Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 879 Four people, three doubles

Nioh is in a pretty good mood now.

As of yesterday's evening training, his "task" has been completed. He has nothing to do tonight, and he is in a good mood from the start.

So, when he received the "doubles invitation" from Atobe tonight, Nioh happily took Maori to accept it.

"Senior Wisdom, if we speed up next, we should still be able to catch up with the third game."

Nioh, who finished the "first game" with Maori and is now playing the "second game" with Ochi, said so.

"Senior Maori and Atobe's strategy should be to hold us back.

With Nioh's knowledge of Maori and Atobe, they will reach an agreement in this regard.

Although "free doubles" is a doubles training that does not count the outcome, since there are opponents trained, there will be strong and weak points. The prescribed time for evening training is forty minutes. But these forty minutes are not fixed, but a "limit" set by the three-ship coach.

In other words, if there is a group of doubles that can allow their opponents to voluntarily surrender and end the "training", then they won't have to finish these forty minutes.

One and a half hours of evening training time, a total of 90 minutes, excluding the scattered rest time, theoretically can play two games of "forty minutes."

But there can also be special circumstances

If the players in this game unanimously agree or most agree (here refers to the "three people agree" situation), they can still have the third doubles training of the night!

"Then play three games."

Tsukimitsu Ochi originally joined the doubles training venue because Nioh, Atobe and Maori got together.

Coming to the first night training of this overseas training camp, the smarter I feel that Atobe can't help but want to go to Nioh to challenge doubles. Later, when he was partnering with other people, he did not see Atobe acting for a long time. He thought he had made a mistake. As a result, today’s evening training proved his idea.

"Just three games can be played."

The high school student contestant with highlighted hair said in a cold voice.

In this field, there are three players besides the players themselves, and they can play three games.

Of course, he didn't think so much when he first came here. Tsukimitsu Ochi just wanted to fulfill the "wish" of Hyotei's younger generation and doubles with Nioh and Maori.

But Nioh has been reluctant to use "forced homology" since yesterday.

In today's evening training, even though Nioh and Maori did doubles again, he did not use the same tune with Maori.

So the "first game" of the four of them was very plain and restrained in the past.

It was like the last depression before the two countries clash. "Ceremony first, then soldier", "Want to rise first, suppress", just waiting for the final attack with all its strength.

[It seems that the "victory" they want to divide is in the "third game"

Do not use the same tune, and do not use their own unique skills, only rely on their own basic tennis foundation, to see the winner in the "third game"?

It seems that it's time to return to qualifying, Tsukimitsu Ochi thought so.

His "first game" partnered with Atobe, and now his "second game" doubles partner is Nioh. So his next "third game" doubles partner can only be gross profit--

Calling back and forth, it seems to have returned to the "origin".

--It seems that the U17 training camp qualifying process is going to be repeated again.

However, Tsukimitsu Ochi knew well that although it looked like he was only going around in a circle, in fact, the four of them were already different.

When qualifying for the U17 training camp, Yue Zhi didn't know Atobe very well, and he had heard about Nioh but only "heard". And Atobe didn't know much about him and Maori, the two high school players.

But now, it’s time for the "third scene"

After the four people know each other's doubles field-familiar teammates and also very familiar opponents, such "doubles training" made Tsukimitsu Ochi couldn't help but look forward to it.


The wiser he expected for the "third game", he originally served the ball very fast, and this serve's swing was also exceptionally good.

Although it is not a Mach serve with full mental strength, it can also be called a Mach serve with excellent ball speed under normal conditions!

The tennis ball passes between Atobe and Maori before landing


Slowly scroll at the end

Such a ball will bring a lot of mental pressure to the players who have lost points, and it will help the smarter the next serve and return the ball to maintain the advantage.


But the more wisdom he was, he was only as smooth as the first goal.

Mach serve, Mōri Juzaburō can be beaten back!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Atobe has also adapted to the speed of the ball.

Because this is actually the "second scene". His doubles partner in the first game is the smarter, now he can naturally see the trajectory of the tennis ball.


At this time, dynamic vision can't keep up with the trajectory of unclear tennis.

The rhythm of the doubles did not increase, but the speed of the tennis ball increased a lot in the competition between the two sides.

The yellow ball flies back and forth in the air, making people look confused. Just looking at it for a short time will make people feel dizzy.

"Oh, it seems we can't just stare at the tennis ball."

The referee is also a technical job, and the two colleagues have been paying attention to Nioh and their coach Saito blinked with regret.

Just staring at the tennis ball for a while, he felt that his eyes became sore.

As expected, the position of mental coach was the most suitable for him. Coach Saito did not know how many times he was lucky that he had chosen the right career.


Nioh turned sideways and raised his arm to swipe 2.9, slamming at what appeared to be a patch of air.

A crisp sound, after the familiar swing and hitting the ball, it is


The landing of the tennis ball in front of Atobe's eyes caused Atobe's pupils to shrink at this moment.

Even with extremely good eyesight, Atobe was a step behind this ball after all. In other words, he and Maori's doubles each took half a step on this ball.

But "half a step away" seems very close, but it is actually enough to determine the point difference of a goal. And the gap of one goal after another, the accumulation of one point after another, together will give Nioh and Yuezhi the capital to "end this game" after a period of time!

ps, it's going to take an exam, bury your head in preparation for the exam!.

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