"younger brother?"

"Yes, even though my brother is young, he is very capable!" For safety reasons, Wiseman did not reveal the true identity of the King, but positioned him as a younger brother. The

Silver King, who had not aged in half a century, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his smiling eyes were full of indifference and warning,"My brother is a well-behaved person and generally does not take the initiative to cause trouble, but if your country keeps pursuing or even tracking him, then I, as a brother, have to say something.——"

"No, no, I've heard that they are just here for sightseeing and tourism!" The man in military uniform wiped the sweat from his head and said hurriedly,"I promise nothing will happen!"

Wiseman smiled brighter,"I believe in the integrity of your country.——"

"Haha, that's good.……"Regardless of whether he really believed it or not, he finally got a word from the king. Next, he can negotiate with the King of Gold in Japan and send the King of Silver back to his country.

Niwang didn't know that he would be specially taken care of next... Of course, even if he knew, it didn't matter. As a king, he had certain rights, which was necessary.

Before, the King of Gold had taken the time to give him a video king class, just to make him not lose style when he went out!

And Niwang remembered the content of these courses very well.

The weather in the northern town is mostly immersed in blizzards during the cold winter. The heavy snow that fell continuously for 24 hours made the whole world covered with a layer of silver snow blanket...

Such a scene was never seen by Niwang, who had always lived in Japan. There was also snow in Hokkaido, Japan, but it was far less shocking than here, and it was overwhelming...

The whole world was left with only vast snow... Everything was silent, as if there was only himself and each other in this world! It was so quiet that you could hear the sound of your heartbeat...

Even if you didn't see the aurora now, Niwang felt that the trip was worthwhile.

The young man stood in the yard, looking at the silver-covered ground, and exclaimed,"The world outside is really beautiful!"

Byodoin Phoenix came online with hot cocoa, handed him a cup and said,"Do you want to try the feeling of being buried in the snow?"

"Buried in the snow?"Nio remembered the shovel,"Should I dig a hole and bury you in it?"

Byodoin Phoenix rolled his eyes. He finally understood that Niio was really good at making people angry.

He was talking to him about having fun!

And he was digging a hole for him?

Why did he suddenly invite this person to come and see the aurora together? Now he felt that Amadeus was also a good partner

"Take it, I'll show you!" At this moment, the wind and snow had stopped, and the heavy snow was flying lightly.���The snowflakes were still very soft at the moment, which was the best opportunity.

Niou took the cup from his hand in a daze, and then watched the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple stand on the fence of the yard.

Turning back... after giving him a cool gesture, he jumped forward, and the next second, the whole person disappeared in the thick snow shadow.

Niou was shocked. Where is he? Where is such a big Byodoin Phoenix?

He hurried over and saw a huge human-shaped snow nest quietly appearing outside the fence. And under the snow, a Byodoin Phoenix was quietly buried!

""Pu Li~" Although these actions look silly, there is an urge to give it a try!

Ren Wang coughed twice and tried to restrain his heart."To try or not to try, this is a question……"

As he spoke, his feet could not help but stand on the fence. The two cups of hot cocoa had already been drunk up, leaving only empty cups. It was okay to hold them.

The Phoenix of Byodoin Temple did not move for a long time, and it was obvious that someone was still inside. So he... would give it a try?

Anyway, there was no harm in giving it a try - he looked around furtively, and finally made up his mind, closed his eyes, and jumped in directly!

Bang ~ Soft snow instantly surrounded the whole body ~

The refreshing coolness surged from all directions of the body. This kind of cold did not make people feel cold, on the contrary, there was a kind of cool feeling that cleared the mind.

Just like the skin touching the snow for the first time, it does not make people feel cold, but cool and comfortable!


" Pu Li~" Ni Wang lay flat in the snow. He thought, no wonder the Phoenix of Byodoin didn't want to go out just now, this feeling is really reluctant to leave!……

"I thought you couldn't dance, but I didn't expect you couldn't resist the temptation.……"

Suddenly a voice came from above his head, and Ren Wang was stunned for a moment.


How did the Phoenix of Byodoin get up? Wasn't he in the pit next to him? He quickly dug himself out of the snow. Niou Masaharu stared at the white snow and looked at the person lying on the fence in the yard looking at him.

"you……"Nioh's eyes drift

"I've been watching since just now!" The Byodoin Phoenix directly exposed what he was thinking. The scheming Phoenix pointed to the small hole not far from the door and said,"I slid directly from here... so you didn't see me before you jumped just now!"


Damn~ Then his stupid behavior just now must have been seen by the Phoenix of Byodoin...

In the ice and snow, the white-haired boy squatted in the snowdrifts with slightly red earlobes, and the blond man above his head was lying on the railing and watching with joy.

It turned out that this kind of thing could also make this kid shy~ Not bad, not bad, another new world has been discovered!

He was like Columbus who discovered the New World, exploring this man named Niou Masaharu little by little. And the boy in front of him never let him down, and every time at different times he would bring him new feelings.

He couldn't help but be attracted to his gaze, and stopped in front of him... which made him feel——

""Okay, although the snow is fun, you will get sick if you stay in it all the time, so get up quickly!" He stretched out his hands to Niou like a mature adult. I didn't care at all, because he was the one who jumped down first.

Niou grinned like an innocent baby,"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to you getting sick too.——"

"Haha, my physique is much stronger than yours!"

"Really? I don’t know who was treated so badly last time and stayed in the hospital for so many days!"Ren Wang stabbed the wound mercilessly. He saved the person and cured the disease. Only he could afford to poke this wound!

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have a wide range of knowledge!" Today's victory belongs to the unyielding Byodoin Phoenix.

The Byodoin Phoenix, who often travels around the world and has seen the scenery of various places, finally made Niwang so angry that his teeth itched and he couldn't say anything.

Ah, this guy is so annoying- why does he continue to stand here? He should go home earlier.

Although he gritted his teeth in the afternoon, when the laser appeared at night, Niwang chose to stay.

The aurora in the north only appears in the evening or early morning... At this moment, the sky is silent, leaving only the colorful galaxy like silk swimming in the dark world.

The few colors are enough to illuminate the entire black night sky. Niwang sighed softly at the wonders of nature. Just the colorful colors of the sun can have so many changing forms.……

"How about it? It's worth it for you to come here, right?" The Phoenix of Byodoin smiled softly with a curled lip.

"It’s just so-so!" The fox’s lips were very tough.

Byodoin Phoenix remained calm,"It’s okay, this word is the highest evaluation for me!"

Just looking at Nioh’s expression, you can tell that the current scene is definitely the most shocking scenery in the world.

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