The doubles match was a game of mutual calculation.

This was the conclusion that Niou came to when he checked the information of Oshitari's partner.

Oshitari and Hibiki had been partners since their first year at Hyotei. The two were very familiar with each other's fighting style and cooperated with each other. It was basically seamless and there were no gaps.

On their side, it was not the first time that Niou had partnered with Yagyu, but it was the first time that he had encountered a strong opponent... Both of them were eager to learn lessons from these two people.

Therefore, there was the provocation at the beginning...

Oshitari faced Hibiki Yagyu. Niou found it interesting that Hibiki was empty...

The fight was fierce over there, and Niou started talking to Hibiki here.

There were nearly a hundred sword spirits with different moods at home, and Niou, a top master of balancing, was extremely good at making conversation. In just a few minutes, Oshitari had not yet finished targeting Yagyu. He had already found out most of Hibiki's situation...

The most cruel thing was that Hibiki didn't notice it at all. After all, Niou also told his own information. For Hibiki Gakuto, this was more like a pastime in a boring game.

Originally, it was just a simple rhetoric...

But sometimes things are so magical. It is destined that Xiangri Yueren will have bad luck today...

Dingling~ The strange bell sound rang again, and Niwang subconsciously concentrated and began to guard against the sneak attack of a certain fox.

【Oh, you're playing.……】

The voice of the silver fox appeared in my ears.

This time it was not a sneak attack.……

【Do you want me to help you? I have special abilities. 】

A cheerful voice sounded, and Niou subconsciously wanted to refuse. This was a fair game, and he didn't want to...

Unfortunately - it was too late.

Niou Masaharu watched as Mukai Taketo's clear eyes became more confused. It was as if he didn't know where he was.

"Little Fox, what's going on?……"The fox's favorability in Ren Wang's heart suddenly dropped?

He is the most reckless person, but no matter how reckless he is, he must have a basis and a law. This fox seems to act entirely on his own liking, without any basis or reason...

This is an upright competition, you can use tricks, but you can't use magic

【Hey, don't blame me, it's because you did a good job in the early stages.——】The silver fox was also surprised that it was so smooth. [I just charmed him and made him treat you as a friend.——】

The basic ability of the silver-white fox is to change itself at will. It can adapt to the environment, or let the environment adapt to it...

When Niou talked with Hibiki before, he directly raised Hibiki's favorability. Since he wants to help in the game, it is of course most useful to turn enemies into friends, so the little fox took advantage of this favorability to change some of Hibiki Taketo's perception. Let him think that Niou is now his teammate, and all he has to do is to hit hard - his own enemies and friends!

This is the scene at the beginning.

The game continued with Hibiki Taketo serving, but the one who was attacked was - Oshitari Yuushi! Although he knew it shouldn't be, Niou really wanted to laugh.

Who instigated Yagyu Hiroshi to hit him just now?...

Retribution in this life!

Niou covered his mouth and laughed, Yagyu Hiroshi turned around silently,"……"

This guy really did it!

I don't know how he did it, but——

"How long will this effect last?"

"I don't know." Ren Wang shook his head honestly. It wasn't him who did it.


About my teammates being both reliable and unreliable……

""Okay!" Yagyu held the racket tightly and stared at Oshitari."I'll keep an eye on that Xiangri, and you deal with Oshitari."

He knew that he was no match for Oshitari Yuushi. This match was the first time they had met a tough opponent. In addition to the tacit understanding between teammates, the strength of individual soldiers was also tested.

"Partner, don't you think it's a bit difficult to give this task to me?" Ren Wang tilted his head and smiled.

"Niou-kun, please exert all your efforts……"Yagyu looked at the other side without turning his head."Before the game started, Yukimura specifically told me that any problems that cannot be solved will be handed over to you!"


Yukimura, there's no need to be so trusting!

Niou looked back at Oshitari opposite him, who was looking at him with a playful smile. Of course, if it weren't for the gnashing of teeth... this picture is indeed quite happy, without a sense of disobedience.

"In that case, I'll play around for a bit!" He stretched and said.

These blunt words made Oshitari's eyebrows jump, and his already unhappy mood was magnified to the extreme at this moment.

"play with me……"

The wound on his back was still aching. He bared his teeth and sneered."——Are you worthy?"

""Pu Li~ You'll know if they match after you try." Ren Wang's eyes flashed, and he clenched his right hand.

Bang - I don't know who started the attack first, but after the tennis ball left the racket, everything changed.

The tennis ball flew sharply between the two of them, faster and faster each time, and in the end, only a yellow shadow remained.

Both of them jumped rapidly on the court, left... right... every swing was extremely accurate, and not a single one missed.

" 15-0"





Two pairs of eyes stared at the tennis ball and each other, and the provocation and naturalness in their eyes were seen by each other.

The boy opposite Oshitari, who was smiling sweetly, could not hide his shock."……"

Last year, I had never heard of Niou Masaharu's name. He was not one of the Big Three, nor was he one of the powerful starters.……

"You have been hiding yourself!" he said angrily.

Ren Wang laughed,"Really? I have never hidden myself.……"He stretched lazily and turned his wrist,"I'm just lazy!"

Oshitari wanted to say something, but Niou said,"Is it really okay for Oshitari-kun to keep staring at me like this? Be careful of the stab from behind!……"

Before he finished speaking, the tennis ball that had just been returned to Liu Sheng and Xiang Ri seemed to have eyes and flew towards him again with a thud.���But this time, Oshitari was prepared and dodged to the side, avoiding the bright yellow arrow that was coming at him.

"You're using the same trick on me again. You're too naive the second time.……"


"People from Rikkai University are never naive!"The purple-haired boy with glasses struck the opponent's wrist mercilessly with a thunderous blow.

"……"He only cared about Xiangri behind him, and he forgot that the person on the other side was also his enemy.

The three of them attacked him, and Oshitari was completely in a passive position.

"What happened to Mukai Taketo? Did he betray Oshitari? This is a rivalry match between schools.……"

Not only the onlookers, but also the people inside the Ice Empire were furious.

"What on earth is Yueren doing?——"

Atobe looked at the increasing score and knew he couldn't wait any longer.——"

"call out——"

The whistle sounded and the game was suspended.

Compared to the solemn expressions on Hyotei's side, the people on Rikkai University were in high spirits.

"What on earth did you do to that Xiangri?——"Marui Bunta came over and asked with a chuckle, he had learned something new.

"That guy had a normal expression, a normal demeanor, and no motion was slow, but he stabbed Oshitari in the back at the critical moment.——"

Ren Wang raised his eyebrows,"Don't you doubt that this is Yagyu's doing?……"

Marui snorted coldly,"We all know that Yagyu Hiro is the most honest. You are the most cunning.……"

He has known him since Guoyi and Renwang. Don't be fooled by this guy's laziness, his indifference to others, and his occasional pretense of being deep. In fact, he has more evil thoughts than anyone else.

"You really wronged me in this matter. Anyway, it's not me.——"Niou spread his hands, looking innocent.

Marui snorted, obviously not believing it.

Niou looked even more innocent, it really wasn't his doing.

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