The game was over, and the game was over.


“15-0, Rin Miyashita scores…”

“M draw!”

“The underdog beats the overdog!”


A golden stream of light quickly passed over Hiyoshi Ruo’s racket, and then Hiyoshi’s racket flew sideways.

At the same time, Ryo Shishido’s voice also sounded at the right time, “Game, 6-0, the game is over!”

[Improved balance! ]

[Improved reaction speed! ]

Rin Miyashita closed her eyes and felt her body, and then she felt that the stilts under her feet seemed to be no different from shoes.

If there weren't so many people, he would have tried high-intensity exercises like jogging and jumping.

"Thanks for your advice, senior!"

"Don't be complacent, sooner or later, I will surpass you!"

Hiyoshi snorted lightly, feeling uncomfortable.

He was the one who wanted to defeat Atobe, but he didn't expect to be defeated by a freshman.

This was a big blow to him.

"Then I'll wait for senior, but senior, you have to hurry up, you're still a long way off."

Rin Miyashita said with a smile.

"... Hum!"


"The third game begins, Feng Changtaro vs. Ogawa!"

"It's my turn!"

Feng tried to move his legs and feet, feeling a little inconvenient, but compared to Ogawa, he was much stronger.

With a few serves, Feng quickly won a game!

"I'll go to the river to see how they are doing." Rin Miyashita smiled and greeted everyone, then stepped on stilts and left the tennis court here.

[Walking on stilts: Concentrate on walking on stilts, and do 12,000 steps to improve balance and reaction speed! ]

There is basically no suspense in the competition here, and Miyashita just went to the river to exercise.


It has been almost two hours since the start of the fishing competition, and the eight people from the two teams are having a lot of fun here.

"Watch me, acrobatic hitting!"


Xiangri jumped up, then fell directly into the river and slapped a small fish!

Swish swish swish!

In an instant, water splashed everywhere, and all the fish of Jianhe and Akutagawa near Xiangri ran away.

"Ah, Xiangri, you did it on purpose!"

Akutagawa Jiro looked at the small fish that he had finally found and fled, and his face was immediately broken.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay much attention, hahaha!"

Xiangri picked up his fish with a satisfied look on his face, and then threw it aside.

"Damn it! You!"

Akutagawa Jiro immediately put the racket into the water and splashed water at Xianghi!

"Are you going to have a water fight? I'm not afraid of you!"

Xianghi's face was full of excitement, and then he jumped up and down and immediately splashed water around.

Oshita, Ken and a few others were still watching the show, but they were soon pulled into the battlefield, and the eight people began to fight.


"These guys... are really playing tricks..."

Miyashita Rin watched from a distance for a while, but did not approach.

I have to say that Xianghi doesn't look like a junior high school student, but like a child who has not grown up.

But Xianghi and Akutagawa should be in the same team, right? Can they fight?


[Balance improvement... Reaction speed improvement...]

It took some time for Miyashita Rin to improve almost, and then she returned to the court.

Feng's game was almost over, and Shishido Ogawa and others started shouting one by one.

"How is it? Is the competition in the slacking fish competition over there fierce?"

Taki glanced at Miyashita and asked with a smile.

"Fierce... Yeah, it's very fierce." Miyashita thought about the previous water splashing battle and touched his nose. "At present, Xiangri is leading. He suppressed the other seven on the field by himself. He is amazing."

"Oh? That guy is so powerful?!"

Shishido Ryo was a little surprised.

"It seems that I'm about to win the afternoon game."

Seeing this, Atobe couldn't help but smile.

"It's a pity... Senior Xiangri was not assigned to our team. Congratulations to the captain first."

Miyashita Rin couldn't help but smile.



"Game, 6-4, Kabaji Takahiro won!"

The last game between Taki and Kabaji was not suspenseful. In the end, Kabaji won.


Who will eat fish in the evening depends mainly on the score on the river beach.

However, Atobe's side looks very good.

Shen was in good condition, but Shishido and Feng looked a little bleak.

Soon, it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

Mukai and the others came back wet, and then put all the fish next to themselves with a bitter face.

"Team A, a total of 18 fish, 6 points!"

"Team B... 23 fish, 7 points!"

Taki Oginosuke counted all the fish and was slightly surprised.

When Atobe saw this scene, his face almost turned black.

Wasn't Mukai in the lead?

It was just one point difference, and these unpromising guys let Atobe eat fish again.

Hiyoshi and the others were also a little unhappy, and then asked about the results of these people, and they were speechless.

Of the 18 fish, Akutagawa caught 12, Mukai caught 8, and Oshina's team caught a total of 23, but 20 of them were caught by Oshina alone.

Two people caught less than one person?

This strength gap is too big!

And Rin Miyashita is such a liar, and his heart is too dark!

"Okay, everyone is almost hungry, let's go to bed early after dinner..."

Atobe snorted, and he would naturally accept the rules of the game he said. He waved his hand and took Xiangri and others to cook fish.

Feng and Shishido were a little excited, and finally had a good meal with the service of the maid.

After dinner, everyone gathered together to play flying chess, hopscotch, Korudo and other small games until twelve o'clock in the morning, when everyone dispersed one by one.

"It's really interesting, but the effect of training is not as good as my training with various equipment."

Back in the room, Rin Miyashita read a book and then did a few push-ups.

[Push-ups: Focus on the mind, standard push-ups 300 times in a row, twice a day, fourteen days to improve arm strength, physical strength, and physical fitness! 】

Now, he can do more than 300 in one breath, but it will be difficult to continue.

Unless he takes drugs to maintain his health.

But his strength is not that weak now, so he can simply rest for a few days.


In a flash, seven days passed slowly.

In a week, climbing trees to catch cicadas, mountain unicycles, swimming competitions... Everyone had a lot of fun in various competitions, and their strength improved a lot.

Miyashita Rin felt that her weaknesses were basically made up, and her strength also increased a little.

Soon, everyone had a final lunch at noon, and then Atobe arranged several private cars to send everyone to school.

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