Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 873 Intelligence meeting, germany!

When Nioh discussed the U17 World Cup exhibition match with Yukimura and Byodoin, the three coaches stood unanimously and kept silent. They waited for Nioh after they had finished talking, let's take a look and introduce the next topic.

"In this U17 World Cup, the intelligence data of several representative teams that need attention has been preliminarily sorted out.

"The head coach is waiting for us to have a meeting in the conference room."

Coach Kurobe conveyed the words of Coach Mifune.

Of course, the original words of the three boat coaches are not as objective and implicit as he expressed.

In fact, the head coach was in the meeting before the evening training camp--

In order to urge the three coaches and the two captains to "cherish time", he took a lot of photos off the table!

"Let's go, work overtime together!"

Coach Saito was very interested.

Today’s evening training seemed very lively to him, and coach Saito was so happy to watch, so much so that he is still full of energy when facing overtime.

"I thought it was'free time for training."

Nioh paused for a moment, then said.

He was ready to discuss the "resonance" of doubles with Yukimura and Byodoin seniors. As a result, the coaches told him that he didn't need them to train tonight, they just needed to work overtime for a meeting!

"Am I going to a meeting too?"

It's not about discussing doubles. Nioh thinks it has nothing to do with him.

"Masaharu, what are you thinking~"

"You are No. 1, how can you not understand the situation of other teams?"

Seiichi Yukimura said softly.

Nioh doesn't want to be the captain, Yukimura realizes that he can still understand his teammate. But can you avoid the meeting if you don't be the captain?

When they were in Rikkai before, Nioh was not like that.

Although there are times when no one can be found (Riu: Nioh, he ran with the Maori senior again), Nioh has been listening to the more important formal election meetings!

Nioh: At that time I just didn't want to be played in the sun in a random order by you guys!

"The first opponent is of course the German team, the champion of the previous U17 World Cup.

In the conference room, pictures of the last German team's championship have been displayed on the screen.

However, it was not the U17 World Cup trophy that the German team won on the screen that Nioh took another look at. It's Mitsuya Akuto with the folder in the conference room.

The coach of the three ships waited for them to come in and sit down, and immediately began to carry out the "u17 World Cup-the opponent's science work." His main "science popularization targets" are Nioh and Yukimura. Byodoin has already participated in a World Cup.

However, in every U17 World Cup, all representative teams will be "shuffled". Some players leave when they reach their age, and at the same time new players are selected for the representative team.

"Their main player is Borg* (also translated as "Polk"), who just became a professional player last year.

As the coach of the three ships said, Borg's information was displayed on the screen.

"Jurgen-Parisauchi-Borg, he is known as the "philosopher leading to victory". After becoming a professional player last year, he has yet to fail. "

Mitsuya Akuto next to the Mifune coach introduced them.

In his second year of high school, his studies this year are actually not easy. But Mitsuya Akuto is a data tennis player, and he was originally a top student of study, so it is not surprising that he came here one step earlier than another member of the data group to join them in overseas training and participate in the compilation of basic information.

As for the other member of the data group

Inui Sadaharu will probably wait until the end of their overseas training camp.

"Not only "the philosopher leading to victory, Borg is also known as "the man who changed the world of tennis." "

Compared to the previous title, Yukimura obviously valued the title he mentioned more.

"Yes, this is what Borg is called on the fishing vessel.

Mitsuya Akuto gave Yukimura a surprised look.

"Is this what Renji told you?"

"Borg is currently praised by the international fishing vessel as the strongest player in the U17 World Cup."

Mitsuya Akuto said solemnly.

Can be almost recognized as the "strongest", Borg's tennis strength can be imagined.

"He is known as the'U17 King'."

The high school player said so, he raised his eyes and glanced at the two Rikkai big country middle school players present.

The Rikkai Grand Tennis Club is called the "King Rikkai Grand" in their Japanese junior high school tennis circles, because the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club directly surpasses the tennis clubs of other schools.

Mitsuya Akuto mentioned Borg’s name in the hope that what he thought he did not know much about the tennis skills of the world’s top high school students could be cautious about the strong enemies they will encounter.

Even among world-class high school students-generals who can participate in the U17 World Cup, there will be a gap in their strength.

There is no doubt that Borg is the top one among world-class high school students.

"We found some of Borg's game videos, but these videos can only be used as reference."

Since Borg registered as a professional player, he has been winning streak in a row. Although his game was very exciting and the sponsors were very satisfied, it was bad news for his opponent that Borg kept winning.

Because there has been no trouble to win, it means that Borg has never been forced to the extreme in the game, which also shows that the reference value of the game videos that can be found is not so high.

"As the king of the German team, they also have ambitions to win the championship this year, enabling Germany to achieve the honor of'ten consecutive championships'.

"So in addition to Borg, the German team will have at least two professional players participating."

"The two of them are expected to play doubles--"

"Since this news was known to the outside world, they have been hailed as the strongest doubles combination in the U17 World Cup.

As Mitsuya Akuto said, he looked at Nioh.

"There is also the German team's staff QP, and his game videos are relatively simple."

