Phew~ Who has no eyes? Why hurt innocent people!

Ren Wang touched his intact hair in fear and cursed him in his heart.

He glanced at the short knife on the treetop next to him. At first he thought it was a short knife, but now he realized it was a dagger.


Who among a group of people uses a dagger?

The answer is obvious!

——Fushimi Saruhiko!

Niou bared his teeth, smiling exceptionally brightly, and turned his gaze back to the battlefield.

Look what he found... This guy's dagger hurt an innocent person like him, but he was still focused on chasing after Hatta Misaki, haha - very good!

Very good!

——Unrepentant and arrogant!

Aggravated crime!

The white-haired boy in the corner smiled sinisterly -

Fushimi Saruhiko and Hatta Misaki were fighting fiercely here, one playing with fire, the other with swords. Skateboards and baseball bats versus knives and daggers, you go back and forth, each move is aimed at the opponent's weak spot. Looks like they are fighting desperately...

Scepter 4 and Houmaira's people have long been accustomed to it, no one disturbs their daily duel - everything looks no different from usual, except - whoosh

- a short knife shot from an unknown direction brushed Fushimi Saruhiko's cheek, and the blue-haired young man tilted his head to avoid it. Suddenly I felt a pain on my face, and when I touched it, it was bleeding!

"Tsk——Who is this blind person?——"How dare you interrupt his and Misaki's fun!


A sword rang.

The overwhelming cold pressure rushed straight to his head. His instinct from years of frontline fighting told him that he was about to be attacked from behind. Fushimi Saruhiko didn't have time to get angry at all. He quickly dodged to the side. The next second, a silver-white blade slid past where he was originally standing - it was a long sword - in terms of size, it was - a katana!

The blade was extremely thin but extremely sharp. When passing by, Fushimi Saruhiko even felt the knife in the other's hand. There was a fear that it could split the space...

Who was it -

Fushimi Saruhiko frowned and was about to look back - a strand of white hair suddenly appeared in his eyes, and disappeared completely in an instant.

His pupils constricted. This skill - bang!

Something similar to a knife handle hit his back hard.

Fushimi Saruhiko cried out in pain, threw a dagger out to block it, and quickly jumped back three steps.

"Hey, Monkey, what's wrong with you?"Yata Misaki also noticed that something was wrong with him and asked hurriedly

"Someone just attacked me.——"Fushimi Saruhiko was no longer able to guard against Hatta Misaki."Don't attack me at this time.……"

He never doubted that Hatta Misaki would attack

"Humph, how is that possible!"Yata Misaki snorted coldly, turned the baseball bat, and aimed it at the space that Fushimi Saruhiko had just led.

"I just saw a white shadow and thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me.……"

"Humph, what can you see with your eyes!" Fushimi Saruhiko sneered, with an even colder look in his eyes. To be able to deceive Hatta Misaki's eyes... this guy is not simple!

And there is a dagger!

Fushimi Saruhiko lowered his head and saw at a glance that the dagger was his. He just danced the dagger wildly, as if he had flown it into the woods.

Behind the tree on the other side.

Niwang silently closed the silver-white blade,"Pu Li~" He had already avenged himself and could leave. He yawned with his hands covering his mouth, stretched his waist, and quietly leaned over to take a look at the center of the battlefield. The two people who were fighting stopped, and looked at the place where he had just been with a serious face.

Niwang sneered in his heart,"Humph... let you hurt innocent people!" Just be vigilant like this!

He left!

Niwang patted his butt and walked away from the battlefield. Half an hour later, he returned to the team with water.

"Senior Niou, you are so slow! We have finished the game, but you are still not back.……"Kirihara Akaya said bitterly,"I'm so thirsty!"

"Give it, give it, give it!"

Niou looked at the fluffy dog with amusement. Just looking at this pitiful appearance. Who would have thought that he was the red-eyed devil on the court...

That's right, despite the recent Kanto tournament, Kirihara Akaya's name has already become famous in the junior high school tennis world.

The red-eyed devil, the white-haired devil - plus the bonus of Rikkai University itself, it has definitely confirmed the most terrifying rumor of the new generation of Rikkai University.

In short……

"Akaya, it would be great if you could stay like this in the game!"

Don't let me see those shocking scenes again.

Kirihara Akaya took the water, his eyes wandering,"This may be a little difficult——"

He glanced at Ren Wang with an accusing look in his eyes, muttering,"Senior Ren Wang, you have the nerve to say that I am the scariest person. It's not me at all, okay?……"

"What did you say?"Rio's question was a simple one, but in Kirihara's eyes it was like the low hum of a demon from hell.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything!"

He is innocent, always innocent, especially innocent——

"Helping others, what did you help with?" Marui Bunta glanced up and down,"Did you break your knee and make it bleed?"

This is really a loss!

"Phew~ I can't just watch and do nothing."

Ryo had just come back from something that happened on the way. He thought he had avoided Houmaira and Scepter 4, but he didn't expect to meet an injured person on the way back.

Or a suspected injured person - this person appeared very abruptly, as if he appeared here out of thin air, but - he was bleeding and injured very seriously.

From a distance, his whole body was red, and it was impossible to tell his condition.

"Hello, do you need any help?" As soon as Ren Wang got closer, he smelled the strong smell of blood and a dark breath on the other person.

He had only smelled it when he was on a battle mission before. It was - the Time Traveling Army.

Ren Wang immediately knew that he couldn't just ignore it,"Are you in any danger?"

��The sword condensed by the spiritual power in the middle has not completely dissipated. He drew out the sword without hesitation. The scabbard turned into a silver-white spiritual power and disappeared. He held the sword in one hand and stepped forward. He stood in front of the man, his eyes kept turning, and he looked around vigilantly.——

" quickly, there are strange monsters here!" The man's weak voice came.

Ren Wang also got closer and found that this man was actually blonde. His hair was stained with blood, so it was red... The blood stained his entire cheek, and he couldn't see his appearance at all.

"I know, I'm here to get rid of this monster——"He gripped the knife tightly,"You've done well, you must hold on.——"

After hearing this, the Phoenix of Byodoin, who had been looking down, laughed. It had been a long time since he had been told by someone in a teaching tone,"You have done a good job!" This was really an experience he hadn't had in a long time.


"I have destroyed that thing, and there are still some remains of the body there. Can you help me deal with it?"

He is a member of the Byodoin family, how could it be possible that

Byodoin Phoenix raised his eyes and was about to see the face of the person in front of him, but was suddenly shocked by the surrounding scenery."——What is this place?" he asked in surprise

"Of course it’s the 21st century!"Ren Wang wanted to touch his head to see if he was normal.

"Present world!"

Ren Wang was stunned, then realized that he was——"In which era did you destroy the Time Travel Army?"

To be honest, it was the first time he saw a Shinsengumi in his own world.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get excited. After seeing his embarrassment and injuries, he couldn't help but worry about him."This place is very safe.——"

""Well, help me up!"

He had killed dozens of monsters by himself, and was now extremely exhausted. If he were an ordinary person, he would still be willing to put on a disgrace, but since he was one of his own and knew the inside story, there was no need for him to put on airs!

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