——The Silver King!

If he guessed correctly, this was what he was talking about.

Only this king in the world could make so many police agencies panic and dare not approach.

But why did this Silver King appear here?

"The First Sovereign, the Silver King!"

When this title came out, Amadeus understood instantly and thought of some news he had heard before."I never thought that one day I would be able to see a live-action version!"

But the doubts in his heart were even greater, what was this old man doing here?

"I heard that the Silver King hasn't come down for half a century, is it true?"The foreigner also gossiped about this.

The Phoenix of Byodoin glared at him unhappily,"How could I know?"

What are you thinking!

At this moment, the two of them glanced across the sky, and a vague figure gently jumped down from the huge airship.——

"It's coming down!"

The surrounding exclamations were even louder, this time without any concealment.

Byodoin Phoenix and Amadeus stared with their eyes wide open, and they unconsciously looked towards the airship in the sky.

"What's wrong with that guy? What is he doing?" Amadeus' legs felt like they were running like hot wheels."Is he trying to kill himself?"

Byodoin Phoenix didn't say anything, but just kept running forward.

"Hey, why don't you express your opinion?……"Amadeus was almost exhausted.

He didn't know if it was because of what he said, but the gap between him and the Byodoin Phoenix was getting wider and wider."Hey, why are you running so fast? It's not your father in front!"

The words were rough but the truth was true. Amadeus really didn't understand why the Byodoin Phoenix, who usually tested similarly to him, seemed to have exploded today.

Little did he know that the Byodoin Phoenix was in a panic at the moment!

If he was not mistaken, the hair of the figure was white...

Although the information given by the family showed that the hair of the Silver King was also white, but - what if?

The text message said that he had arrived!

It was very likely that Niou Masaharu was the seventh king and had an intersection with the first king!

Everything gave the Byodoin Phoenix an ominous premonition.

If the person who fell from the sky was really Niou Masaharu -!!!!!

The footsteps under him were faster, almost smoking. At this moment, the Byodoin Phoenix was extremely grateful that the airship in the sky was flying high enough, even if Niou landed, it would take some time.

He hoped that Niou Masaharu would be rational enough, and even if he wanted to play something, he would at least carry a parachute.

The coordinates of the airship were almost perpendicular to the position of the Byodoin Phoenix, so within a few tens of seconds, the blond man was already directly below.

Next - the figure in the sky was still falling, and it was very close to the ground. Amadeus, who arrived, exclaimed,"Oh, it's a white-haired person!"

He turned his head and noticed the tense expression of the Byodoin Phoenix. He took a few deep breaths and then said,"Why are you running so fast? Is it to pick up this person? Or do you want to see first-hand information!"

From the perspective of news, it is the second one, but from the perspective of intuition, it should be the first one!

Although he did not think that the Byodoin Phoenix had any noble and cold temperament that made him recognize the big shots.

But intuition - sometimes it is very accurate!

The Byodoin Phoenix glanced coldly,"Now shut up, I'm not in the mood to pay attention to you!"

After that, he didn't even give half a glance to Amadeus next to him, staring straight at the sky, and even unconsciously opened his arms, ready to be ready at any time -


What does the person who fell from the sky have to do with you?

"The flower-growing family has an ancient book, which says that a girl named Lin Daiyu fell from the sky. Could it be your Lin Daiyu that fell from the sky now?"

It's a pity that the Phoenix of Byodoin was completely immersed in his own thoughts and had no time to listen to him talking here.

Lin Daiyu [Niou] just tried to land for the first time.

Flying on the balcony of the sky airship is one thing, and stepping out of the balcony and flying to a larger world is another thing - the unobstructed sky, the densely packed buildings and people like ants, everything is challenging his breathing and brain.

The color of the sky is extremely clear at this moment, and the vision from the high altitude seen from above is completely different from the feeling of flying in the past!

With his arms outstretched, it seems that he can catch the breath of the wind, the breath of the clouds, and even every fluctuation of the sun! This is the feeling of freedom.……

""Wuhu~" He couldn't help but yelled loudly in the air. He laughed loudly and began to control the power flowing in his body to reduce the flow rate...

However, the speed of descent was very fast after all. Soon, he noticed the situation on the ground. There were many hidden vehicles around. The three-color lights were flashing. This was the police car!

Niou Masaharu curled his lips. As Wiseman said, as soon as he was deployed, the whole world moved!

But the boss would naturally do what he promised - as long as Wiseman was still standing in the sky, no one dared to come and hold him accountable.

It's just...

His eyes flashed, and a figure flooded into his clear green eyes.

Golden hair - anxious eyes, and the unconscious movement of opening his arms! It

's different from looking from top to bottom and from bottom to top. He was extremely sure that the Byodoin Phoenix should not be able to see who he is.

Then how did he... determine that it was his?

【My Lord, be careful, we are about to land. It is your first time flying, so be careful! Kitsunesuke's heart is about to jump out of his chest. Not everyone is like Nioh, who can face the joy of falling from a height of 10,000 meters.

【Kitsunesuke, don't be so timid! 】Rio chuckled

【My Lord, I am not as brave as you.……】It is just a pot made by the government of the time, a man-made product.���The congenital heart and the ability to resist fear.

As the saying goes, the joys and sorrows of people cannot intersect. What's more, between humans and non-humans, Niou Masaharu is very happy now, and can't understand the sadness of Kitsunesuke at all.

【If you're so panicked, just close your eyes.——】

【Then, my lord, what will you do?】 Kitsunesuke still has some conscience

【I...of course I'll find a human cushion.——】

【Human mat, where did the human mat come from?】 Kitsunesuke, who was in a panic, did not notice that there was a person standing right below them. At this moment, Niou did not have time to explain to it. The distance was very close, and he was ready to land.

When it was still ten meters away from the ground, everything on the ground was clearly visible. Niou and the Byodoin Phoenix looked at each other. When their golden and clear green eyes met, there was still some distance, but the magical thing was... everyone saw themselves in each other's eyes!

Clenching his fists, the body automatically adjusted the energy, and white light waves floated all over the body, adjusting the speed of descent. It slowed down visibly, and then only the sound of wind was heard in the ears. Niou seemed to step on something, and kicked hard...


The boy landed accurately in the open arms of the Byodoin Phoenix!

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