[Of course, I am a famous sword.——】The silver fox put his hands on his hips in Niou's mind and said arrogantly.

Then he changed his appearance and said servilely,"Since you are a Shinsengumi, just take me as an ordinary sword. I promise to work hard and never cause any trouble. I won't bring any trouble home!"】

【Haha, I've never seen a sword like this before!] Niou sneered, [Then explain to me why you turned into a fox instead of a human?]

How can a proper sword turn into a fox? This is not Kitsune no Suke.

Silver Fox:【……】

How to explain this matter


【Actually, it is not an ordinary sword, because I am not yet 99 years old.

A normal sword tsukumogami needs to be 99 years old before it can transform into a human. But this one is a modern artifact!

【What do you mean?】Ren Wang stood there with his arms crossed and questioned,【If you don't tell the truth, there will be no discussion about anything that comes next!】

In fact, Ren Wang didn't want to accept it, but this guy kept breaking into his brain space, which was too free. He had to find out the details first.

【Well, my full name is Damocles Sword!】

Rio's heart skipped a beat. Isn't this name the King's Sword?

This society not only has a government of the time, but also seven kings. The first king is the Silver King, and the second king is the Gold King. They have never changed since the beginning. The third king is currently Suho Takashi of Homura.

The fourth king is Munakata Reiji of Clan Scepter 4.

He has only heard of these names, but——

【Can the Sword of Damocles be transformed into something?】This is really a bit... well, it shocked Nioh's worldview.

【Of course, they can't, but I can——】The silver fox was very proud of himself. His greatest ability was transformation.

Other kings had their own fixed abilities, but he was the only one who could transform freely according to current events and the characteristics of his master. This was one of the reasons why he came to Niou.

The little fox valued Niou's various changes.

【I have changed many masters now, but none of them are satisfied. They all get a part of my ability - but not all! 】The little fox shook his tail and felt very aggrieved,"I just want to find a master who is satisfactory to me!"

I thought that this wish would never come true in this life, but I met the golden apple of Niwang.

【Just accept me, I promise not to make trouble, just treat me like a pair of swords! 】

It raised its head and cutely pulled the trouser legs of Ren Wang twice, [I am really easy to raise - not only can I increase your strength, even if you don’t become a king in the future, the strength will be yours, this deal is very cost-effective! 】

Who can refuse a soft and cute little fox? And this fox is also opening its big eyes and acting coquettishly to you - the answer is - yes!

To reject a fox, you only need another fox!

【Sorry, there are too many knife experts in my family, so it is not suitable for newcomers, so you should go away.——】Niou sneered in his heart, did he think he had never raised a tsukumogami?

Although this fox is different from ordinary tsukumogami, the essence is the same, and they have a very high possessiveness towards their master.

In the legend of Japan, there have been legends of being hidden by gods in every dynasty, which means that humans are too pleasing to the gods, so the gods abducted the humans and treated them as their own private property.

He is now backed by the Time Government, which controls the entire sword system. In addition, he himself has outstanding spiritual power, and the swords have been getting along for many years, forming a harmonious state. That's why there were no accidents - if there is another inexplicable thing at this time, once the swords in the house start to make trouble - this will not be a simple end!


【It’s true that I like to watch the fun, but I don’t like to cause trouble, so you’d better change your owner!】

【But I like you……】Silver Fox's Affectionate Confession

【Haha, the Damocles Tablet has been around for half a century. You had many masters before me, so you can just find a similar one! He waved his hand and said nonchalantly,"As a human being, just make do with what you have. Don't be so demanding!"

After saying that, he didn't want to listen to the little fox's chatter anymore, so he shook his spiritual consciousness and kicked the fox out.

【Hmm? How did you do it... I will definitely come back! 】

As the voice of the silver fox faded away, Ren Wang sneered,"Idiot, if I didn't have some tricks, how do you think I could have subdued those knife-wielding spirits at home!"

I thought it was a fox, and was quite smart, but I didn't expect it to be just a little idiot!

【Kitsunesuke——】Since the incident with the silver fox, Kitsunesuke has been following Niou.

The air behind him suddenly rippled, and a cute little fat fox walked out of the unexpected space,"Shinsen-sama, I'm here!】

【Use my authority and yours together to send all the information you can find about the Seventh King to my phone.——】The Shinsengumi are also divided into different levels of authority, and Nioh has already reached the highest level due to his natural talents from years of fighting.

【Only the seventh? Don't you need the others?】 Kitsunesuke tilted his head.

【Seventh is OK——】Ren Wang pouted. He didn't like to do extra work. The little fox was in charge of changes. It was different from the ordinary kings, so it could only be the seventh one - just look for it!


Kitsunesuke left with a flick of his tail.

Niou looked at the silent air. The sounds of fighting in the distance were getting louder and louder, and even various curse words appeared.

Thinking of the poor Anna Kushina who couldn't even go to school, and... being rejected twice���The Red King who used to be gentle to him.

Niou couldn't turn around and leave cruelly after all - oh ~ forget it, although I'm not a king, but for the sake of that little girl.

Niou, who was learning reconnaissance from the short swords, held his breath, and quietly touched the nearby area without anyone noticing.

When he arrived at the place, Niou realized that he had thought too simply. The scene was in chaos, and it was not a fight between two kings as he imagined, but a three-way melee!

A group of cats and dogs were barking there, and the target was a group of people with mixed clothes and unknown forces not far away.

Suoh-san and Kushina Anna and someone he didn't know, who was obviously from Houmaira, stood by the cats and dogs.

The blonde woman in the blue uniform stood a little further away, staring at Suoh-san with a fierce look. It seemed that if he made a slight move, she would immediately draw her sword and stab him - everything was normal here, and the situation was very clear. Suoh-san of Houmaira came to attack the cat-teasing organization. He happened to meet Scepter 4 here.

It's other people who are abnormal——

"Why do people fight when the conflict can be avoided with just one sentence?"And it turned into a three-way melee!

No matter how strong this organization of cats and dogs is, it is definitely not a match for Houmaru. As long as Scepter 4 was watching, this matter would have ended long ago.

But now -

Houmaru and Scepter 4 are fighting - and then a group of blue uniforms from Scepter 4 are fighting with cats and dogs.

The cats and dogs are still there accusing the people who caught them.

The scene is really chaotic~

Niou sighed and confirmed the position of Kushina Anna. The little girl stood beside Suohono obediently. Although it was not good to watch others fighting at such a young age, it was safe enough. In this case, there was nothing for him to do...

Let's go!

Niou turned around and planned to leave, but he didn't expect that a small black flying knife, whoosh - flew over his head.

Then, bang - it was inserted into the big tree behind him. Niou dodged in an emergency and avoided it in a hurry. After touching the hair on the top of his head and making sure that there was no missing hair, the white-haired boy got angry - puff~ He came to help, but was attacked!

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