Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 867 Measure inside, get out quickly

Yue Zhi was a little surprised by the arrival of Maori.

It's not that he doesn't welcome the arrival of Maori, it's just that

[What happened to Maori?]

The Hyotei high school student looked at Maori coldly, he thought.

There is no doubt that Mōri Juzaburō, who is currently regarded by Oshitari Yuushi as "a good predecessor of other people's houses", looks like an aggrieved cat with big watery eyes in Tsukimitsu Ochi's eyes, squatting with his paws on the side. , I didn't get close to him but still meowed because of grievance.

There is no bad emotional reaction on Maori, but the more wisdom he sees Maori's inner unhappiness.

So the taciturn Hyotei high school player, weighed the players in this court-

Irie Kanata doesn't care about him at first, only the remaining two Hyotei junior high school students need to worry about.

Among them, Oshitari Yuushi has been comforted by Maori.

And Atobe, who can be regarded as his direct heir

Hyotei's high school student director believes that Atobe does not need him to provide extra comfort. Because Atobe has already stated his attitude, he also voluntarily accepted Nioh's "unilateral homology".

Therefore, the two Hyotei middle school players present do not need him to worry about it.

As for himself--

Just as Maori comforted Oshitari just now, Nioh Masaharu's "forced homology" differs from person to person.

Some of the high school students on the U17 representative team didn't know much about this, and happily accepted Nioh's "unilateral homology"-they all had to pay for it.

And after doubles with Maori for a while, what about Tsukimitsu Ochi, who has a good understanding of the two?

Yue Zhi is different from his "naive colleagues".

Before he formed the doubles combination with Maori, he had the title of "spiritual assassin". Even middle school players have heard his name and know his skills.

- Tsukimitsu Ochi was originally a technical and mental tennis player. Although he is a big man of more than two meters, he is not a strength type, nor is he a speed or endurance type.

What's more, the intelligence that Nioh "forces the same "|| tune", the smarter it is, the more knowledgeable it is.

During the expedition, Maori told him many times. Others are unwilling to listen to this junior in the first year of high school "blow" his junior high school student, but Ochi has always heard the last.

Although later, he did get distracted while listening, but Tsukimitsu Ochi also got a lot of information about Rikkai middle-school players (especially Nioh) from those words of Maori.

At that time, many high school students in the First Army felt that Maori "bragged" too much to his juniors, and only Yue Zhi took these things to heart.

Now, the time to "harvest" has arrived--

Based on Maori's knowledge of Nioh, how could the more wisdom he is not aware of the sequelae of "forced homology"?

Moreover, Yue Zhi has been studying mental power for a long time, and he himself has a "spiritual assassination" that can be used in Atobe, which is highly resistant to pressure.

Therefore, in the face of Nioh's "forced homology", Yue Zhi who is prepared is probably the most relaxed high school student after this doubles training, except for Maori.

If not, he would not accept Nioh's "forced homology" by default.

If he resists outright opposition, he can "reject" with his mental strength. Nioh is standing outside their field after all.

Only because Atobe wanted to try it, he accepted it by default.


[Only the question of Jusaburo is left. 】

Tsukimitsu Ochi thought so in his heart, and the balance in his heart immediately tilted towards Maori.

Don't worry about the two juniors of Hyotei junior high school students, he may only get a little dizzy after a while, but it shouldn't last for more than a minute.

The more wisdom has estimated, the vertigo time of about 30 seconds is the greatest possibility, it will pass soon, and can basically be ignored.

Still the same sentence, although he did not resist, Nioh was after all standing outside the court to carry out "forced homology", and Nioh's original intention was not to stun them.

"Leave it to you, Irie.

Tsukimitsu Ochi, who quickly decided after a few seconds, said to another senior high school senior present.

Ochi felt that since Irie Kanata chose Oshitari as the partner for today's doubles training, then Irie's attitude is obvious.

He is standing here, maybe he will still "obstruct" entry

[Maori seems to have disrupted Irie's plan, so hurry up and take him away!]

The indifferent Hyotei high school player thought so. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he should take Maori away quickly and leave this training place quickly.

God knows in a few seconds, will there be a mess here

The sequelae of "forced homology" is actually "mental backlash", which is not something that can be endured with tolerance.

When everyone "has an attack" together, then it must be a large group of people complaining.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured--

The main purpose is to prevent Maori, the "unsocial senior high school student" from being accidentally injured. Otsuchi believes that the two of them who have basically no "compulsive homology" sequelae, should leave here quickly!

". "Maori, come with me."

What I want to say with Atobe, Yue Zhi said before doubles practice. After the training time ended this evening and the doubles practice stopped, Yue Zhi also asked Atobe a few words as a senior.

So he said directly to Maori now--

At least in his own opinion, it is not an exaggeration.

- Irie is here, and the two middle school players are both direct descendants of Hyotei.

It is for these two reasons that the smarter he "says this sentence" to Maori.

According to Tsukimitsu Ochi's "reticent" personality, if there is no such two reasons, he can just turn around and leave.

Because Maori will definitely understand what he means, and then follow up.

--This is the tacit understanding formed by doubles.

--Not only the cooperation on the court, the sense of existence is also ubiquitous in the details off the court.

Therefore, Nioh gave the two players of the doubles combination "compulsory synchronization" outside the court, which is only an emergency training method.

The better way to train is actually to practice as a pair (good king is good)--

Unfortunately, the U17 representative team did not have such a long time to do doubles training.

And now, it is the short doubles training time left for the U17 representative team players, which makes Nioh develop the deeper "forced homology" has a place.

"I will go back to the dormitory with Yueguangsang. If you want additional training, stay here to train.

Maori comforted Oshitari, really just by the way.

So after he received Ochi's words, he immediately ended the conversation with "Senior Hyotei", and then waved his hand.

"Now is the real free time. As long as you don't stay here too late, the coaches won't care about it."

--This is the Maori who maintains his "shaky "good senior image". Before following his cold-hearted Ochi senior, he left one last sentence for the two Hyotei middle school students and another high school student. talk.

Then, the two of them walked towards the dormitory building without looking back. .

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