"Germany has done a good job of confidentiality of information. We can only analyze from his title of "perfect quality", and speculate that he has a high probability of being a player like Shiraishi-kun."

"The foundation is flawless and absolutely perfect."

"He is hailed as a masterpiece of German tennis education. Although he is only a sophomore, his strength is unfathomable."

Just talking about the basic information of the German players, Mitsuya Akuto felt heavy.

The weight of the U17 German team is too heavy--

All three professional players are known as "the strongest".

There is also QP, an unknown high school student, as a staff member.

Just look at the information, if you are pessimistic

It seems that with these four players alone, the champion of this U17 World Cup can already be determined.

"There are also middle school players from the German team. Their intelligence is difficult to collect.

"Basically, you can find the information of the players on the high school student team. U17 has a plan to follow specific high school students a long time ago. However, it was only this year that the junior high student players joined the U17 World Cup. of."

"Although news of the U17 World Cup reform has been spread before, we do not have enough human and material resources to obtain information about every middle school player in each country who may be selected for their U17 team.

"At present, judgments can only be made based on the situation reported from the training bases in each team."

Mitsuya Akuto said helplessly.

There has always been an invisible barrier between middle school students and high school students. In previous years, the U17 training camp has never recruited middle school students. This is not because they despise junior high school students, but because they consider it from the perspective of reality.

Many middle school students won't participate in tennis competitions after they enter high school.

They did not give up playing tennis, but were responsible for their future lives and planned their future path early. After all, there are few people who want to become tennis players in the future.

Even in some well-known tennis clubs, their high school tennis club results will not be very good, because many middle school players choose to focus on their studies instead of clubs after they arrive in high school.

………For flowers-

"You don't need to worry about middle school students, you will know when the list is announced."

Three ships coaches believe that high school students need the most attention.

Although there will also be super talented players among middle school students, most middle school students are still not as threatening as high school students.

"The German team needs your attention, of course, high school students.

The three boat coach said so.

If they can get rid of all the high school students, everything will be easy to say.

Unless the king's German team can be upset this year, there will be a middle school player who kills Borg.

But that is certainly impossible.

"Regarding junior high students, our intelligence personnel are not without any gains at the training base of the German team."

Although the Mifune coach said that the junior high school students don't need to care about it, Mitsuya Akuto thinks it is necessary for him to clarify the known situation to others.

"Kunimitsu, he is said to be appreciated by Borg over there."

As Mitsuya said so, the information he had learned quickly turned in his mind.

Before he got the information, he already knew the middle school player Kunimitsu. However, his opponent's knowledge was not based on the information he found, but Liu told him, as well as some news obtained from Irie Kanata after returning from the expedition.

Yanagi Renji, who has learned data tennis from him, is at the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, competing with Seigaku for the championship in the national tournament this year. As Minister Seigaku, Tezuka Kunimitsu is naturally within the scope of Liu's intelligence collection.

Irie Kanata used to be the leader of the No. 3 court in a team shuffle battle with the No. 5 court where the junior high school students are located. It was in that shuffle game that the hand Kunimitsu untied the long-standing heart knot, released the pressure that he had been under, and reached a seamless state, and then left the U17 training camp to go to Germany and work hard to become a professional player. .

"Borg seems to have seen Tezuka before."

The management of the German team’s training base is very strict. Although Mitsuya Akuto has the full support of intelligence personnel from the Japanese U17 side, he can only try to spell out the "fuzzy truth" from the small news leaks. ".

"It should be the player's skills and tennis style, which he admires."

"But Borg is a very strict tennis player. The reason why he was recommended to the U17 German team is not just because Borg is optimistic about the players."

"Although you may not believe that, but according to my data, Borg wants his players to hone and improve themselves through the German team."

"That's the way it is. With Kunimitsu's tennis skills, Borg still thinks he needs to be tempered to become a tennis player."

No matter what the real reason is, anyway, the result has been a-

Because of Borg’s appreciation, Kunimitsu was recommended to the U17 German team.

Mitsuya Akuto thought, this news is really not good news for them.

Kunimitsu's influence seems to be great on their Japanese junior high school students--

Even if he mistakenly overestimated the influence of Minister Seigaku and tried to underestimate the possible influence of Kunimitsu, Mitsuya Akuto could not get a good result.

There is another Seigaku player in their Japanese U17 team!

Even if it’s the Rikkai player who is the most selected on the team and seems to have a cold style, it seems that there are some opponents Kunimitsu who have a special treatment.

Thinking about this, Mitsuya Akuto looked at Yukimura.

[I've watched the final video of the national competition many times. The deputy minister is very obsessed, but what about the minister of Rikkai?]

In fact, the atmosphere of the meeting did not have the seriousness of being ready.

At this time, Mitsuya Akuto had extra thoughts to explore the "gossip deeds" of the junior high school tennis world.

Ps, the name of the head of the German team. I remember that the simplified translation was translated into [Borg], and the translated name in the traditional Chinese translation was [polk]. Although I am not familiar with him, and the translation that I came to see later was also Polk, but I was used to calling the name Borg before. earth.

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