"Swoosh - this game is won by Rikkai University!"

Ever since the new first-year student became the tennis director in the first grade of junior high school and established a new system, Rikkai University has been like a mobile phone with a new core processor, winning the first year's national championship with sparks and lightning, and is now moving towards a new level more steadily - now is the beginning of the Kanto tournament, and seeing the refreshing 6-0, many coaches and players gritted their teeth.

This team really doesn't give people a chance to survive.……

"Is there no one who can come out and deal with them?"

"They are so strong, who can be their opponent? Don't blow your mouth up there, get down by yourself if you can!"

"They are not the only ones in Kanto who are good. I heard that last year, there was another team that completed the handover in the second half of the semester, and the first-year student became the captain.——"

"You mean——Hyotei!"

"That's right, Hyotei's Atobe Keigo is also a super rookie captain"

"I looked at the schedule, and this time they will meet in the finals of the Kanto Tournament. By then, who will be dethroned is still unknown.……"

"Haha...let's wait and see!"


"……That's it!" Yanagi Renji snapped his notebook shut."These are all the rumors we spread during the game!"

"Does anyone have anything to say?"

Kirihara Akaya kicked the stool away and stood up, clapping his fists together."Hmph, you really don't know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is. Minister, Senior Liu, let me take the lead and teach this so-called Ice Emperor a lesson.——"

Ren Wang yawned. Rather than these boring things, he wanted to know where Liu got all this information from... He even knew about other people's gossip. Could it be that he went to climb a tree?

"Niou, I didn't climb a tree!" Yanagi Renji glared, and Niou realized that he had said what he was thinking.

""Pu Li~ Then you went to hide in the bushes?" Now that he knew everything, Ren Wang also calmly lay on the table, tilted his head and asked

"I've wanted to ask you a long time ago, how did you get this information?……"Data tennis is so good in Yanagi Renji's hands that he broke a pen in anger.

"hehe……"Yukimura covered his mouth and laughed.

Niou is now much more lively than before.

Thinking of what he has done recently, Yukimura thought, is it possible that people have something in common, and the recklessness of Kirihara has been transferred to Niou... making him more lively?

Or maybe he was originally very lively, but he just hid it before?

His eyes deepened slightly, and he became more interested in Niou. This guy was hiding his incompetence for the whole last year.


As the national champion, most of the games in the Kanto tournament were just warm-up matches for Rikkai University.

Rikkai University and the highly anticipated Hyotei became each other's biggest rivals after going through all the rounds.

It was thought that the two teams would meet in the finals. However, in the semi-finals, the organizing committee made a joke and adopted a four-team draw method...

Hyotei was unexpectedly drawn back to Rikkai University, and the two sides met in advance.

Nioh looked at the Hyotei members who were hugging their shoulders and stretching their necks high, and their arrogance was particularly arrogant, and suddenly felt like laughing.

"Puff……"He couldn't hold back.

""What are you laughing at, Niou-senpai?" Kirihara

, who was standing behind him, poked his head over.

Niou put away some of his smile. Kirihara was a person who only remembered food and not beatings. He soon only remembered that Niou had said he should be polite, and forgot that he had scared him.

This made his junior have a much better impression of him. The red shadow was not necessarily a bad thing, right... The weapon also depends on who uses it!

"Do you think that the group of people on the opposite side with their necks tilted up look like a bunch of giant monkeys?" He put his hand on Kirihara's shoulder and whispered in his ear stealthily.

Niou laughed again, covering his mouth with his hands and smiling with curved eyebrows,"Especially that guy Atobe……"

Atobe's appearance is rather cold, and his silver-grey hair makes this cold look even more intense. But he is a proud person, and he would stand at the front of the crowd with his head held high, waiting for others to look up at him.——

——No matter how handsome the leading monkey is, it is still a monkey!

Well, it's hard to judge!


Niou's voice was not loud, but the people at Rikkai University had sharp ears. Except for Sanada, everyone else burst into laughter.

