Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 878 Doubles training at the end

Nioh didn't hide it, Maori gave a prompt so directly--

The trick of "free doubles" was thus obtained by the players.

However, just as players cannot guarantee 100% pass through the dungeon when they know the dungeon strategy, even if tennis players know the "clearance trick" of "how to avoid dizziness", they can't completely avoid them." harm".

Concentrate, concentrate on doubles, and cooperate seriously.. It's easy to say, but it's really hard to do!

Although the players are very serious about doubles training, it is impossible for them to remain free from distractions, especially when Nioh starts to "force-homology" on the court.

However, the purpose of the three-ship coach has been achieved in the daily doubles training.

All the representatives of the team have learned one thing deeply from the daily "free doubles"--

"Pig Teammate" is even more terrifying than "God Opponent"!!

--The "pig teammate" here not only refers to the doubles partner, but also refers to the "training teammate" during the doubles training, which is also the "doubles opponent".

Think about it, I finally got into a state of concentrating on doubles with my partner this time. As a result, the two "teammates" on the opposite side of the net did not even enter the state, they were smoothly "forced unilaterally" by Nioh.

Although Nioh's "forced homology" has some sequelae, the effect of using it in the game is indeed very good.

As long as the difference in strength between the two players in doubles training is not too great, once Nioh "forces the synchronization" of one of the players, it will cause a gap in the strength of the two sides, which will affect the players who have not been "forced the same."

Therefore, if a group of doubles in the same venue is smoothly "forced coherence" by Nioh, then the two groups of doubles in this venue are basically booked for tonight's "dizziness-after-sales service".

--Specific examples are Sanada Genichiro and Nakawa Neiwaidao during the evening training on the first day.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

By the evening of this day of training, Nioh no longer stands outside the courts to "help" the players in the court to improve their tacit understanding.

The players on the representative team gained "knowledge of passing" and slowly gained "practical experience". With the "help" of Nioh's "forced coherence", they all quickly practiced "quickly enter the doubles state". "The stunt.

Even Kintarou Tooyama, who performed the first day of doubles training so that the Mifune coach turned on the microphone with a dark face, can now enter the "basic doubles state" within five minutes, and it is the one who does not choose the doubles partner. kind.

Of course, the purpose of quickly entering the doubles state is achieved, but their doubles tacit understanding still needs to be improved.

"It's time, substitute!

The voice of the three boat coach came through the radio.

After the evening training of the "free doubles" on the first day, the three-ship coach made a new rule. He allows the players to play "free doubles" for at least one and a half hours a day, but the time to partner with the same player can only be within forty minutes.

Moreover, since yesterday, the three-ship coach has stipulated the new rules of "free doubles".

The choice of doubles partner is still free, but the choice of partner is no longer limited to high school students and junior high school students.

In the last two days, "free doubles" will become more free--

The head coach no longer restricts the matching of middle school students and high school students, and players have the right to freely choose their partners. Middle school students can also partner with middle school students in doubles, and high school students can also cooperate with their familiar high school students.

This kind of "rotation rule" allows the players to partner with most of the players on the representative team without knowing it, and also allows the U17 representative team players to gradually complete the team's running-in.

Nioh, as one of the 28th of the players on the representative team, also participated.

Although he was given the title of "temporary coach" by the coach of the three ships, he is still an official player of the U17 representative team after all, and it is necessary to participate in this "group training"--

Pair in pairs, four people a game. If he is missing, how should the remaining three perform doubles practice?

Although there is still a tennis player who is not too weak in the overseas training camp - Mitsuya Akuto is also here. However, Mitsuya Akuto came as a staff member of the team as a data team. After all, he is not an official player of the U17 representative team, and joining the doubles training rashly may interfere with the training.

So when the players' "doubles training" is getting better, Nioh also joined the "free doubles" as an "ordinary doubles player".

Bang bang bang--

A series of swings and hits echoed in various small courts.

However, what the coaches are most concerned about at this time is one of the seven small courts.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In this venue, just now, when the coach of the three ships did not say "substitution", Nioh and Maori partnered, and Atobe and Otsuchi were playing fiercely.

--At least on the surface it looks very fierce, their game rhythm is very fast!


Nioh has stopped using his "forced homology" since yesterday. Because it was the training time yesterday, the U17 representative team players have basically passed the doubles training event.

Now he doesn't even use the most basic "Phantom", he just relies on his basic skills to play.


The tennis ball was as fast as a flashing meteor, leaving only a trace on the human retina.

However, when I saw the course of the ball, the tennis ball had already landed and bounced and landed again.


"Yueguang Sang's ball speed is getting faster and faster."

………Please ask for flowers.

On the other side of the net, Maori said with a sigh.

Yue Zhi's height and wingspan give him a natural advantage in tennis, and he can hit such a fast ball without much effort. Even if he didn't use his skills, such a quick goal caused trouble for Maori and Atobe.

--Yes, after the Mifune coach called "substitution", the doubles practice on this court now has become a combination of Ochi, NiohVS Maori and Atobe.

"Little Nioh and Yueguang-sang know me very well, so it's too unfavorable to fight like this!"

At the time of the scheduled 60-second rest, Maori, who noticed that his side was facing a difficult situation, was worried, and he said to the middle school player next to him with a little sadness.

"My uncle doesn't think so much-understanding is two-way."

Atobe also knows this, but he doesn't think it is a disadvantage for their temporary doubles combination.

Although "free doubles" is not stipulated, the coaches do not encourage us to use our own skills, so the current doubles are mainly based on basic and tacit understanding.


Even so, it may not be fair to some players. But among these U17 players, who has a bad tennis foundation?

"On the basis, this uncle will not admit defeat."

"And tacit understanding in this regard, Nioh and Yuezhi seniors are indeed ahead of us."

Atobe calmly analyzed.

He faced his own shortcomings squarely, but was also considering their advantages.

Nioh, as Rikkai's big candidate, has known about his style of playing as Minister Hyotei a long time ago.

The qualifying match in the U17 training camp was an opportunity for Nioh to understand the predecessors of Yuezhi, and it was also an opportunity for Atobe to understand the gross profit.

However, both Nioh and Yuezhi-senpai have done Maori matchups. They both know Maori too well.

Atobe has only played against Maori in qualifying at the U17 training camp. In terms of his understanding of Maori, he is definitely not as good as the two opposing people.

But Nioh can play well with Yuezhi.

--This does not surprise Atobe. Because Nioh has always been talented in doubles.

"But it's not that there is no tacit understanding between you and me."

Atobe looked up, looked at Maori and said.

Although the two of them lost a goal just now, they persisted for a while before losing that goal.

Although they are only training for doubles, this time they will not take too long to practice sparring, but Atobe did not intend to give the opposing player the upper hand!

"Of course it is-"

"Although it is Yueguangsang and Little Nioh, Senior I didn't plan to give up directly!"

Looking at Atobe, Maori turned racquet smoothly and raised the corners of his mouth.

Although it is a doubles practice that does not distinguish between winners and losers, if the person on the opposite side of the net is Nioh and Moonlight Sangmo, it is rare to have a fighting spirit!

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