Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 872 Make the best use of things, make the best use of people

"See you tomorrow!"

"I thought it would be easier to go to bed early today, see you tomorrow!"

After the evening training, the representatives of the team did not gather for long.

Just like the results of Yanagi Renji's data analysis, apart from Nioh, only Byodoin and Yukimura chose to stay here.

After the others gathered to chat for a while, they couldn't help being exhausted and returned to the dormitory in twos and threes. They will not train themselves tonight.

Even if it is training madness such as Tokugawa Kazuya and Oni Jujiro, because tonight's "free doubles" have concerns about tomorrow's training.

As for the junior high school players who just came to the overseas training camp for a day,

After the end of the evening training, the middle school students all (be forced) to fade away from their impetuosity. Some of them had to work hard to calm down and rest early.

Such as Sanada.

Although the sky is getting dark now, it is not too late. If you practice more, you can at least practice for another hour or two. If Sanada was not mentally exhausted and had to rest, he would not give up using this time for training.

You know, these energetic players with good physical strength often stay up late in the court or in the gym every night before returning to the dormitory to sleep.

And the other part of the middle school student team players, they looked at each other, confirmed certain information from their respective sights, and then had a silent understanding between each other.

-Taking advantage of this little time after tonight, they should have a good talk.

--In order not to be carried back to the dormitory tomorrow, it is time to unite all the forces that can be united!

As to whether anyone drinks more hot water after they go back

Ahem, overseas training camps will not stop the players from drinking hot water.

Although there is no direct scientific proof, there are rumors that do not know the truth or not--

A glass of water before going to bed can indeed give people a good night's sleep.

Therefore, even for comfort, some players plan to drink 367 a little more hot water after they go back. Anyway, drinking hot water does no harm, maybe it's really useful!

Apart from the three coaches, the only people left on the training ground are Nioh, Byodoin, and Yukimura.

Byōdōin Hōō and Seiichi Yukimura are both captains, and they must stay in the meeting to summarize and report to the coaches.

And Nioh Masaharu

He still failed to escape this "overtime".

The coach of the three ships is very "knowledgeable". After he learned that Nioh didn't want to be the captain, he directly placed Nioh as a "temporary coach".

"It's basically impossible to train doubles in a short period of intensive training, and it is basically impossible to develop'homology'. But on the'resonance' of doubles, I think I can give it a try.

Nioh didn't want to be the captain, but he felt that that was too tiring, and he had to take care of everything. However, within the scope of his ability, Nioh Masaharu is still willing to contribute to the team.

This was the case when he was in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, and now it is the same for the U17 team.

"Today I practiced doubles with Senior Tokugawa, and it seemed to feel a little'resonance'.

When Yukimura heard Nioh mention the "resonance" of doubles, he immediately thought of the feeling of doubles with Tokugawa during training tonight.

In the beginning, it was actually no different from other doubles.

But hitting Seiichi Yukimura inexplicably felt that he and the black-haired high school player could try "resonance".

He has experienced the "resonance" of doubles, after the National Three National Competition, with Nioh. Therefore, when the evening training is about to end, Yukimura has gradually guided their doubles in a purposeful way, and explored in the direction of "resonance."

Tokugawa Kazuya may not realize this, but Seiichi Yukimura is already doing it silently.

"We may encounter suitable opponents in the opening exhibition match of the U17 World Cup--"

"Since you and Tokugawa have a chance to achieve "resonance", then (bhcj) try it in the exhibition match!'

Byōdōin Hōō said plainly.

As the name suggests, the exhibition games of the U17 World Cup are just "shows". Except for being out of the limelight (of course, it can be called "fishing boat influence" in writing), it actually has no effect on them.

Even if it fails, there will be lessons learned.

It can be said that the exhibition match at the opening of the U17 World Cup is a good "try and error opportunity."

After the group stage of the U17 World Cup, there is the Haitai match. During this period, there was no resurrection match at all, and there was no story of "a certain team was careless, the horse slid and then came back to life".

Therefore, as long as there is a suitable opponent, the U17 World Cup exhibition match can become an excellent exercise occasion!

Although Byōdōin Hōō didn't say anything, he trusted Nioh and Yukimura. Since Nioh Masaharu, who is very professional on doubles, made the judgment that "resonance is possible", and since Seiichi Yukimura said that he and Tokugawa felt the feeling of "resonance", why not give it a chance!

The 28 players of the U17 representative team, Seiichi Yukimura and Tokugawa Kazuya's doubles combination, if it can go further - it may be a waste of combat power in the group stage, but it can definitely form an advantage in the knockout!

"It's still considered by the seniors of Byodoin Temple."

If Byodoin didn't mention the exhibition game, Nioh would almost want to play by himself.

Together with his Maori seniors, he played a doubles game with Yukimura and Tokugawa. It is quite possible that Yukimura and Tokugawa will achieve "resonance".

Yukimura and Tokugawa already have the potential to resonate with doubles. Now that Byodoin mentioned the U17 World Cup exhibition game, Nioh would naturally not trouble himself.

However, since he stayed in this training field with the two captains and three coaches, he would not just mix time in this way.

