The next day.

Since we slept late the day before, we both slept until noon the next day.

The second day after the snow was completely different from the first day - the originally soft white snow had become hard for the first time, and it felt like sand when we stepped on it. In some places, we even had to dig hard to clear the snow.

"Although we have learned about these in textbooks and can see them in Hokkaido, they are far less shocking than what this place brings us!"

The Arctic ice field in the north is one of his favorite places among all the places he has traveled to.

There is silence here... When you come here when you are upset, you will feel the incomparable beauty and quietness...

It is very suitable for experiencing all kinds of things!

"Change!"Ryo said with a smile,"Nature is ever-changing, everything is interdependent, and it is not necessary to change the same organism.——"

He has felt the mystery of it all.

"What do you think?"The Phoenix of Byodoin had seen the miraculous phantom of Nio, and now he saw something even crazier from the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know puppetry?" he suddenly asked.

"I've heard of it and seen it, but I don't really understand it.——"

"I'll show you later!" Ren Wang's eyes sparkled. He had already thought of a variation of the Phantom. It would be very interesting if he used it on the court.——

"Then I will look forward to it reluctantly!"It turns out that Phoenix is also very arrogant.

The two arrogant people just stood on the ice and snow and smiled at each other.

Amadeus, who was suddenly invited, looked at this scene and was speechless.

Are these two deliberately making him look more pitiful?

Although he was full of complaints in his heart, fortunately Amadeus was not a hateful person. He still walked to the two of them calmly and watched the vast snow with them.

"When are you going to play this match?"He came here because he was invited and also because he kept an appointment.

"Let's wait until another month!" Renwang calculated the days carefully,"I didn't mean to stand you up, it's just that I've gained something from yesterday to today, and I want to reorganize my moves - to play the game with you in the best condition!"

Amadeus took a bite of the meat on the plate and nodded in understanding,"I know, tennis players are all like this!" He is a fighting maniac on the court, and he can't help but think about tennis moves outside the game. Once he has a new understanding, he naturally has to perfect it before he can use it.

"To be honest, I envy you.——"After swallowing the delicious meat, Amadeus looked at the Phoenix of Byodoin with a little jealousy."With such a good up-and-coming player supporting you, you can feel more at ease in the future!"

Although he hasn't played against Nioh yet, some of his status can be observed with the naked eye.

This kid has light steps and special abilities. He must have made unique achievements in tennis. And he can sense the challenges facing him. Considering his age, it is conservatively estimated that his five-game draw must be more than 20.

If you guess it, it is estimated to be 23 or 24! He is so talented at such a young age that he can even comprehend new moves within a day. Neon has been really jaw-dropping in the past two years!

"Your ranking was not low last year - are you preparing to challenge for the world championship this year?"

"Humph!" Byodoin Phoenix made no secret of his ambition and courage,"As a strong person, you should be brave enough to challenge. Don't you want to be the world champion?"

Everyone is eyeing the top position, and he, Byodoin Phoenix, is not missing one!

The only thing to see is whether he has the ability to get this position.

Nioh was listening with excitement, but also doubts in his heart."Wait, I have something.……"

"You are talking about the U17 World Cup next year, why are you looking at me?"Ryo was very puzzled. Just now, Amadeus looked at him several times, with appreciation in his eyes.

Appreciation - he understood! But when it comes to the U17 World Cup next year, it's different.

He just finished the third year of junior high school this year, and he is still in the third year of junior high school. These high school students' competitions have nothing to do with him

"Are you hiding something from me?" He looked at the Phoenix of Byodoin.

"puff——"Amadeus spat out a mouthful of water,"You didn't even tell him!"

The top ten countries had already started preparing, but Japan had kept it a secret. What a great job!

"The coaching staff is crazy, but it has nothing to do with me!"Baiduin Phoenix felt no guilt or remorse. Although it was not good not to tell Nioh, for next year's competition, as long as the candidates are selected and the strength is cultivated, it doesn't matter when to tell Nioh.


Do you believe that I want to strangle you to death?

"So next year's U17 competition will be temporarily open to junior high school students." The boy's pure white teeth were about to be broken. He gritted his teeth and looked at the calm man next to him,"If it weren't for what happened today, when would you have told me?"

"When you should know!"Baiduin Phoenix is very calm

"Puff……"This kind of calmness is really irritating.

Ren Wang turned to look at Amadeus with a smile on his face,"I heard that players from different countries can be invited, right!"

Amadeus was stunned at first,"Yes, that's true!"

"What do you want to do?"

"What do you think of me?"Ryo asked with a smile, curling his eyes.

Amadeus smiled,"You're great!"

He even told the joke, and he guessed the approximate five-dimensional value of Ryo with just one look. This is only now - half a year! With Ryo's talent, he must have made great progress - if he were to join his team, he would definitely be one of the trump cards

"If you want to join the Swiss team, I agree with you and welcome you, and I will give you the best treatment!" Amadeus' eyes lit up.

"Amadeus——��!!"Byodoin Phoenix's eyes were about to burst into flames.

This idiot dared to steal his girlfriend!!!

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