After five minutes of hesitation,

"Night……"Sayo Sawamonji, who was called by Niou to serve tea, looked up at her lord blankly,"What's the matter, lord?"

"Where is Souzo?" He leaned close to Sayo Sawamonji's ear like a thief.


In the martial arts arena, he seems to be sharpening his sword!" Saya Samonji said.:"……"

Hearing this, Niou went over the map of Honmaru in his mind and exhaled,"Hmm... Not bad, the martial arts field is... Quite far from here!"

Perfect, he could sneak out without anyone noticing.

He turned around and looked at the Phoenix of Byodoin with shining eyes,"Didn't you say you wanted to go out and play? Let's go!" He was so excited just thinking about going to the U17 venue in advance to experience the champions' venue!

"……How about we do it another day?" The Phoenix of Byodoin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a wooden face.

"Phew~ If I remember correctly, you were the one who brought it up first, right?"When did the Phoenix of Byodoin become like this? Why don't you keep your word?

Nioh was a little unhappy

"���My family has some ideas.……"

That word just now made him a little scared!

"Are you going or not?" Ren Wang, who didn't hear anything wrong in the conversation between him and Xiaoye, sneered,"Our Xiaoye is the most obedient and well-behaved knife. With just a handful of persimmon candies, anything can be solved!"

"Even if you are the Phoenix of Byodoin, you can't slander my sword and say that he has ideas!"

Although there is nothing wrong with the literal meaning, the tone of Byodoin Phoenix sounds wrong.

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"I'm not talking about him!

"Let's go!" said the Phoenix of Byodoin, putting down the cup. He was cowardly for only a moment!

His purpose of coming here was to kidnap someone, now that the King of Ni has agreed. Although he was a little afraid of the knife that was sharpening towards pigs and sheep... but as a man, you have to face the difficulties and rush forward!

If you don't even have this little courage, how can you kidnap someone to your home in the future?

"Let's go!"

Everyone in Rikkai is a man of action.

"Is Mr. Maori here too?" asked Niou

"In, he was called over for training in advance!" Byodoin Phoenix said,"However, it's New Year's Day and everyone is on holiday, so you probably won't see him!"

"It's okay!"Small problem. He is only one year older than Maori. We will meet in U17 in the future.


When they reached the gate, Niou showed the Byodoin Phoenix the magical gate of their Honmaru. The Byodoin Phoenix came here through the gate of Kyoto. I thought I would have to take a train to Tokyo first when I took Niou to U17, but now I only need to take the city bus.

"It’s really convenient!"

"It is convenient, but obtaining this right is no joke!"Thinking of his great achievements and hard work on various battlefields, Ren Wang sighed,"Have you read the letter I wrote to you last time?" It's called a letter

, but in fact it only contains a string of English!

"【Phantom galaxy】Phantom galaxy! Send me a message. What does this mean?"

"Understand it yourself!"When this topic was suddenly brought up, Nioh was a little embarrassed about the name he came up with. What if he was disliked by others? He didn't want to tell the real reason for a moment, and let the Byodoin Phoenix guess it himself.

"Ah——"He hehe, the only person who dared to talk to him like that was the person in front of him. However, the guessing process was very interesting, it was just like an appetizer.

"Let's go!"

A flash of white light, the two stepped into a new world, outside was the streets of Tokyo.

As the largest city in Japan, the New Year's Eve atmosphere here is particularly strong. During the holidays, there are night markets and small streets to visit every night. Many young couples hold hands, wear ethnic costumes, and are intimate here.……

"How about we go over there?"Looking at the inseparable couple in front of him, Ren Wang felt a little embarrassed.

It was too much for him to control himself in the broad daylight.——


The Phoenix of Byodoin is super obedient at this moment.

"I should still have the city bus, let's go!"Baiduin Phoenix's home is in Kyoto. If he wants to go to U17, he usually takes the train to Tokyo first, and then takes a bus. When you are unhappy or confused, choose to walk - in short, there are many ways... But it's the first time to take the bus with others!

After paying for two people, the two sat side by side on the seats. The mountain road was rugged and there were always bumps. In previous years, Niwang, who often used the skills of playing to travel through time, had a little trouble grasping the center of gravity - when the road turned sharply and the vehicle tilted, bang~ hit the person next to him!


The man beside him also didn't turn his head back, but kept his posture and stretched out one hand, wrapped around his shoulders, and held him in his arm.

Ren Wang turned his head in surprise, and heard a voice coming,"It's safer this way, the slopes and turns will be bigger and more!"



Then... that's it!

It was a snowy day when they got off the car, but they were like in a sauna, their ears were red, and their hair was quite long, covering their calm faces, which didn't seem


Ahem... We have to walk the next section by ourselves!" said the Phoenix of Byodoin , pointing at the sign.

"Isn't it illegal for me to come here?" asked the King.

"It's okay, I'll guarantee it for you!"

Although he is not a coach yet, he has much more power than ordinary people. Noticing that the hands and feet of the person next to him were a little stiff due to the air conditioning in the car, he took the tennis bag from the other person and put it on his back.

"Will you continue to play tennis in the future?" Ren Wang asked without arguing with him.

""Maybe!" The Phoenix of Byodoin thought,"Maybe, maybe not!"

He himself has the mindset of a king. If there is a successor, the king should be able to step down from the throne safely and return to ordinary life. But if the younger generation is a pile of mud, even if he has to fight to the death, he will stand there until the challenger one day defeats him under the throne!

"Now I have the urge to do something else.……"

"Because you have an heir?" Ren Wang's tone was not good, and he thought of the man he was talking about.

"Yes!" The Phoenix of Byodoin looked back, but it was him he was looking at.

Niou sneered,"Why are you looking at me? Since you are thinking about someone else, then let that person be your successor!"

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