"Yanagi, you can't be so terrible!" Even though he had all kinds of family training and countless hidden skills, he couldn't resist Yanagi's digging for knowledge.

Yanagi Renji curled his lips,"Nio, I'm doing this for your own good. I need to know more about your strength so that you can show more grace on the court, right!"

Seeing that Nio was about to refute, he turned his head and said,"What do you think, Yukimura?……"

"I also think that Rikkai University's victory is the most important, right, Nioh!"


You are so powerful now, whatever you say is right.

Niou secretly swore in his heart that he must improve his tennis skills in the future. When his strength improves to the point that no one dares to provoke him, he will definitely press Yukimura to the ground and rub him again and again.

Now... whatever you say is right

"Puff……"Yagyu couldn't help laughing when he saw Niwang like this. He had never seen Niwang eating a turtle before. This was the first time. It was so novel.……

"That's right!"Yagyu patted Niou's shoulder,"Just now at the game, what happened to that group of people?"

After the game, he glanced and saw that the people had disappeared. Niou said that he had nothing to do with that group of people, but Yagyu Biroshi always felt that things were not that simple.

"Puff~……"Niou spread his hands and said,"How should I know!"

He was not a member of Houmura, so how could he understand what Suohon was doing with this group of people.

And... there was a new face——

"Nioh, I'm so thirsty, can you buy me a drink?……"Marui looked like a young master and said to Niohndo

"Ah, why do you want me to buy water?" He took out a functional drink specially for athletes and said,"Can't I drink this?"

"Alas, I don't know who caused this today. I can't compete.……"He sighed in a pretentious manner, and Ren Wang was speechless.

"What do you want to drink? What do you want to drink? I'll go buy it.——"

Some people were laughing, and even the most serious Sanada offered Niou a drink."……"

This...are you sure this wasn't planned in advance


"You have so many things, don't complain that I come back late——"

"Go ahead!"

Ren Wang sighed and left everyone's sight. As soon as he turned the corner, he met a young man with an exceptionally gentle temperament.

Time went back to five minutes ago.——

"His match is about to end."As experts in fighting, a bunch of people can see that the outcome of this match is about to be decided.

""Sir, our time is almost up." Kusanagi Izumo reminded them.

Although they had nothing big to do today, they still had some small things to deal with. If they didn't leave, they might not be able to keep up.……

"Let's go!"

Jutsu Tadara was about to leave, but when he looked down, he saw Kushina Anna looking at the court again and again with reluctance. He pulled Kusanagi Izumo's clothes and asked,"What... is going on? It can't be that our little Anna has fallen in love for the first time, right?……"

"Anna has been particularly fond of this guy named Niou Masaru since she last met him."Izumo Kusanagi smiled and said,"In his own words, from the day Niou appeared, his world suddenly had a touch of soft white.……"

"Oh~" Jushu Duoduoliang understood. No wonder Zun and everyone was so bothered by this guy.

Their little Anna could only see red through the glass ball, and could not see other colors. If she could see a touch of white, the world would be much softer~

"You must try your best to bring him to our house!"

"Haha, I'm afraid it's not easy to kidnap him!" Kusanagi Izumo said with a smile."That child's willpower is stronger than we thought!"


"It doesn't matter, life is all about trying!"

Totsuka Tadoroki didn't intend to give up easily. For him, since the little princess Anna had a new color, he had to try his best!

"Izumo, you guys go first!" He said with a smile.

"What, do you have any plans?" Kusanagi Izumo asked

"Well, try your best.——"Their little princess is the most important.


So, when Ren Wang came out to buy water, he met——

"Hello, Niou-kun, how are you?"

——Enthusiastic Toushu Tadoyoshi!

"It was you who took the photo for me." Niou chuckled helplessly,"If you are here to persuade me to join, forget it. I won't join a gang!"

Jutsu Duoduo said with a guilty conscience, this guy is indeed the same as Izumo said, but - he underestimated his patience and willpower.

"Niou-kun, let’s not talk about whether to join or not, do you want to be friends first?" Jutsu Tadara smiled gently and stretched out his hands,"In this era, more friends mean more ways out - your team is so strong, you will inevitably come to Tokyo to play games in the future. If anything goes wrong, I can help solve it!"

His eyes flashed, and a sharp light flashed across his eyes,"After all, this era is not safe!"


I remember the last time he took the initiative to add me to the communication

"Sure!"No harm!

So - two people who met for the first time became friends in the address book. And……"Why don't you want to join Houmaru?……"

As soon as Niou opened his mouth, Jutsu Tadara said,"Haha, don't use the excuses you gave them to fool me! Although my strength is not strong, my observation ability is first-class.……"

He is a handsome man who is gentle and wise.

Niou paused, looked at him, and confirmed this fact.

Whether it is in the information or in person, Jutsu Tadara is a person who is fragile on the surface but gentle and strong on the inside, otherwise he would not have become a member of the Red King's clan.

After the conversation, Niou planned to buy water. After all, there are so many people who are hungry for water~

"Do you have anything else to do?" asked Jutsu Tadara.

"Does feeding others count?" Ren Wang said with a smile

"That's great. I'll go with you. They're also going in that direction.——"Shishu Duoduo was just trying to improve their relationship.

The two of them were walking on the road, and he was talking to them.

"By the way, what is your impression of Anna?"He asked tentatively

"Kushina Anna? A very cute little girl, what happened? Is she having difficulty studying?"

"Ah? Studying?"

Ren Wang paused, looking at Jutsu Tadara with a strange expression,"At her age, you wouldn't have not let her go to school, right?"

Jutsu Tadara:"……"

It sounds like it is indeed their fault!

The white-haired boy looked at him with a sharp gaze, and the gentle young man's forehead was covered with cold sweat."……"What should I do? It seems that I can't get out of this matter no matter what.

"Well, let's go back and discuss it, and make sure Anna can enroll in school as soon as possible!" This has to be brought up on a daily basis. I came here to make friends, but I felt like I was being condemned. This feeling is really...

Renwang was about to say something and asked if anyone needed recommendations for some better schools, when suddenly a loud shout came from not far away,"What do you guys in blue clothes want to do?"

"This is our Houmaru's business, why are you here to make trouble!"

Jutsu Tadara frowned,"Nio-kun, I'm sorry, I'll go first, it's quite dangerous here, you leave quickly……"

He ran away like the wind, leaving Ren Wang alone,"Pu Li~"

【Haha, you should hurry over there too, there's something exciting to watch! 】

The voice in my head started to become active after Jutsu Tadara left.

【What on earth are you?】Ren Wang paused and asked.

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