"Oshitari-kun, please stay out of our Rikkai University affairs. After all,……"Ren Wang narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of"kind reminders"’

"Be careful - you will be backstabbed too!"

Oshitari Yuushi said nonchalantly,"My relationship with Yueren is much better than the two of you!"

"Mr. Oshitari, don't be too confident!"

Nioh seemed to be furious, he looked at Yagyu Hiroshi unkindly,"You have also taken revenge, so just play well!"

"snort——"Yagyu Hiroshi sneered and walked towards the baseline without looking back, with no intention of paying any attention to Niou.

In the first game, it was Oshitari who served. He looked at the two people on the opposite side who were not on good terms, his eyes turned, and a tricky ball flew to the left...

Bang - Yagyu fought back with difficulty.

Oshitari received the ball and continued to attack Yagyu. As the two of them went back and forth, the remaining two people on the field seemed to be redundant.

Mukaigoto and Niou looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Oshitari is the second in command of Hyotei, and his strength should not be underestimated. After a few moves, Yagyu Hiroshi was no match at all

"Niou——"He couldn't help but ask Niou for help.

But Niou said slowly,"No, partner. I can't beat Oshitari.……"

"Come and help!" Liu Sheng was anxious and said angrily

""Pu Li~" Niou finally came, but he was very slow.

Bang - the tennis ball brushed against Yagyu Hiroshi's face and flew past. Although he was not injured, the purple-haired boy's face turned pale. His eyes were full of knives when he looked at the white-haired boy.



"Nioh, you've gone too far.——"Seeing the score falling behind, Yagyu Hiroshi was completely angry. This was his first big game, and Nioh was like this.

"Puff……"Under everyone's gaze, Niou spread his hands indifferently,"I really can't beat Oshitari, but it's not like I won't help you."

Oshitari came over and added fuel to the fire,"Yagyu-kun, even an outsider like me can see what Niou-kun means, you two...……"


"He so frankly admitted that his skills were inferior to others. Is this guy really from Rikkai University?"

"Niou Masaharu, it seems like I have never heard of his name!"

"The most famous person in Rikkai University this year is the first-year genius, I think his name is Kirihara Akaya!"

The second game started soon.

The 1-0 start made everyone realize the strength of Hyotei, and also made more people begin to question the new generation of Niou and Yagyu. The discussion about them is still going on.

"I heard that although Niou Masaharu joined the tennis club in his first year, he didn't become a regular.……"

"It seems that he took over after he quit the club in the third year."

"Oshitari was the one who accompanied Atobe Keigo to conquer the world……"

On one side is the new generation, and on the other side is Oshitari, a relatively old veteran. Coupled with the performance of the two at the beginning, the balance in everyone's heart began to tilt towards the other side.

Hyotei will win.

And on the field.

Seeing Oshitari coming over to disrupt the situation and deliberately targeting him, Nioh smiled.

——This is the effect he wants...

He and Oshitari have actually met before. In the first year of junior high school, he was not a regular player, and could only stay in the crowd and watch others play.

At that time, Oshitari was already the vice-captain of Hyotei and the right-hand man of Atobe Keigo.

Maybe in Oshitari's memory, this was the first time he met Niou Masayuki~

【Yagyu, do you want to win the first game? He asked during training last night.

Yagyu Hiroshi looked up: [Haven't we already played many games?】

【Those are just boring minions.……】Niou smiled, and for the first time, his cunning face showed seriousness. [Hyotei is a big fish. If he can chew this hard bone off,——】

【Whatever you want to do, I'll accompany you!】


"Are you ready?"

As the two khaki figures intersected, a subtle voice filled the space in front of them.

"It's been ready for a long time!"

Yagyu looked at the white-haired boy with bright eyes, and thought of last year - at that time, he was still a member of the golf club. He had just won the strongest competition in the county and felt bored for the first time.

In addition, the people in the golf club talked about a lot of things, and he felt bored because he had no confidence in life... Just then - he met Niwang! His first meeting with Niwang was not pleasant.

In his mind, Niwang was a scoundrel, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was bohemian and natural, with fearlessness of the world.

It seemed that he could do whatever he wanted, and no one in this world could stop him.

This is a kind of mental strength - but - Yagyu felt it was dazzling

"Invite me to join the tennis club, why haven't I heard your name in the tennis club?"

He wanted to refuse, so he naturally mocked her mercilessly.

"With Yagyu-kun, doesn't that mean we have a name?" Ren Wang continued to smile without caring. He made a sound, and his strange habit of speaking naturally

"Can I ask you why you didn't go with them in the first grade?——"

As the undisputed top student in his grade, Yagyu was able to win the golf competition as a freshman, which shows that he has both strength and vision.

"Well, maybe I was too busy in the first half of the year. After all, I had a lot of things to do when I just entered junior high school - I didn't have time for the tennis club."

Yagyu snorted coldly, which was considered to be his approval of his explanation.

Later, many things happened, and I don't know why Niou was particularly fond of him. He pestered him in various ways, and tried to get close to him in an extremely dramatic way. Even though he was very capable, he insisted on having him as his partner and debuted in doubles... After a while, they were friends, and the days in the golf club were really too boring.


"boom——"The tennis ball flew over and interrupted his memories. Yagyu looked up and saw Oshitsuki's smile in front of the net, frivolously challenging him,"Yagyu-kun, the king still hasn't learned the lesson from the first game. You're having such a hard time now, but he still won't help you."……"

Yagyu Hiroshi may be extremely talented, but he has only learned tennis for a short time and is no match for Oshitari.……

"You look as miserable as you can be, it doesn't look like you're playing a doubles match at all!"

Oshitari is a person who uses [heart] to play games. When he wants to sow discord, few people can stop him.

Yagyu Hiroshi's eyes flickered and his eyes changed. Dissatisfaction began to grow in his eyes when he looked at Nioh.

Nioh noticed the change in Yagyu and sighed,"Pu Li~" It seems that he can't immerse himself in it anymore. If this play goes on, it may be ruined.

Oshitari's attack is still directed at Yagyu as always, but this time Nioh does not stand idly by. He leaned forward and rushed, at an extremely fast speed, he instantly flashed in front of Yagyu, swung the tennis racket in his right hand, and with a bang, the ball rushed to the opposite side at an extremely fast speed. Snap.——

15 to 0, one point!

This move stunned countless people. They thought Niwang was a rookie, but unexpectedly——

"The speed is so fast, his own speed is fast, and the power of the ball is even faster!"

"I've never heard of Niou Masaharu before!"

Yagyu blinked his eyes.……"

Didn’t we agree to start from the second half? Why is it ending now?

"This guy is not easy to deal with, so stop acting.——"Niou didn't look back, his eyes staring at Oshitari sharply,"As expected of Oshitari Yuushi! Hyotei's genius is well-deserved.……"

"……"Oshitari stared at the person who was praising him.

If it was before, he believed it was a compliment, but after seeing the blow of Niou just now, was it irony?

Irony for him to be a fake——

"I didn't expect Niou-kun to be so powerful.……"

"No, no, no, you are more powerful, you schemed against my partner……"

Niou pouted,"Oshitari-kun, let me tell you in advance, I like to play more, so you will have to bear with me from now on.……"

Even when playing, one must be polite. Niou knows this.

Oshitari's eyes darkened, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The next second - boom! The golden tennis ball wrapped in the wind hit his body with a bang!

There was nothing wrong with this attack, except that the attack came from behind him.——


What are you doing……

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