Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 868 Privileged class

Facts have proved that the more wisdom's idea is very correct.

If Maori and him stay here, they will really be hated by their fellow high school students!

Because, after the two of them left quickly with a walking posture and a speed similar to a trot--


After the sequelae of Kite and Date's "compulsory homology", there is finally a latecomer.

Ishida Gin and Hakamada Izo's faces were blue and white, while Sanada Genichiro's face may be due to his bad mood at this time, Sanada's face is already-close to purple and black!

Just like knocking over the color palette, the faces of the players on their court are quite wonderful.


Zhonghe Inner and Outer Dao only felt that his eyes suddenly turned black, and then it was quite empty and white.

He completely experienced a sensation called "vertigo" at that moment.

From then on, the Zhonghe internal and external players can finally understand why Tanegashima Shuji, as No.2, never followed the team on expeditions.

-It's not that Tanegashima Shuji deliberately didn't want to go to the expedition, but he couldn't go at all!

-The feeling of dizziness is so uncomfortable.

Zhonghe Internal and External Dao is definitely the most unlucky high school student team player, not one of them.

Because his doubles training partner tonight is Shinichiro Sanada, who has received a special greeting from Nioh, the Deputy Minister of Rikkai.

Nioh deliberately increased his strength when "unilaterally" for their group of doubles, so that the two players Sanada and Nakawa Naiwaidao actually bear a higher level of "side effects" than the others.

Therefore, Zhonghe Internal and External Dao will have this kind of dazzling and "blindness" feeling.

And Sanada, who has experienced Nioh's "forced homology" a long time ago, is precisely because of this that he can feel this dizzy nausea that is about to faint and explode in his head.

"Time can be grasped?"

Byōdōin Hōō glanced at the court at Sanada and confirmed to Nioh.

The captain of the high school student of the U17 representative team didn't care how ugly the faces of other players were. He only cared about one problem--

"If it's a formal game, can you roughly control the time?"

The doubles training combination of Genichiro Sanada, Nakawa, and Ishida, and the doubles training combination of Ishida Gin and Hakamada Izo, the time difference between being "forced to the same tune" by Nioh is absolutely greater than five minutes.

However, the onset time of the "compulsive homology' sequelae" of the four of them is the same.

This gave Byōdōin Hōō an inspiration and thinking

Can Nioh Masaharu's "forced homology" be used in the U17 World Cup as a mental attack?

If this trick can be controlled by Nioh when the "side effects" occur, can it be used to achieve greater goals?

The tennis match is not just a matchup of hard power, but also an intelligence war.

Nioh Masaharu may be able to use this "intelligence gap" to catch his opponent by surprise several times!

"Can't be precise, but if you don't count consumption

"No accident, I can do it."

Nioh replied.

He and Byodoin are now standing at the venue where Kirihaya and Tohno practice doubles.

The two of them just finished their "doubles practice" with Kirihaya and Tohno.

"Excluding consumption?"

The word "accident" that Nioh said later was directly ignored by Byōdōin Hōō.

The captain of the high school student of the U17 representative team only noticed what Nioh said, "If you don't count the consumption...

"Does it still vary from person to person?"

Byōdōin Hōō nodded clearly.

Sure enough, Nioh Masaharu's "forced homology" not only has a very large upper limit, but also a very high lower limit. This trick requires Nioh to use his mental power to adjust and control all the time, so Nioh would say so.

"I just let them experience the coherent atmosphere." "

"In fact, this is not the "homology" mode that I usually do with my partner.

Byodoin thought he had understood it, but Nioh thought he should explain his "homology" in detail.

His "forced homology" is at this stage, but it is not a technique that will make teammates feel dizzy.

"The "forced homology I used for them can actually be positioned at the boundary between teammates and opponents." "

Nioh explained.

"This can't be helped!"

He justified himself.

"Forced coherence" has been developed so far, in fact, it has not made the teammates who partnered with Nioh too uncomfortable.

However, the Mifune coach asked him to stand on the sidelines and go to the two players in the court to "force coherence", which really embarrassed him!

