"Ahem - no!" Ren Wang turned his head.

How could he be so kind and a man with a moral bottom line, and do something disrespectful?

"Ah——"Byodoin Phoenix smiled. Only he knew whether he believed it or not.

The badge was handed out in the end but not taken back. In the words of Byodoin Phoenix,"You can't take back what you've given away!"

He raised his eyes and said domineeringly,"Don't you think you can't reach this position!"


Maybe even now, he is only a hair's breadth away from becoming the Phoenix of Byodoin. What about three long years later?

""When Byodoin senior was my age, he would be better than me!" He hugged his shoulders and sneered.

Seeing him getting excited, Byodoin Phoenix smiled and said,"Who knows.……"

He thought of an old rival of his."If I must compare, there is someone who knows my condition at that time, and I haven't defeated him yet.——"

""Who!" Too excited, a strange feeling surged in his heart, who could beat the Byodoin Phoenix at that time


He unconsciously clenched his fist on the table, with a little curiosity... with a strange feeling that he couldn't explain. Byodoin

Phoenix was defeated? Haha——

"You have seen it, Oni Jujiro!"The blond man uttered this name.

Niou was stunned,"Is it...him?"

This name is too memorable, it is the red-haired vicissitudes of life uncle I saw in the U17 World Cup before. He looks older than the Phoenix of Byodoin.

"Oh, so he is older than you? If it is because of age, then it is understandable.

"No, we are the same age!"Bidaoin Phoenix dropped a bombshell, which blew Niou away.

"You...what did you say?"

He is now in the second grade of junior high school, and the second grade of Byodoin Phoenix High School. Are you sure that man is not a third grader?

If he is a third grader, he can barely understand it. But the second grader - the white-haired boy seemed to be punched by reality, his mind was dazed, holding his forehead, and his tone was difficult,"Are you...sure you are not kidding me?"

Sorry, he has witnessed that everyone in Honmaru is handsome and beautiful, even the slightly older uncles have clean beards and neat faces, and he really can't accept it. The setting of being 17 years old and looking like 50 years old.

It's uncomfortable!

"He is the same age as me!"When talking about his tragic past, the Phoenix of Byodoin did not sound sad.

No one can stay strong forever. Only losing can arouse the blood of hatred in his heart, which can make him progress faster!

After just half a month in the back mountain, he has been reborn. He stood in front of the man with a new attitude and taught him a lesson.

"What, doesn’t it look alike?"

"Neither of them look like each other. He is one year older than you, I admit that, but this is simply a joke.——"

To put it bluntly...

Ryoou even suspected that Onigijujiro's face had been hit hard by society!

It's too hard!

How can this mean that he has no attachment to life!

"You, do you have to be so vicious?"Baiduin Phoenix said with a smile. Anyway, he was not talking about him, so of course he could accept this fact calmly.

"I'm a little curious, would you dare to say this to him?——"

He half-stretched himself over.

"Phew~ Please don't start a war between me and my future seniors!" What if he continues to play tennis in the future? If I run into Jujiro on the court, I don't want people to expose my past!

"Humph, you're pretending to be a good little white rabbit now!" The Phoenix of Byodoin sneered. She was not like this in front of him.

"I'm always well behaved outside. You can go out and ask about my reputation as Niou Masaharu. It's very good!"

"Is that so?"Baiduin Phoenix expressed doubt

"By the way, the holiday is over, and it will be your third birthday!" He suddenly said

"Yes, what's wrong?"Ren Wang asked

"Your senior...is he interested in joining u17?"

"You mean - Mori-senpai?" Niou grinned,"What do you think, Mori-senpai’s strength is not bad!"

Niou recognized the strength of this senior.

"Senior Maori has no disadvantages in tennis except that he is a little stupid and easy to deceive!"

Baiduin Phoenix snorted coldly,"There are no advantages, right?"



"Is there something wrong with him?"

"My current judgment is that his five-dimensional values are very average, without any outstanding points.——"The blond man's eyes were sharp.

Niou automatically answered the question.:"……He will never reach the top! Right!"

"That’s right!"

The atmosphere was dull for a moment.

"Is there no way to help him improve?"Ren Wang slammed the table, he was anxious.

"He's trying hard now.——"The Phoenix of Byodoin lowered his eyes, with a strange look on his face.

"There seems to be something wrong with the direction we are trying!"

Niou:"What do you mean?""

"He's been getting close to that guy recently! He follows him around all day and rarely goes to school. I guess you haven't seen him either!"


Ren Wang was very surprised. It was the person he understood - a tall figure appeared in his mind, and Ren Wang heard the sound of swallowing his saliva."Is it him?"

"That's right!"

Pah - a crack appeared on the wooden table."Why did that man do that?"

Anger was not enough to describe Niou's expression at the moment. His face was full of ferocity, expressing his dissatisfaction."Is Mori-senpai blind? If you can't learn from anyone, you can learn from Byodoin-senpai!""

"I don't think my teaching philosophy is suitable for him!"Bidaoin Phoenix thought of how he always made sarcastic remarks, and now he had made such a sarcastic remark that he wanted to fight him to the death.

He thought that Maori Jusaburo would be better off following Yuezhi Gekko.

"……"When did this happen? How come he didn't know? A sour feeling suddenly surged in my heart.

I was watching over you every day, and you found a second brother in the blink of an eye?

This is too much!

You want to kill me!


Just now the table was broken, and now even the cup in front of the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple could not be saved.

The aura condensed in an instant, and the silver-white hair seemed to be dyed with the color of swords and scattered in the air."I don't welcome people who do two things at the same time here!"

Niwang held a teacup in his hand. This was the only intact object left in his sight.

"What did you misunderstand?" Byodoin Phoenix was unusually calm, as if she could not feel Niou's anger and said,"Why don't you go and feel it yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Ren Wang was still rational. When he heard the word"misunderstanding", the string of rationality in his mind bounced back a little.


Do you want to visit U17 in advance?"The blond man finally told the real purpose of his coming here and lured the person away.:"……"

I want to go but I don’t want to go!

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