comfort of seniors

"So this is a side effect of "forced homology"?"

This side effect can delay the onset, is Nioh controlled it or is it a coincidence?

The Oshitari Yuushi player's face has lost the smile that used to be easy.

His hands holding racquet are shaking

"Has Senior Irie guessed this a long time ago?"

Although Hyotei's genius is often jokingly called "the genius of paddling", his IQ is still quite sufficient.

Oshitari Yuushi still remained calm at this critical juncture, and was not dazzled by the coming "crisis".

In order to prevent senior high school students from shirking, he specifically used the word "guess" when asking questions.

"That's it."

Irie admitted frankly.

"But I can't be completely sure of this in advance."

He added immediately.

However, his addition is just nonsense to Oshitari Yuushi!

[Senior, if you want to cheat someone, just go to Atobe!]

[I have always behaved so quietly, not so blatant like other middle school students. Why am I so clear?!]

Being selected for the U17 representative team is a joy to Oshitari Yuushi, and it is also a joy to be favored by senior high school students who are not weak and invite doubles.

--The two good things add up, it should be double joy.

--Why, why does he want to cry so much now?

[I should be glad that I have many people to be with me?]

[With Atobe accompanying me, "enjoy the "compulsory homology" "after-sales service"

Oshitari Yuushi was crying without tears.

He usually likes to buy discounted products. A long time ago, he coaxed Kirihaya from the elementary school in order to buy discounted tennis products. So is this his "retribution"?

He doesn't want this "compulsory homology" after-sales service at all!

"Don't be too pessimistic, Oshitari-san."

Irie Kanata wants to be an excellent senior high school student. While he has quite good tennis skills, he must also have the ability to "pour the soul into the soul" for junior players.

"Nioh's "forced homology" has sequelae... Your minister should have known this a long time ago. "

The "unqualified" senior high school student Irie Kanata gave Oshitari Yuushi a harder blow to Oshitari Yuushi, who was more and more sad.

"--! !! "

But to a certain extent, Irie's words are actually very useful.

After Oshitari Yuushi listened to Irie's words, the sorrow that was flowing in his heart was immediately frozen by Minister Hyotei.


Why does my minister cheat me like this?

If it weren’t for remembering that this was a serious training occasion, Oshitari Yuushi almost wanted to hug Atobe’s thigh and cried, “How can you treat me like this!!”

Oshitari, a romantic boy who likes literary novels, is familiar with some lines just like opening his mouth.

--From this perspective, he and Irie Kanata are very compatible~

"It's not just Atobe, the smarter he also knows this."

Although Tsukimitsu Ochi is only guessing about "compulsory homology", this does not prevent Irie Kanata from pulling this high school student colleague to the same position.

"It turns out that only I don't know.'

Oshitari Yuushi is about to collapse.

Is this the new undercover game of tennis training?

He originally obeyed the command and honestly did the task that was communicated.In the team, there are teammates Irie who seem to be very experienced and relatively stable, and Atobe, who is a competitor on the surface, is actually a colleague of teammates, and Yue Zhi senior.

However, it wasn't until the end of this "mission" that he suddenly discovered the "true colors" of other people around him!

#Everyone knows the'truth', only I know nothing#

#My partner deceived me, my immediate seniors ignored me, my minister deceived me#

# Oshitari: Too sad. Am I not considered a Hyotei player anymore? It's fine for Senior Irie. I understand him for his taciturn, Xiaojing, why you also'abandon" me, Xiaojing!#

Oshitari has worked very hard, but the reality is a "junk game" that cannot be reversed. He cannot change the past that has become history.

"Don't worry, the problem is not as serious as you think."

"-ーLittle Nioh's "Forced Coherence" is now very proficient. "

He walked over to look for Oshitari Mori, and after seeing such a sad Oshitari Yuushi, he couldn't help but say a word for his younger generation.

The stipulated evening training time is over, and now it is free time at personal discretion.

Without comparison, I don’t know my previous happiness in doubles. Mōri Juzaburō had no choice but to go to the court where the doubles practiced and partnered with Kintarou Tooyama because of the "power oppression" of Mōri Juzaburō's coach and U17 high school student team Byōdōin Hōō.

If Maori had known about Shitenhouji's first-year doubles before, he would definitely not walk to court so cleverly. Yuanshan would not have doubles to cooperate at all!

Kintarou Tooyama, a young player with a bright personality and a lively and active personality, if he is not on singles, he can only find someone who can hold him down to bring his doubles. Of course Byōdōin Hōō can hold down Kintarou Tooyama, but the attitude of the captain of the U17 representative team is already there.

If Byodoin is willing to be patient, Mifune's coach will not be so angry that he will directly call "substitution" through the broadcast!

Therefore, not long after entering the field, Mōri Juzaburō looked forward to the arrival of his junior, Nioh--

During doubles practice, Maori was probably the only big Rikkai player who knew about it and expected "forced homology".

--Sanada was hit by the radical method, and Kirihaya was forced to do so. The two of them were not included in the calculation.

And now, it's finally time for the end of the evening training, and Maori can finally say goodbye to the painful doubles practice!

He missed his former doubles partner so much!


His junior, Nioh, is now with the Captain of Byodoin Temple. Because of the painful experience of "substitution", Maori doesn't want to rely on +* waiting for the captain for the time being.

Therefore, he chose to come to the venue here, looking for more wisdom to seek spiritual comfort.

"Just because of the venue, little Nioh's mental power can't be so finely controlled. Moreover, each of us will have a different reaction to the little Nioh's mental power."

"In fact, as long as you don't resist, there will be no obvious side effects."

Maori comforted Hyotei's junior high school player and said.

Although he came here with the moonlight sang, he couldn't make his intentions too obvious--

Maori believes that it is necessary for him to maintain the image of a good senior in front of junior high school students.

After the junior high school players came to the U17 training camp, theoretically 363 and their high school players have formed a relationship with their predecessors.

Oshitari Yuushi is Hyotei's player, and Oshitari's direct descendant.

--So "rounded", Oshitari can be regarded as his junior.

Therefore, although Maori wanted to find Yue Zhi to comfort him, he still patiently comforted Oshitari a few words.

"Before Maori"

Oshitari Yuushi, who was comforted, was flattered.

"Don't be afraid, don't you think Atobe also accepted Nioh's "forced homology"?"

"I and Toyama were also'unilaterally in sync' with little Nioh.

Maori, who has been so patient with Hyotei, is a good senior in high school.

"Relax, Oshitari."

The senior high school student from Rikkai University said this to the Hyotei genius.

"Okay, okay, Senior Maori!

Oshitari, who was comforted by senior high school students, had a strong psychological resistance. He has been "destroyed" by Atobe many times when he was in the Hyotei Tennis Club, so after experiencing a "mental shock" he can quickly cheer up.

Oshitari Yuushi just showed his emotions and behaved so depressed. In fact, it was mainly due to the doubles partner of the high school student next to him.

- Although Hyotei's genius "blocking the heart" is a good ability to avoid the opponent's insight into the hearts of people, who would deliberately guard against his doubles partner?

Irie, who always wants to live in the drama, hints to affect Oshitari's emotional state through his own eyes and small movements.

It's a pity that Maori, who is not in his screenwriting arrangement, disrupted all of this.

Ps, Maori: Come to Yueguangsang for comfort, and comfort Yueguangsang's younger generation by the way!.

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