
The boy landed accurately in the open arms of the Byodoin Phoenix!

The Byodoin Phoenix hugged the person falling from the sky tightly, and did not let go even when it was thrown to the ground.

"Haha, how about it? Isn't this a good surprise?"Rinou raised his head and said to the Byodoin Phoenix with a smile on his face.

He touched his heart to make sure it was still there, and the Byodoin Phoenix sighed.

"……"Surprises are nice, just don’t prepare for it next time!

"You get up first!" Byodoin Phoenix felt the heaviness of his arm, and his arm was a little sore.

At this moment, Niou really liked to see the helpless expression of Byodoin Phoenix. He curled his lips and leaned his head closer,"You asked me to come here! Why do you want me to leave now that I'm here!"

This wave of stealing concepts and turning the tables is quite skillful!

Amadeus next to him couldn't help but cough twice, and sighed that you two are playing really fancy~ The two turned around at the same time.

Byodoin Phoenix:... Tsk! I forgot, there's another person next to me.

Niou Masaharu: Why is there another person next to me��

"Who are you?"Ren Wang frowned and asked. Sorry, he was not impressed by others.

"The person who accompanied this guy to see the aurora——"Amadeus stretched out his finger to signal him to lower his head.

Niou was immediately displeased, and he didn't want to continue suppressing the person under him,"Since Byodoin-kun is already accompanied by someone, I won't bother you two here, goodbye!"

Niou Masaharu flew all the way from Neon to here, not for another person to be around.

As he said that, he slapped Byodoin Phoenix on the shoulder, and after seeing the person grimacing in pain, he got up from Byodoin Phoenix. He took out his cell phone and was about to leave!

Byodoin Phoenix sneered and grabbed the person who was about to leave,"You believed what that bastard said!"

The blond man glared at the innocent young man in a turban next to him,"Amadeus, get as far away from me as you can!"

"We just met here by chance, we didn't get together——"

Everyone likes to wander the world, and it is common to meet each other on the journey, but I didn't expect that Niou would misunderstand.

Niou, who had no intention of leaving at all:...

The young man snorted disdainfully, crossed his shoulders and cast a cold look at Amadeus,"Is that so?"

Amadeus, who received the sharp eyes of the Byodoin Phoenix, sighed,"Yes! I didn't expect that the Byodoin Phoenix already had someone to accompany it!"

And he was a young man who was not easy to mess with and had a bad temper.

"Okay - then I won't bother you two anymore, I'm leaving!——"This guy looked like he was in a state of either you or me. Amadeus dared not stay here any longer, so he quickly packed his luggage and left.

A man who knows the current situation is a hero - the hero was very happy to be stopped!


Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him, Amadeus was furious,"Hey, kid, I've already left, what else do you want?"

Did he have to beat him up to vent his anger?

"You know Byodoin Phoenix, you play tennis, right?" Niou glanced up and down,"Your bag is very heavy, but you lifted it easily, your strength is above five."

He muttered to himself,"Stuck with Byodoin Phoenix, neither humble nor arrogant. You two are at least players of the same level.——"

The white-haired boy curled his lips confidently,"Fight with me! Or leave your contact information, and we can meet alone next time!"

There was nothing wrong with the words, but the occasion - it gave Amadeus a headache.

Looking back at the Byodoin Phoenix who got up from the ground, he asked with a questioning look,"Is there something wrong with this kid's brain?" They were on edge just now, and now he's inviting him to a match?

Byodoin Phoenix calmly patted the dust off his body,"Since I accidentally looked at his phone address book last time, I'm not surprised by anything!"

"Contact list?" Amadeus asked.

Byodoin Phoenix was unusually calm."I went to Germany to play a game, and he went to France for a tour, and then he got a bunch of people's contact information, including but not limited to Camus."

"Recently, Reinhardt——"


The range is really wide, amazing!

"Little brother, can I ask what grade you are in?"Amadeus is interested in Nioh

"Second grade! Third grade next year, any problem?"He answered truthfully

"No problem, I'll give you the contact information, we'll arrange a match later!" Amadeus' eyes lit up, and his words became sincere and generous.

Who doesn't like geniuses? Even if the appearance of a genius boy is a threat to oneself - but, only when there is a wolf chasing behind, can people have the courage to move forward and do everything!

The world of tennis should have some new generations!

Amadeus left happily. Byodoin Phoenix, carrying his shoulder bag, sneered,"You really don't miss any opportunity to play a game!"

"Since the target is you, of course I can't miss any opportunity!" Niou's eyes were burning.

If he wanted to defeat the Phoenix of Byodoin, he had to thoroughly understand and have the ability to defeat his opponents of the same level.

Even though there was a big gap now, he was confident that he would reach that world one day.——

"Becoming a king will only make your mental strength, physical strength and agility even better! If you want to surpass me, it's just around the corner!"This is the truth of the Phoenix of Byodoin. There are always people in this world who are blessed with all the advantages of time and place! And they work very hard……

"I'm looking forward to that day!" said the Byodoin Phoenix.

Nioh hugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows,"Aren't you afraid that one day I will beat you and make you cry?"

The Byodoin Phoenix snorted coldly,"Hmph, you can talk about it when you have the ability!"

Although he is young, he is quite courageous.——

"So he really just happened to meet me?" This question caught me off guard.

"Of course, why would I want to travel with a boring man?"Baiduin Phoenix said with a straight face.

"Phew~ That makes sense!" Ren Wang nodded, and the matter was completely over."Have you booked a hotel?"

"Let's go, in this B&B style town……"

The atmosphere between the two people gradually became harmonious, and they ignored the problem at the same time.——‘The lonely Silver King laughed like a goose through the surveillance camera below

"Lord Silver King,……"A man in green military uniform stood there stiffly.

"Ah, it's okay, I'm just watching my little brother's performance……"

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