Regarding the opening ceremony of the U17 World Cup, Nioh has his own plans.

"I heard that the U17 World Cup exhibition matches are drawn by their opponents?"

Nioh secretly put his attention to the draw for the opening meeting of the U17 World Cup.

"In the past, the captains of the various representative teams went to the opening meeting to draw lots.

"This year because of the participation of middle school students, the U17 World Cup exhibition game also requires middle school students to participate in the competition. In response to the call of the organizing committee, this time it should be the high school student captain of each team leading one of the teams. Middle school students go to draw lots.

Coach Kurobe introduced what they know about the U17 World Cup that has changed dramatically.

He and his two coaching colleagues, when the representatives of the team gathered to talk, and when Nioh discussed doubles training just now, they just watched from a short distance and let these players use their brains. , Take the initiative.

But at this time, it's finally their turn!

The players are responsible for the formal court game, and the coaches need to try their best to avoid the players' troubles in all aspects. Because of the players' studies, the coaches were not idle during the time when the U17 training camp was temporarily disbanded. They have been working hard to "behind the scenes" for the U17 World Cup and do a good job of "logistics support" for the players.

For example, the basic information of each team known by the data group.

This information is collected by the staff of the U17 training camp and then handed over to the coaches for collection and sorting, and then handed over to the data team.

"Are you going to draw lots?"

Byodoin glanced suspiciously at Nioh.

Didn't Nioh Masaharu avoid this situation all the time?

"The opening meeting just asked each team to draw lots and draw their opponents in the exhibition match.

"Anyone in the team can actually go, but basically all teams are the default captains to come forward.

Byodoin, who participated in the U17 World Cup once, apparently knew something about this opening meeting.

However, he hadn't followed Nioh's ideas at this time, he just felt that Nioh seemed to be interested in the drawing of the opening meeting.

"--Draw lots?"

Byodoin was not able to think of this for the time being, but Yukimura was able to follow Nioh's ideas.

After all, in the tennis world of junior high school students, a certain "grass" has already spread to the extent that every school knows it!

"Masaharu, do you want Atobe to show his luck in the draw?"

Seiichi Yukimura's eyes lit up.

In terms of drawing lots, if the opposite is true, Atobe's luck is absolutely reliable!

"Can't that work?"

"Atobe's luck, you also know that we just make the best use of everything!"

Nioh's description is very problematic, but what he wants to express has been passed on to others.

Byodoin and the three coaches may not have understood Hyotei's luck in the draw before, but after a certain day of the game, they also heard some news from the middle school students.

Is such a superstitious Atobe Keigo's draw luck really good?

The high school student suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was a little heavier.

I originally thought that Nioh was a relatively stable first-by-by-do-in Temple and even thought he was more stable than many senior high school students. But now, he was suddenly "awake".

Junior high school students are still too naive, and they still believe in things like luck!

"His lucky draw--"

"Are you sure you won't let us draw the bottom-to-last team?"

Byōdōin Hōō questioned.

If they were replaced by another low-ranking team, they would definitely be crazy if they were drawn to the bottom-ranked team!

But for the Japanese U17 team, it would be too bad to get the last ranked team. They are rushing to play exhibition matches for the purpose of "training", "playing momentum, and building confidence". If they are drawn to the last team, what is the point?

Any team that has ambitions for the U17 World Cup will not want to draw a team that ranks too badly.

Although the exhibition match at the opening of the U17 World Cup is not as important as the main match, it can also serve as a warm-up. It also allows them to detect information about other teams and learn about some of the opponents this year.

"This possibility is not ruled out, but the greater probability is

"Atobe can draw the top ranked teams in the U17 World Cup, such as the German team that has won nine consecutive championships.

"Although we still don't understand the strength of the German team, if there are no surprises, they should hit ten consecutive championships this year, right?"

Nioh is very confident about Atobe's signing.

Others don't know, but he knows one-Atobe's fortune has not changed in this lifetime!

Besides, the lottery was originally based on luck and God’s will, and there was no way to cheat at all. Moreover, so far, many things have changed.

The German team they can draw nine consecutive championships is the best. If you can't get it, other top ranked teams are also good choices to "warm up"!

Although the exhibition matches of the U17 World Cup are not counted in the final total score, it will also trigger a very hot fishing boat. Therefore, although each representative team will not exclude their most preferred players, they will inevitably send at least one general-level player to play!

"Then let him try."

Since Nioh Masaharu thinks it can give it a try, and Seiichi Yukimura also thinks that Atobe's signing is okay, Byodoin will not continue to question this aspect.

The question of "who will draw the lottery" is just a very small matter for Byōdōin Hōō.

To be honest, the U17 representative team lost directly in the World Cup exhibition match, and he will not change his face. The exhibition match is not the main match. Winning or losing will only allow the audience to discuss a few times. Byōdōin Hōō doesn't care about this at all.

Had it not been for Nioh Masaharu to take the initiative to bring up the exhibition match, he would not have discussed with them about the selection of candidates for the lottery--

It's a big deal, just ask a middle school student to follow him. .

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