Nioh thought to himself, it was the fault of the three-ship coach, and I did it "as a last resort".

"I do not believe!

Kirihaya heard that his Nioh-senpai was so "sophisticated", his face turned pale when he was shocked by Sanada's performance, and his face turned red with excitement!

"Senior Nioh, you did this because of the unpleasant cooperation of our doubles!"

Rikkai's sophomore yelled in grief.

He also heard the words Nioh explained. But this does not prevent Kirihara Akaya from sticking to his own ideas.

Kirihaya is not what the seniors say now that he believes it is really silly and sweet.

The current Kirihara Akaya, the probability of being tricked into running the lap by Nioh pretending to be Sanada has dropped from 100% to 50%!

--This is a data record from Yanagi Renji.

--Because now, when Kirihaya is called by Sanada to run the lap, he will go to Liu to confirm whether the deputy minister is Nioh Phantom.

As for the remaining 50% probability

After Nioh lied to Kirihaya after Phantom Cheng Sanada, he could also give a positive reply to the kelp leader immediately after Phantom Cheng Liu!

Or, Nioh can adopt a two-person cooperation model.

--Nioh, who thinks he is a doubles player, doesn't mind coming to cos Sanada and Yanagi with Yanagi.

--Yiu Sheng is a good friend of Liu, so just for a short while, and with Nioh's help, Liu Sheng can fool Kirihaya who is not suspicious of his predecessors.

...For flowers...

All in all, the more times, the experience will come naturally. Kirihaya is now not only alerting him to the "phantom" of Senior Nioh in the court. Now he, even in court, never takes it lightly when facing Nioh!

"Huh, hiss--"

Tohno endured and endured.

Even if the Byodoin Fenghuang was here, he couldn't hold back it.

The high school student with purple half-length hair barely kept his image and gave a cold snort. Because of the dizzy and painful feeling, he couldn't hold back anymore and hissed.

"Ah! Senior Tohno, how are you Senior Tohno?"

Most of Kirihaya's pale face was scared, mainly because Sanada's ugly face was too scary.

Rikkai's second-year ace is not afraid of the sky, only afraid of ghosts and the iron fist of Vice Minister Rikkai.

With Tohno Atsukyo as the opponent of doubles training and Nioh's "forced homology", Kirihaya should have been the most dizzy and uncomfortable middle school player.


However, as Rikkai's second-year ace, he has led most of the team players on the "starting line".

Even the high school students on the representative team, in terms of mental tolerance--

If it is not for their own advantages, they are not as good as Kirihaya in this respect.

Nioh has been "laying the foundation" for Kirihaya since Kirihaya entered the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club.

The star car gets stunned more times, and it also develops resistance to prevent it. Kirihaya stuns more times under Nioh's mental power, and he also develops "resistance" in this area.

Therefore, although Kirihaya is the only group of tennis players who accept Nioh's "forced homology" as an opponent, he is not as uncomfortable as the others.

In addition, they are standing in the same court with Nioh. For Nioh, this makes it easy for him to accurately control.

Therefore, Kirihara Akaya, whose face was pale in fright, really looks like a "privileged class" incompatible with other players who are dizzy and uncomfortable.

Especially now, because of too much excitement, Kirihaya's face has become ruddy again. It is completely healthy after exercising. It looks different but is "different" in the eyes of other people.

"Hey, let go!

Tohno glared at Kirihaya with a blank face.

"I don't have a star! I don't need your help!!"

How do you say it? Kimijima asked Kirihaya to practice tennis with Tohno. He didn't know if he helped Tohno Atsukyo or pitted Tohno Atsukyo.

However, Tohno is really not the worst high school player this time.

The worst unlucky high school student was to practice doubles' internal and external skills with Sanada, because Nioh increased his "forced homology" in their group, but he did not increase his strength while at the same time. The control precision of one's mental power.

Therefore, Zhonghe Internal and External Dao is now dizzy with gold stars. Almost, he may pass out directly, just like Tohno and Kimishima in qualifying. earth.


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