Marui's bubble gum was blown out directly, and he laughed so hard that he didn't know what day it was.

If they hadn't been worried about the people opposite them staring at them, not only Marui, but the rest of the people would have held their stomachs and laughed.

Yanagi Renji squinted his eyes, pursed his lips, and tried to control the direction of the pen, for fear that if he trembled, the word would become a tremolo.

They were holding back their laughter, but in the eyes of Hyotei's people, it was like they were constipated.

Especially now that they are rivals!

It would be even more appropriate to speculate about each other with the greatest malice.——

"Atobe, the group of people across the street……"

"Well, it's really disgraceful!" Atobe tapped his nose unhappily,"It was like this last year, has their strength declined this year?"

"……"Oshitari smiled and said nothing


Even though both sides disliked each other, the game was very intense.

When the first rays of sunlight in the morning passed through the treetops and shone on the faces of the athletes, the game officially began. They had met once last year, in a place unknown to others. The two sides had also played several friendly matches, so they were very familiar with each other.……

""Nio and Yagyu, doubles two."

At the command, Nio and Yagyu stepped into the arena.

"Both...are new faces……"Oshina and Atobe looked at each other and lowered their eyes."Yukimura is really brave, Oshina, you should go for this game.——"

Doubles 2, Atobe is still better���Heart



"Niou-kun, Yagyu-kun, right?"Before the game started, although the two sides could not shake hands, they could say hello.

Oshitari came forward with his Kansai accent, smiled and greeted, and was about to say a few words to see if the two people from Rikkai University were honest boys, but was interrupted by Yagyu.——

"Excuse me, could you please not disturb my concentration!"

Yagyu Biroshi pushed his glasses and said coldly.

It's not that he's squeamish. They were playing golf, and few people talked around before the game started...

Ryooh, who was about to refute him, pursed his lips and held back his words:"……"

Well, he had been so happy recently that he forgot about his partner, who had given him the cold shoulder for half a year at the beginning...

Yagyu Hiroshi looked at Niou and asked,"Do you know anything about these two people?"

""Pu Li~ Didn't you say that we should calm down and concentrate?" Ren Wang said with his eyes curved and funny.

"If I lie to him, you would believe it?" Yagyu Hiroshi said coldly.

Nioh glanced at the other side and suddenly said loudly,"Oh, so you lied to the other side~"

Inuzuka who really heard it:"……"

And Yagyu who was halfway through pushing his eyes:...

Is this intentional?

This person is really a dog! The two of them had the same idea in an instant.

Such a dog-like ending is that Niwang found himself being targeted.



The bright yellow tennis ball brushed past his cheek. If Niou hadn't dodged quickly, the blow would have hit him directly in the face.

"Sorry, I didn't control the ball just now……"Oshitsuki looks apologetic

"Phew~ It's okay……"

Then— whoosh—hand! snap! —racket! thump—the final blow came from his partner’s backstab. Yagyu suddenly jumped behind his right hand to catch the ball. Bang, the ball was in his reach, but his back was also injured.

"hiss——"Ren Wang covered the wound on his back, feeling pain in his body and heart.

He was heartbroken. Wasn't it just a quarrel before the game? As for these two people holding such a grudge!

He said,"Pfft~ If you didn't know, I would have thought you two were partners~"

"What are you talking about, Niwang? I am the partner you personally selected!"Yagyu curled his lips and smiled kindly,"Didn't you choose all this yourself?"You will suffer the consequences if you do evil!

Niwang:"……Haha, what are you hinting at?"


The opponent, Oshitari, was almost laughing to death. In the first game, he could see the internal strife of Rikkai University. Tsk tsk tsk!

If he didn't add fuel to the fire, wouldn't he be unworthy of the name of his opponent?

"Mr. Yagyu, I see that you have a unique character. Do you want to try Hyotei? It would be nice to be my partner.——"

Niou's eyes moved:...He took the bait.

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